Delaware Liberal Endorsements – Part 4

Filed in National by on September 4, 2008

United States House of Representative:

Jerry Northington is a principled opponent of the Iraq War and desires to tackle poverty. He has thought out the issues facing us and speaks fluently and in detail on how he would help to address these issues in Congress. Since fundraising and basic campaign performance up to this point indicates that neither of the three candidates has any chance to beat Castle, we prefer to reward Jerry with our support rather than Karen Hartley Nagle or Mike Miller.  Indeed, if either Karen or Mike had used the primary season to lay a glove on Mike Castle this might have been a more difficult decision to make. As it stands, there is no need to pick between heart and hustle in this contest.    

Finally, Jerry is a longtime friend of the netroots and the blogosphere (although we note that none of the candidates took advantage of or tried to energize the local netroots which is puzzling). He is known as “Possum” on Daily Kos. He heeded the call to action to have progressive candidates run in primaries across this land so that we can slowly retake our party from those who are afraid to be Democrats in the first place, and from those who have voted for the war and with the Bush Administration. We must reward such personal dedication. Delaware Liberal endorses Jerry Northington. 

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Digby says:

    jason, how did you all come to decide who to endorse? was it something that you sat down and did collectively or was it something that you did on your own?

    i was just curious.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    We all weighed in. It would take a veto of two writers to scuttle an endorsement.

  3. Digby says:


  4. Rebecca says:

    I will be proud to have Jerry on the Democratic ticket in November.

  5. SaintGenesius says:

    EXCELLENT CHOICE! Great Job Jason and the entire DL Team!

  6. SaintGenesius says:

    I would take exception to the notion that Northington can’t beat Mike Castle. If you look at Castle’s record in Congress, he is as vulnerable as any GOP “moderate,” especially this year when the DNC and most DCCC will want to do very well in Delaware because of Joe Biden being on the national ticket.

    Aside from that, Northington is a clear difference from Castle’s failed policies of the past. If the netroots, blogosphere, liberals and progressives get behind Northington in the general election, he certainy can win against someone like Castle.

    Castle is a nice guy, but he’s the wrong guy for Delaware.

  7. Nance in Wilmington says:

    Coalition of Community Organizations (COCO) picks:

    Congress: Karen Hartley-Nagle
    Governor: Jack Markell
    Insurance Commish: Tom Savage
    County Executive: Tom Gordon
    County Council Pres: Bill Dunn

    Mayor of Wilm: Robert Bovell

    City Council at large: Sam Guy

    City Council: Charles Potter, Jr.
    Mac Cochran
    Devon Hynson

    All our members voted.

    *Karen Hartley-Nagle, didn’t just decide to run a few months before the election, but has been working on major issues for last 6 years. She is well known among voters statewide. Karen has endorsements from labor, elected officials and the majority of RD’s who endorsed statewide. Go to her website: for a full list of her endorsements.

  8. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo wants to know, does COCO have a website, or is it, as one would think having read the endorsements, simply a loose confederation of COCOnuts?

  9. cassandra_m says:

    I’d like to know that too. I’m in charge of a Community Organization and we don’t know about this.

  10. (COPR lol) says:

    The Committee of Partisan Rejects (COPR) has issued their endorsements. They were voted by secret ballot in an paper ACME bag… Only votes written in number 2 pencil were included…

    Congress: Mike Castle
    Governor: Bill Lee
    Insurance Commish: Liz Allen
    County Executive: Tom Gordon
    County Council Pres: Paul Clark

    Ours is the ultimate endorsement. Stay tune for our General Elections picks…

  11. Bob Cooper says:

    “Karen has endorsements from labor, elected officials and the majority of RD’s who endorsed statewide. Go to her website: for a full list of her endorsements.”

    Karen Hartley-Nagle claims a lot of endorsements, but at LEAST one of the endrosements on her website isn’t true. The Young Democrats endorsed Northington –one wonders how many of the other endorsements are figments of her imagination?

  12. Nance in Wilmington says:

    Bob Cooper: The Young democrats have indeed endorsed Karen. Northington didn’t bother to show up.

    She has other labor endorsements that aren’t up on the website yet. Good try, Bob.

    On the issues of who is COCO, goes to show how little you know about organizations in the City of Wilmington. We have endorsed many public issues, i.e. wind power, ending Cherry Island landfill overflow, supported Charles Potter and the banning of the Patriot in the City of Wilmington, and are very involved with communites and problem solving. Guess you all don’t know it all.

  13. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo will ask again, exactly who are “we”? You present yourselves, or is that ‘yourself’, as a coalition of community organizations. Names, please.

  14. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo did a Google search, ‘COCO’ crossed w/Delaware. The name does pop up, but the name of only one person belonging to the organization appears in any of the items that El Somnambulo read…the name of Liz Allen. (You can do it yourself, it’s easy!)

    So, unless there is information to the contrary, El Somnambulo will have no choice but to believe that COCOLOCO is/was under the sole proprietorship of La Liz.

  15. liz allen says:

    El Sombrero! COCO a community organizationa has bee active in Delaware since 1995. Ever heard of Mandella Khan, or Jalaal Karim Bey? The Chair and Vice Chair. I am the secretary for the group.

    We have lots of members who also in NAACP, but of course you progressives who have know knowledge of groups in the city, can make all the wise cracks you wish.

