P Diddy on Sarah Palin

Filed in National by on September 2, 2008

This is not safe for work. Turn down the volume if kids are around. Very funny stuff.


Alaska M-Fer?

h/t delyo

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  1. From Where I Sit........ says:

    ‘Effin’ Hilarious!!!!! Awesome!!!

    Diddy, he da man!

    I’d give something very dear to have an original :

    Go ,Diddy, Go……….get all the yuf together ’cause you are the future.

  2. and this guy is almost a billionaire. He’s a fucking idiot

  3. liberalgeek says:

    I know. You’d think you’d at least be a millionaire by now, eh?

  4. Man of Your Word? says:

    VOTE OR DIE, diddy!


    Be a man and complete the deal…..

  5. Bookem says:

    Sounds like the perfect spokesman for the Obama campaign.

  6. DavidV says:

    He’s just saying what everyones else (with the exception of the evangelical nut jobs) is thinking

  7. Bookem says:

    Funny, I’m not an “evangelical nut job” and thats not what I’m thinking.

    Please oh please make him the campaign spokesman Mr. Obama!!

  8. Joanne Christian says:

    One more reason to vote for that POW…..

  9. RickJ19958 says:

    Is this the same guy who asked his Saudi brothers and sisters for free oil so he wouldn’t have to fly commercial?


    Oh, yeah. Wonderful spokesman.

  10. Joe M says:

    21 seconds is how far I made it into that awful, spinning pile of shit.

    Advice: If you want people to listen to you, at least attempt to sound like an educated American.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    Oh..It’s crazy. It’s hard to watch…No it hurts to watch. But it cracks me up.

  12. Joe M says:

    Well, I will take comfort in your enjoyment and personally forget that “Diddy” has vocal chords, LG 🙂

  13. joe says:

    This is super – it’s almost as good as some other celebrity endorsements, like when Ashton Kutcher, Glenn Close, Dennis Hopper, Jennifer Garner, Larry David, Barbra Streisand and Rita Wilson endorsed, um, Jonathan Edwards… well, nevermind. Go Sean, er, Puff, um I mean, P Diddy. Yeah – he’s not self-obsessed and he’s certainly down-to-earth. GO DIDDY GO!!

  14. Joe M says:

    My sarcasm detector just exploded.

  15. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Thanks Geek for drawing out the true colors (pun intended) of your readers. (Oh, yes, and for the video too…I’ve forwarded it many.)

  16. joe says:

    Super move – forward this to as many people as possible… seriously. It is the kind of indepth analysis that is needed in an hour such as this. I’m glad you can discern that Diddy is a prophetic voice in our culture and in our nation’s most important decision! With wisdom such as,

    “Yo I’m a gangsta, outlaw; indoor, outdoor
    Nig*a tell me, right, Loon goin south paw (that’s right)
    It’s Bad Boy we don’t give a f*** about y’all (that’s right)
    Step in the room see the bit*h come up out y’all (that’s right)
    I f*** with nig*as but it’s something about y’all (uh huh)
    Actin like Loon can’t do sh** without y’all (c’mon)….
    I love when the women scream “Hey Papi” (that’s right)
    I love when a chick leave my crib knock-kneed (c’mon)…” – On Top

    …we cannot go wrong. Incisive, to the point, and thought-provoking to say the least. Almost Dylan-esque in his insight into the human condition.

  17. g landon says:

    Not voting for Obama is payback for O.J. Simpson!!

  18. tiffany says:

    that was the most ludacris thing ive ever watched in my life.

    talk about the fact that money cant buy knowledge.

    i love seeing how completely ignorant people think about alaska. maybe instead of talkin badly he should go there and check it out.
    “there aint even crack heads in alaska”
    MY favorite line…and are you kidding me…im from alaska and its insulting to think that someone from here is never considered anything.

    well look at us now. Sarah Palin is amazing!

  19. D Piddly says:

    Hey Diddy,

    Please hang out with Suge Knight more often. Preferrably late at night near sketchy street corners.

  20. Drew says:

    Haha – you’re an idiot. There is a higher percentage of Black People in Alaska than there is in the CITY YOU LIVE IN TODAY! Haha – are there crack heads in your neighborhood Puffy?

  21. roberta says:

    Dear diddy, I am so sorry that you do not know how to speak english. Black policies are not the only policies to get familiar with. Before you speak you really should work on research You say you do not even know if there are black people, crackheads, which let me remind you do not come in any particular color or for the matter diverse people in alaska .let me tell you something you may not be familiar with. Children with any disabilities are a very diverse group which come in many colors. I live in a neighborhood with many different cultures and you should try to be a role model for at least speaking proper english and not cursing every other word out of your mouth. I hope your children are blessed with no disabilities but please make more of a difference in this world. If you want to vote for Mr Obama fine but do not disrespect other cultures and certainly help the youth become educated on the facts of the world not only the black facts as you so strongly word it. I am an American that helps all regardless of color and you should do the same God Bless You

  22. pandora says:

    I guess humor is dead.

  23. cindy says:

    Their is no humor in war

  24. mike w. says:

    This is politics, not war.

  25. jason says:

    Don’t the politicians have anything to do with the decisions What world do you live in? I guess your own ha