    We have endorsed single payer health care, we support wind power, s0lar and green energy. We support green schools and we worked with the Superior Court Judges to “end mandatory sentences” for drug offenders. We prefer drug treatment rather than prison.

    No I am not the sole proprietor, just the Secretary nice try with the spin though. You might actually attend some of the community meetings in Wilmington and meet some of the people working behind the scenes for change. And yes there are other organizations who work with us…but of course you wouldnt know that.

    Now lets see if this post actually posts!

  16. carolyn jones says:

    El Som! Since I am blocked by this blog from posting in my own name let me enlighten you.

    COCO is an organization that has been around since 1995. We have worked on many issues dealing with crime, drugs and other inner city problems. In fact, our group met with 4 of the Superior Court judges on multiple occasions to end the courts sending drug offenders to jail, but rather to drug treatment centers.

    I am the Secretary of the Group and if you know anything perhaps these two names are known to you. Mandella Khan is our Chair, Jalaal Karem Bey is our Vice Chair. Many of our members are also NAACP members, and regular citizens fed up with the way the city government handles a variety of issues.

    We meet in a church basement, and no we don’t have a website…just good community members working together. We are all very politically involved, know all the players and yes we took our vote based on our platforms.

    Thanks for asking.

  17. Bob Cooper says:

    “Nance in Wilmington // Sep 4, 2008 at 12:37 pm

    Bob Cooper: The Young democrats have indeed endorsed Karen. Northington didn’t bother to show up. ”

    Sorry Nance, not true. They endorsed Jerry Northington two days ago. I know Karen has had them listed on her website for some time but they never endorsed her. Apparently, she just assumed they did and listed them.

    This seems to be a pattern for karen –another example. Last weekend on the channel 6 debate, in answer to a question about immigration, karen said she had visited 3,000 busineses in New Castle County last year. That would be an incredible nearly dozen businesses every working day –which seems a little unrealistic.

    She also said many of those businesses employ illegal workers –which is a very bold statement. How would she know that? Did they tell her?

    See the pattern?

    The Young Democrats endorsed Jerry Northington for the same reasons endorsed him.

  18. carolyn jones says:

    El Som: It occured to me that this group is very hostile to anyone who opposes your choices. How very progressive. Here is a question, how many members of PDD have black or other minority members!

    You see COCO is majority black with a few whites and a couple of latinos and yes we have some wonderful muslim citizens in our group. We truly believe in diversity.

  19. DPN says:

    Hey Coalition of Community Organizations, could you go over to or and get a free website?

  20. carolyn jones says:

    Bob Cooper: It just happened to have been Karens job, and yes she visited all those business, has documentation for backup.

    And yes, they do talk about employing illegals for a variety of reasons.

    Tim McBride of the Young Democrats told Karen she had been endorsed at least 6 months ago! In fact, he told her he had not bothered to interview Northington or Miller as he did not believe they could actually win the seat.

    Did PDD put pressure on Tim and was there another meeting where the group changed their minds, or did Tim endorse without a group vote. The membership voted for Karen, did the membership re-vote for Northington? There ‘s the question. If the members revoted why would they not inform Karen they had done so and invited her back to speak before all the members?

  21. carolyn jones says:

    DPN: we run our organization you run your’s. One thing about our organization is to root out corruption! The brand new endorsement of Jerry Northington tells us that PDD has put some “last minute pressure” on young Tim. Really great progressive methods to teach young voters…give yourselves a big hand!

  22. Bob Cooper says:

    Carolyn —

    The Young Democrats endorsed Jerry Northington at their meeting two days ago –that is a fact.

    They say they never voted to endorse Karen.

    And exactly what job is this that has Karen going to a dozen businesses a day? I thought she has been campaigning for congress for the past year?

    Which is it?

  23. Geezer says:

    Another Liz/Nancy post, another conspiracy. See a pattern?

  24. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo simply asked a question, “Who are you?”

    Granted, while it is difficult to take any organization that endorses Tom Savage seriously, it was a reasonable question if one wished to gauge the value of the endorsements. Otherwise, one acronym is the same as any other acronym.

    The Beast Who Slumbers has now gauged that value. That is all…

  25. DPN says:

    DPN: we run our organization you run your’s.

    Gee, why didn’t you just say: “Hey, we didn’t even think of that?” Or, “We dont’ know how to do that. Could someone help set us up?”

    Nah, you get defensived instead. So great, run your organization as if it were the 1980s. And you wonder why people haven’t heard of you.

  26. SaintGenesius says:

    This is supposed to be the page about endorsing Jerry Northington.

    I’m just asking this, but is it considered proper for someone from another campaign to come on this page and take it over?

    I mean, I think made the right choice, and I’m sure the other candidates are disapppointed but it just seems like poor sportsmanship on their part.

    Jerry Northington deserves the backing.

  27. carolyn jones says:

    Karen worked for an “employment agency” it was her job to visit all the companies in NCC and she had staff that worked with her.

    It appears that the Young Democrats may have a credibilty problem here! There was no question they had endorsed her, in fact Tim was on InDepth Delaware as a guest.

    The question now becomes was there a new general membership meeting where they re-voted, or was pressure put on them by your little group PDD? If there was a meeting surely there will be records of who was present? And how they voted? Was Northington and Miller present? Karen was never informed of a new meeting, and in all fairness should have been invited.

  28. carolyn jones says:

    DPN: lots of folks are aware of our group. At the next meeting I shall ask them if they ever heard of Progressive Democrats. Am sure the answer will no…so much for your having a website.

    There are three candidates in the race, you have made very clear who your choice was, and now here in the last hours before the election are attempting to use every tactic you can to sway the votes. Sorry your too late. Your candidate is unelectable, he is so far to the left. The majority of people are more centered, and with that pony tail, he will never beat Castle.

    Are you all sure that Mr. Northington has shared his past problems. If he becomes the candidate you can be sure Castle will bring it up. We loose another 2 years.

  29. El Somnambulo says:

    Wasn’t Carolyn Jones Morticia (an appropriate reference to COCO’s status) on ‘The Addams Family”?

    That John Astin, he’s to Mexico what Jerry Lewis is to France.

  30. carolyn jones says:

    Elsomo: Yes we endorsed Tom Savage the only candidate in the Insurance Commish race that supports single payer health care. Single payer just happens to be one of our major platform issues. Too bad that PDD didnt understand the concept and had some of your uneducated folks on the topic, work against it. Interesting that Karen Peterson endorsed Northington, who is also a big supporter of single payer. Does anyone see hypocrisy here?

  31. El Somnambulo says:

    No hypocrisy whatsoever. Northington is sane, Savage is plumb loco.

  32. Many thanks to the writers here at Delaware Liberal for the endorsement. I am grateful for the support.

    Peace, Jerry

  33. rsmitty says:

    DPN: lots of folks are aware of our group. At the next meeting I shall ask them if they ever heard of Progressive Democrats. Am sure the answer will no…so much for your having a website.

    What is this? A game of “nahny-nahny-boo-boo, you can’t touch me?”

    BTW, this is part of the endorsement series, not PDD’s series.

  34. carolyn jones says:

    rsmitty: I believe they are one and the same! Glad you could see through the smoke and mirrors. Notice Jerry posted but didnt touch that “hot subject”. We need to know the answer before the election Jerry, not after!

  35. Bob,

    I believe there are two young Democrats groups in Delaware. One is the Delaware Young Democrats, which did endorse Jerry two days ago. The other is the Young Democrats’ Movement, which endorsed Karen several months back. Whether they’ve taken back that endorsement, I have no clue. But it was there at one time.

    As for the “3,000 businesses,” I can attest to this. Whether it’s just under or just over 3,000 I have no clue. Karen worked for a staffing agency as a recruiter for more than a year. Her job entailed going to DOZENS of employers every week to see if they needed employees. Again, I can’t be sure it was 3,000. My guess is it was an estimate.

  36. I wish some of these anonymous commenters would come out with their real fucking names. At least when I call someone “loco,” I attach my name. El Som, have you met Tom Savage? He’s a 70-year-old dude who’s passionate about this topic. To you, it may come off as “loco,” but at least have the balls to attach your name if you’re gonna spout that shit.

  37. mbutton says:

    GO NORTHINGTON. As an aside, I have found that KHN is less than forthcoming on personal, political and financial issues. Maybe that is why she has never won a campaign in all of her attempts.She has misstated endorsements, on several occassions, and failed to file her FEC reports. She has sent surrogates to public meetings, and backed away from direct answers. Everywhere I go Jerry Northington is present and prolific on all the issues that are impoprtant to my family. This TUesday and again in November I am voting for Jerry Northington. I am voting for a coice of dedication and new direction. Congratulations Jerry!

  38. Bob,

    The Hartley-Nagle endorsement is still listed on the YDM website. Perhaps you’d like to bring this up with them?

    Click here

  39. MButton,

    What the hell are you talking about? She submitted her FEC report on time AND with a negative balance! Karen has nothing to hide inway of finances. As for her family, it’s nothing that’s necessary for broadcast. I have no doubt that if you, for one minute, sat down and spoke with her, she’d tell you everything. But most of you laptop terrorists don’t actually GET OUT THERE and meet these people; instead you seem content in front of your monitors.

    I make no bones that I’m friendly with Karen, but this shit being spewed by so many is nothing more than anonymous venom. I even have a good clue as to who it is.

  40. Tim McBride says:

    Just to clear up the confusion in this chat, Mike Matthews is correct above.
    The YOUNG DEMOCRATS MOVEMENT (YDM) did endorse Karen Hartley-Nagle for Congress. The DELAWARE YOUNG DEMOCRATS (DYD) is the group that endorsed Jerry Northington two days. They are two separate groups.
    The YDM is a group of about 140 middle, high school, and some college students.
    The DYD is a group of 20 and 30-something young professionals.

    Karen is correct in listing the endorsement of the Young Democrats Movement.

    People often get the two organizations mixed up.

  41. liberalgeek says:

    Liz, There is no connection with our endorsements and PDD’s endorsements. The fact that you continue to cannot tell the difference says much more about you than us.

    We neither consult with or seek approval from the PDD or any of its members. We have many similar views and certainly some members of the DL team have gone to PDD meetings, but the exert no editorial control whatsoever on any post we do here, unless we are excerpting a press release of theirs.

    I have attended several SEU meetings, and I assure you that they don’t consider me part of the task force.

  42. As for the endorsement of Jerry, I think it’s a well earned one. I’ve had the opportunity to speak with Jerry MULTIPLE times over the last few months and he’s come from his one bread-and-butter issue (the war) and really dug into this campaign with some excellent platforms. I agree with most of the platform he’s presenting and will gladly vote for him should he win the primary.

    Good luck, Jerry!

  43. El Somnambulo says:

    If El Somnambulo could post his real name, he would. He caught Savage’s screaming-meemy act at a Candidate’s Forum. He made Classy Freddie Blassie seem like Miss Manners.

  44. OK, but talking in the third-person doesn’t make it better! 😉

  45. El Somnambulo says:

    No one has ever seen El Somnambulo and Henry Kissinger in the same place at the same time…

  46. jesus juice says:

    I agree with most of the platform he’s presenting and will gladly vote for him should he win the primary.
    speak English please.
    are you saying that you aren’t voting for him in the primary?

  47. jesus juice says:

    I would have more respect for Northington if he and others supporting him weren’t running such a vile campaign. I am all but certain that a certain minor has been made a tool by JN supporters. And he has published things on his web site that aren’t in the least truthful about his opponent (s).

  48. jesus juice says:

    There are three candidates in the race, you have made very clear who your choice was, and now here in the last hours before the election are attempting to use every tactic you can to sway the votes.
    Liz, did you have any doubt who DL was going to endorse? Come on now! It is their blog. Let ’em rip. They’ll support whomever takes the primary.
    I happen to have every confidence that it will be KHN, myself.

  49. June says:

    Will the real Nancy Willing stand up?

    Carolyn Jones is likely Nancy Willing because Nancy is obsessed with blaming PDD for everything that comes down the pike.

  50. jesus juice says:

    Another Liz/Nancy post,
    Fuck Off Ass Hole
    Liz ain’t tied to my tail

    I live in Newark. Nance in Wilmington isn’t tied to Liz’s tail in so far as I know either.

  51. jesus juice says:

    I tried to edit the above and the editor function told me I was marked as spam and to contact the administration.

    What I wanted to say was that I am not Nance from Wilmington. I live in Newark.

  52. June,

    PDD is hardly a den of purity. You guys are some of the nastiest and most divisive partisans I’ve ever met. I still like you and Rebecca, though, on some strange level!

    And, Jesus Juice, I know who I’m voting for on Tuesday: Jack Markell.

  53. carolyn jones says:

    To Jerry: On your blog you speak of wind turbines at the Chrysler Plant. Those knowlegeable will attest it was Karen Hartley-Nagles idea. She has revised her position after further research and discussions with experts in the field. Its a fact the turbines are too long to get safely to the river. She is now working on a site that could accomodate such production.

    When you began your campaign your issue was the Iraq war. In all the debates you have had, you have always parroted Karens positions and then they appear on your blog as if your own.

    It now appears you have taken Jack Markell’s slogan “A New Direction”. Do you have any original ideas or just copying everyone else?

    We don’t need a copy cat in DC, we need a person who has the vision and solutions to the mountain of problems left by the Bush regime.

    Karen has been working the state for the last four years and is well known among the voters, which is why her polling numbers prove she will be the winner of this primary.

    Now, you need to start telling us about your own personal hot topic, before the election, not after.

  54. jesus juice says:

    Fuck off June
    Liz is posting as Carolyn Jones.

    I don’t blame PDD ‘for everything’ and you know that very well. I am fond of many of the members of this group and have worked hard with many of you guys on many issues.

    To take this road (CC) again and make shitfuck cheap shots only diminishes you, dear.

    I have it in for a certain group of high level PDD whacks who blame KHN for everything that comes down the pike.

  55. jesus juice says:

    Now I am heading right to spam. It took my delicious cut down of June’s awful presentation (oops no it didn’t).

    She knows that I have supported much of the PDD agenda and have worked hard on many of the issues in common with PDD (like Iraq Summer). Her squawking here is only in a pout about KHN having me as a fan.

  56. jesus juice says:

    I am Nancy Willing (I can’t comment without an alias) by the way.

  57. carolyn jones says:

    Wrong again June as usual…this is liz Allen…I have been blocked from posting in my own name. You might want to ask your comrades why that is?

  58. I agree with Carolyn re: the wind turbines. I’m not saying opponents can’t co-opt others’ ideas, but Karen has been chatting my ears off about the Chrysler/wind turbines for at least two years now. I thought it was a bat-shit crazy idea two years ago, but now I think it’s great re: the Bluewater Wind deal. In fact, many people told Karen she was crazy. I witnessed this personally at several campaign events…people literally laughing at Karen’s Chrysler/wind turbine idea.

    Now she’s got people cribbing it. Go figure.

  59. jesus juice says:

    Heh, anyone who actually ever bothered to talk to me knows that I would never in a hundred years endorse Charles Potter, just sayin’.

  60. carolyn jones says:

    37mbutton! Do you want to speak truth or spatter distortions. There has only been one time during this entire campaign that KHN has not spoken for herself and used a surrogate. I was that surrogate at the Phoenix Center two weeks ago. I went there to listen to all the candidates and Karen was stuck in traffic in Dover and couldnt make it. She called me at the last minute and ask if I would fill in for her. I did my best to debate the candidates on the platforms I know she supports. As for the rest of your rant, there isn’t an ounce of truth in it.

    Jerry is such a novice he didn’t even know where the speaking engagements were and often Karen was there alone! Miller didn’t show up either.

    She has answered all the questions all the questionaires and is up an down this state from 6:30 am till 12:00. She is not only a hard worker, but a great campaigner. Also, another fact you have incorrect. Karen was in the primary race against Spivack and Berg. As I recall some of you were supporting Spivack and actually were vocal about not letting her speak. She won the primary with 40% of the vote on $400. She will win this primary and will be up against Castle, which she is totally prepared to take on. She has something for Castle which will make his head spin. We can’t wait for that debate.

  61. h. says:

    Jesus Christ, they’re both nuckin futs!

  62. carolyn jones says:

    Mike Miller was required to file his FEC report when he reached $5000. He has failed to do so even though he paid the filing fee, and has signs and billboards and mailers and has placed ads on the backs of bus’es. It is required under the law to file these reports.

    The big question today is “who is funding him”, could it be the republican party who want him to win, the candidate Castle has already beat in 2000 and 2002?

  63. cock juice says:

    My juice is better than jesus juice. Yum Yum

  64. Joe C says:

    ^i got snot bubbles^

  65. jesus juice says:

    heh! ditto that Joe.
    and I am in the library so I have to sniffle in silence.

  66. anon says:

    Jerry Northington is a nut case. I spoke to him and has no solutions as he claims. He does not even work in Delaware. He works in PA and does not manage a business. He told me he sold his practice to his partners and the women in his office keep him straight. What a loser.

  67. PBaumbach says:

    #60 (Carolyn/Liz)
    Factual errors in your post

    1) the candidate forum was at the UUFN not the Phoenix center (at the UCC, another Newark faith community)

    2) Karen did not ‘win the primary with 40%’, she lost the primary with 40%–Spivak won with 60%. Then, she ran as a fusion candidate, under IPOD, and lost with only 2% of the vote. anon’s #66 quote ‘what a loser’ seems to apply.

    Factual error from an earlier post–KHN did file her 6/30 report on time in early July (with negative $700 in the bank–yeah, I’m confident that she can beat Castle with those finances), but she failed to file her pre-primary report due in late August.

  68. carolyn jones says:

    Everyone knows in a three way primary the money doesn’t flow. Karen already has committments after the primary and will be in good shape to take on Castle.

    Pre-primary report due tomorrow.

    Mike Miller has not filed any reports which he was required to do upon reaching $5000, that is what triggers your having to file and you have to file immediately.

    Whoever is the beneficiary of the primary will start to see dollars flow.

  69. R Smitty says:

    O…M….G….I need a freaking score card. carolyn is jesus is juice is waldo is nancy is liz is mike matthews is ice cream maker is rsmitty is going nuts is FSP is jason330 is gop vision is …O…M…G

  70. Sojourner says:

    Good job Delaware Liberal for endorsing the best congressional candidate, Jerry Northington.

  71. carolyn jones says:

    smitty: you might ask why is Liz having to post under a fake name! Nancy Willing, and others are blocked, have been for days. Ask them why? Do you thnk this is fun?

    Its divide and conquer, its smear and pileon. We have asked questions here rather than receive answers we remained blocked. Who is behind this politrick will be discovered and you will be outed. Its unfair, undemocratic and irresponsible.

  72. Nancy Willing says:


  73. Liz Allen says:

    Test also.

  74. forensic audit says:


  75. Susan Regis Collins says:

    I see an opportunity to play devil’s advocate here:

    Why has there been little question about who are the Delaware Young Democrats, who just arrived on ‘the scene’ two days ago. However, I noticed, when the Community Coalition of Community Organization (COCO), a decade old organization, is ridiculed and all but declared bogus.

    So would Tim McBride give us a clue as to the history of DYD? I, for one, have not heard of them but I am interested. Maybe it’s unfair to dump it on Tim perhaps someone from DL or a member(s) of DYD…….

    To my way of thinking, without futher verification, this endorsement is meaningless. Except as a subject for chatter.

    I will contact the State Committee in the morning for more info…surely, if this is a Dem group they will know all about it.

  76. Bob Cooper says:

    “carolyn jones // Sep 4, 2008 at 6:49 pm
    Pre-primary report due tomorrow.”

    Actually, there was a report due on August 20th. Karen apparently missed that little fact and never filed the required report.

    On August 29th the FEC sent her a notice of failure to file. This is a direct cut and paste from the FEC site: NOTICE OF FAILURE TO FILE.

    You can find everything at this link:

    She’s been in violation of federal election law for more than two weeks.

    Karen has run for congress before –there is no excuse for her not knowing federal election laws. In point of fact; Karen, Liz, Nancy and others have suggested that karen DESERVES to be nominated because of her EXPERIENCE running.

    Clearly that is not the case.

  77. Geezer says:

    This is what happens when the candidate has no money: She advertises by loosing her loonies online.

  78. liz allen says:

    Thanks for the release Jason! Finally after 4 days I am able to post in my own name, thanks Mike Matthews for correcting the “problem” which we have narrowed down. More on that later.

    To Bob Cooper who cant keep his facts straight but has engaged in a nasty smear campaign. Perhaps all of you should be asking the question of your candidate Jerry Northington. Jerry what have you not confided to your supporters which will cause your supporters to “pause” on their blind support of you.

    Cooper not your real name come out of the closet and identify yourself.

    Re: Filings: Karen’s report is not due until today.
    The reporting period ended Aug. 20. That is not when the report is due.

    It would be nice if you knew what you were talking about. Karen was on the phone yesterday, she has filed everything properly.

    Now again instead of trying to smear Karen, contact Northington and ask him what he has to hide. Who smashed in Karens car windows. We are not saying Jerry did it, but one of vile supporters may have…in police hands now.

    Jerry has answered no questions about his past, which he had hoped would remain secret, if we know surely Castle knows. Fess up Jer!

  79. liz allen says:

    On second thought I think some of you know what Jerry’s little problem is, and rather than deal with issue, you are trying to smear Karen.

    Perhaps that is one of the reasons we were blocked from the Delaware blogsphere, so we wouldnt be able to tell the truth.

    There is a sinister plot behind all this stuff and its coming right out of the PDD, how very progressive! Over the weekend am sure tempers will flare and the truth will start to eeeeeekkkkk out.

  80. rsmitty says:

    thanks Mike Matthews for correcting the “problem” which we have narrowed down. More on that later.

    Yes, please share. I went through all I can control at and was totally unsure what could have been the root of the problem. The only two common threads I could think of were that we are all “powered” by WordPress and have Akismet spam filters built in. Between Geek and Mike Matthews, I knew they were following those leads already.

    smitty: you might ask why is Liz having to post under a fake name! Nancy Willing, and others are blocked, have been for days. Ask them why? Do you thnk this is fun?
    I’m sure it wasn’t fun, but that’s the key word: fun. My comment was intended to be funny. Sorry I missed the mark.

  81. jason330 says:


    A) Get over yourself. Nobody blocked you from posting.

    B) I didn’t “release” your name last night. I made that test comment to prove that you are nuts (not like anybody needs any proof at this point).

    C) Fuck you, you nit wit freak. KHN sucks as a canidiate. I had high hopes for her, but let’s just face it. Her campaign (which seems to amount to you going around claiming that you are being prevented from commenting on blogs) sucks.

    D) If your body was drained of all bile and paranoia, you’d be an empty skin laying on the floor that some people might mistake for a pile of dry leaves.

    E) Fuck you, you nit wit freak.

  82. liz allen says:

    Susan: Tim McBride and the Young Democrat Movement are not in question. Its the other group (which know one knows about). I think TimMcBride explained who they are in an earlier post that is questionable.

    Can you believe this fools think they can dismiss a decade old organization out of hand, because “they” didnt know about it. Am sure there are more members attending COCO than the PDD, but thats another subject.

  83. liz allen says:

    Jason you are freak out! I am beginning to believe YOU did it. It was Mike Matthews who “cleared us” not you!

    It wouldnt be below you Jason to block after all you have done it before. You know damned well we were blocked (I was for 4 days) the test worked because of the honorable man Mike Matthews. You had nothing to do with getting us unreleased at least that much is true.

    Getting a little testy Jason. Did you actually ask Jerry what his problem is? Is that what has made to lower yourself to calling me names instead of dealing with the issue.

    You are a child Jason behaving like a bully in a school yard.

  84. jason330 says:

    Believe what ever you want Liz. I’m done with you.

  85. Liz,

    I just sent a request to the Akismet spam company to have your IPs released. They just worked their magic for me, yet again, as they have done in the past for other commenters.

    I’m being honest with you when I tell you I don’t believe there was any conspiracy here. I think it’s just time to move on.

  86. liz allen says:

    Mike: thanks for all your attempts to rectify the situation which Jason would like everyone to believe (after the fact) never happened.

    I am sure you think there was no conspiracy here, but facts are facts.

    Susan Collins, Nancy and I were blocked, and who is speaking out against the Coons Goons, and who is supporting Karen…no conspiracy perhaps, but a major coincidence at best.

  87. liz allen says:

    Jason: did you talk to Jerry yet? What are you waiting for?

  88. Bob Cooper says:


    KHN did, in fact, miss a filing deadline with the FEC. It is the pre-primary report and covers the period of 7/1 – 8/20. It was due on 8/20. on the 29th, the FEC send Karen a “Notice of Failure to File,” reference number C00441600.

    It is on the FEC site, but you have to do a serach for KHN’s name and they you will find it.

    The Notice of Failure to File’s first paragraph reads:

    “It has come to the attention of the Federal Election Commission that you may have failed to file the above referenced report as receipts and expenditures as required by the Federal Election Campaign Act, as amended.”

    The letter was sent to Michael R. Dore.

    It forther states that the campaign has 4 days from the date from the date of the notice to file. So, with the extension, that would have been the 2nd. Today is the 5th and still no report.

    The reason it’s significant is that Karen talks about her experience running as a reason people should vote for her. She also talks a lot about open government, something we all believe in. The fact is, experienced, open government candidates don’t miss FEC deadlines.

    Anyone can verify this by going to the FEC website clicking on the US Map on the right, then clicking on delaware and typing Hartley in the box that asks for the partial name of the candidate or committee.

  89. PBaumbach says:

    As a member of the PDD endorsement committee, I can report that when we interviewed Jerry Northington, I specifically asked him what skelatons he had in his closet. I asked this question, for he initially appeared ‘too good to be true’. He was very forthright in sharing them.

    I appreciated Jerry’s candor on this personal matter.

    I (and my fellow committee members appeared to have) decided that it should not affect his candidacy, although it could open him up to smears and intimidation, if his opponents are desperate and low enough. He confirmed that he is prepared, if he is called on any such personal issues, that the race is too important to cave under such intimidation.

    So Liz is again proven to be wrong (the pattern continues). Before endorsing Jerry Northington, the PDD endorsement committee DID ask Jerry Northington ‘what he’s hiding’.

    I am extremely disappointed in the gutter tactics that Liz is resorting to, on behalf of KHN.

    I applaud DL’s endorsement of Jerry Northington, and in DL’s standing up against the relentless and baseless attacks by Liz (in contrast, she is making Mike’s gun rants seem almost rational!)

    As a final and different note, if (and I have no way to judge) posters such as Nancy and Liz and others have had regular difficulty recently in submitting posts to DL, then I do very much regret this situation, and appreciate their perseverance, and their efforts to continue to post, through necessary pseudonyms.

  90. BobCooper says:

    Re: Filings: Karen’s report is not due until today.
    Liz Allen wrote:

    “The reporting period ended Aug. 20. That is not when the report is due.

    It would be nice if you knew what you were talking about. Karen was on the phone yesterday, she has filed everything properly.”

    Karen Hartley-Nagle missed the filing deadline for the pre-primary FEC report. And even if Liz’s version was correct, which it is not, Karen missed the “deadline” on the 5th.

    On the 28th, the FEC sent Michael Dore (Karen’s campaign manager?) a letter notifying her that she had missed a deadline. On September 5th, it hit this blog that Karen had missed the deadline. Still no filing.

    So, the question is why? Why would a candidate who claims to be dedicated to ensuring open government miss such an important deadline? Why would a candidate who trumpets her experience in running for congress as a reason for voters to back her miss such an important deadline?

    It does not seem likely that she just forgot.

    Based on her self professed experience, it does not seem likely that she did not know.

    So, the logical answer to ‘why?’ is that Karen is hiding something.

    Karen publicly stated that she had raised a hundred thousand dollars for the primary. Maybe she didn’t.

    Karen’s surrogates have publicly stated that she has a DC based campaign manger (who would have to be paid). Maybe she doesn’t.

    Karen has tried to create a political band wagon effect by claiming she has polling data that shows she is ahead in this primary race. Polling is expensive and must be paid for in advance. Maybe she hasn’t.

    Karen has office space, signs and other campaign expenses –and maybe she would rather not admit she doesn’t have the money to pay for them.

    Of course, much of this is speculation.

    Karen (or one of her minions) can easily put this to rest by listing her expenses and campaign income here.

    Or, even better, file the required federal disclosure form.

  91. Was a Willing Blogger says:

    Holy God, Liz Allen has taken her low-rent self into a spitting contest with a Mike Miller surrogate while impugning all sorts of complete BULL about Northington.

    As if that does KHN some good.

    KHN rejects every scrap of what Liz is representing here per many conversations with her.

  92. Was a Willing Blogger says:

    I am extremely disappointed in the gutter tactics that Liz is resorting to, on behalf of KHN.
    Well said Paul and ditto the sentiment. KHN had no idea of what has been going on and needless to say was HORRIFIED to stumble onto these threads yesterday.
    Now Liz is targeting me and I say bring it on.

  93. PBaumbach says:

    I am pleased that KHN has submitted her pre-primary financial report, covering the period from 6/30 to 8/20/08.

    KHN had $4,555 of individual contributions, $1,403 from Michael Dore, and over $3,000 too small to itemize. On 8/20/08 her campaign had negative $300 in the bank, and owes $2,475 to KHN. She certainly sounds well-positioned to take on Castle.

    Jerry had $20,759 of individual contributions (4.55 times as much as KHN during the same period), $11,050 from 16 designated individuals, and $9,709 from smaller contributors. On 8/20/08, his campaign had over $8,000 in the bank.

  94. BobCooper says:

    It appears the Hartley-Nagle campaign has finally filed the pre-primary FEC disclosure. It is late, looks hastily prepared and raises more questions than it answers.

    During the past few months, Karen or her (now rebuked) surrogates have boasted that her campaign has:
    -Raised $100,000 for the primary
    -Commissioned polling that shows Karen “has the numbers” to win
    -Hired a Washginton, DC, based campaign manager (who apparently submits Op-Ed pieces to the newspaper without the candidate’s knowledge)

    None of those expenses is listed on the most recent report, which you can find here:

    Also, Karen made a big deal about opening her campaign office in Wilmington. This is a direct quote from her website:

    “Wilmington, Delaware – On Thursday evening the Hartley-Nagle for Congress Campaign kicked off the Grand Opening of its campaign office located on the Wilmington Riverfront, 964 Justison Street.”

    You can find the entire news release here:
    Just scroll down to August 15th.

    Karen is sharing office space with Tom Gordon –if Gordon is paying for it, and allowing the Hartely-Nagle campaign to use the space; that is an in-kind contribution. If she is paying for the space, it is a campaign expense.

    In either case, the office space should be listed on her FEC pre-primary disclosure report either as a donation or as an expense. It is not listed.

    The simple fact is, the Hartley-Nagle campaign has not been truthful, either with the voters of Delaware, the FEC or both.

  95. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo has a question. If Liz Allen is such a committed Democrat, how is it that her name is associated with the lawsuit challenging the legitimacy of Mike Protack’s candidacy on the Independent Party line? The News-Journal story identifies her as an Independent Party member.

    Can she be a member of both parties in good standing, not to mention the COCOlocos? Is she trashing legitimate (whether one likes them or not) endorsements even though she can’t even vote for Harpy-Nagle?

    Or, to quote the Firesign Theatre, “How can you be in two places at once when you’re not anywhere at all?”

  96. Was a Willing Blogger says:

    Karen has the following endorsements:

    Democratic Committees5th,8th,9th,16th,18th,21st,23rd,27th and 35th
    Elected Officials
    Patricia M. Blevins, Margret Rose Henry, Hazel Plant, Helene M. Keeley,Dennis P. Williams, William J. Carson, John J. Viola, Theodore Gregory, Loretta Walsh, Charles Potter, Jr., Samuel Prado, Kevin F. Kelley, Sr., William E. Powers, Jr, John J. Cartier, Sheriff Mike Walsh
    (IBT) International Brotherhood of Teamsters(LIUNA) Laborers International Union of North America, Local 199(UA) United Association of Plumbing & Pipefitting, Local 74(AFSCME) American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees(GCIU) Graphic Communications Union(UA) Road Sprinkler Fitters(ILA) International Longshoremen’s Association(CBTU) Coalition of Black Trade UnionistsYoung Democrats Movement

    This is a GTVO crowd. The unions are going to be at every polling place on Tuesday with her signs and in November doing the same.

    Are you kidding yourselves that Northington or Miller can get this kind of boots on the ground?

    I do know that she got a union check for 5K yesterday, some of which is going to pay for her campaign manager, yes, the guy from DC who is working closely with the unions.

    We have to get some good DEMs in DC to help Obama-Biden and the real DEM workers are behind KHN. I do hope that Liz Allen hasn’t destroyed completely the thread of reason that some of you progressives had that your vote will go the DEM in November.

  97. BobCooper says:

    Loretta Walsh did not endorse Karen –in fact, she endorsed Jerry Northington. Call Loretta and ask her.

    Once again, Karen is claiming something that is simply not true.

    If Karen has been working with a consultant, from DC or anywhere else, she failed to report it. If the guy is a professional and putting in time, then it is an in-kind contribution. If she paid him, it is an expense. That means she has filed a false FEC report.

    If she got a check for $5,000 yesterday she has 48 hours to report it under federal law –let’s see if it shows up on her 48 hour report.

    So, to recap:

    Karen has failed to report her office space with Tom Gordon, either as an expense or in-kind donation.

    Karen has failed to report her DC based consultant (who is apparently willing to donate his time and efforts ) either as an expense of in-kind donation.

    Karen has filed an FEC report that is late and, claerly, incomplete.

    Karen is obligated to file 48 hour report on a donation of $5,000 tomorrow.

  98. Loretta Walsh says:

    I have been very hesitant about joining any of this conversation. I am not good at all about posting on blogs. A friend of mine posts on this one and showed me how to get on and I have been following this for the last week. At the beginning of this cycle I was willing to support Karen for a variety of reasons-one of the main being how some women are treated in my political party. Along the way I heard Karen on the radio and her stand on off shore drilling and the exchange she had with Miller made me decide not to be in the group anymore. I did speak to Mr. Northington and not only did I decide to support and vote for him because of his enviornmental stands, but also because of his early passion against Geroge Bush’s war. I told him that he could use my name as a supporter and stand by that. I am not posting this to get a bunch of people calling me names or to debate any of the issues. I am simply setting the record straight. Even though some of us are elected and candidates does not mean we do not have the right to vote for whomever we feel will have a positive impact on not just my life but the future generations. If Mr. Northington happens to get elected I really feel that would happen. Thank you all for listening to me and as I stated say whatever you want but I will not respond. This is a very personal decision and I will stand by it no matter what is said about me.

  99. Was A Willing Blogger says:

    Well then, Karen ISN’T Lying about Loretta’s endorsement as this Mike Miller surrogate keeps proclaiming here and over on the WNJ web site and god knows where else.
    Karen doesn’t have much staff and she is sharing her IT person with people who are using him for robo-calling etc. or I have no doubt that that clerical chore would have been performed already.
    I certainly will remove Walsh from any further listing I do.
    Loretta, I am sure that if anyone ‘has something to say’ about your decision, it would ONLY be Liz Allen who would stoop to any level of recrimination. This is a primary year of no parallel and we all have to know our boundaries, keep our respect and pull the party together after Tuesday’s results produce both victory and defeat.

  100. Was A Willing Blogger says:

    I will be sure to remind Karen about her obligations regarding the 5K. Mr. Miller or whomever you are, I have no doubt that stupid Liz Allens vicious attacks on your filing do’s and don’ts here and other places on the blogs have sent you into a rage. A justified rage.
    Please know that KHN hadn’t knowledge of Ms. Allen’s despicable behavior and certainly didn’t condone it.