McCain Vs. McCain

Filed in National by on September 4, 2008


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hiding in the open

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  1. jesus juice says:

    I loved the Colbert show’s piece last night on McCain’s feminine side. Too Good!

  2. Joe C says:

    Bet a cookie that the McCain up front is who we’ll hear tonight. That condescending ,”I was a P.O.W. ” ,grandpa knows best maverick.

    and what is NVW?

  3. David says:

    I like that the person kept it in context. It doesn’t sound like a contradiction. If it were unfairly cut off before “have we had our disagreements on domestic issues? Sure.” It would have seemed like it.

    You guys took something fair and balanced.

    We all know that John McCain is not GWB. We also know that they are both Republicans and come from the same philosphical side. It wasn’t philosophy which contributed to Katrina. It wasn’t right vs. left which delayed changing strategy in Iraq. It wasn’t Republican stands that led to new programs and an explosion of earmarks. It is not the conservative mantra that prevented the military from being expanded in 2001 and 2002. Those were all management calls.

  4. jesus juice says:

    Sorry, NVW are my initials. I have to post under an alias. I am usually posting under my name, Nancy Willing. Haven’t y’all missed me>?

  5. Joe C says:

    ” Republican stands that led to new programs and an explosion of earmarks”
    Really David? From 2000 to present government has expanded more and faster than ever in our 236 years. Since 2001, even with low inflation, U.S. federal spending has increased by a 28.8%. Sure McCain fought earmarks but gave W. a blank check otherwise.

  6. Joe C says:

    Hi Nancy! Go KHN!
    sorry, that 28% is 2004 data

  7. pandora says:

    Iraq and Katrina are Republican failures. Nice try, David, but you guys own these disasters.

  8. mike w. says:

    Nancy – Why do you have to post under an alias?

    Sorry Pandora, but you can’t blame Republicans solely for either of those. We wouldn’t be in Iraq if Democrats and Republicans hadn’t voted to authorize Bush to use force. Katrina was just as much a failure of local & state governments in NO (Ray Nagin…) and Louisiana as it was a failure at the Federal level.

    I don’t think the Feds should have bailed them out period, but most liberals would call me a heartless asshole.

  9. jesus juice says:

    I have to post under an alias because there is a spam attached to my email address and the only way to get my posts published is to not use my real IDENTITY!! HA!

    I just found two funnies: A Kos diarist has posted a handwritten note by Palin showing her soooo happy about the millions in earmarks she was getting

    And from Atrios: he links to a 2004 Life magazine cover with McCain and Fey where they are supposed to be running together and of course Palin is a Tina Fey clone.

    The new fad for all GOPerhead femmes will be glasses.

  10. pandora says:

    No dice, Mike. These are all yours!

    But I guess we can try and share… so when you guys give Bush/Repubs credit for national security “successes”, you’re going to include the Dems? And Clinton’s surplus was due (equally) to Clinton and the Repub. congress?

    Ooh! This is fun? Anyone else want to try?

  11. Joe C says:

    “The new fad for all GOPerhead femmes will be glasses.”
    I had hoped it would be integrity.

  12. mike w. says:

    RE #11. If Democrats supported the legislation that led to those successes then yes, they deserve credit as well. When you’ve got divided government an Administration can’t do much of anything without bipartisan support (which is why divided gov. is such a good thing)

    And I’m not sure I can really say Bush has national security “successes.” Yes, we haven’t been attacked and that’s certainly a good thing, but at what cost? We traded liberty for security (or the illusion of security)

    Clinton was actually somewhat fiscally conservative for a Democrat. Hell, you could argue that he was more of a fiscal conservative than Bush.

  13. pandora says:

    But Republicans cite that we haven’t been attacked all the time. Don’t see any credit sharing.

  14. mike w. says:

    They’re politicians, they never share credit. Politicians on both sides take credit whenever they can, even for things they had nothing to do with.

  15. Jadegold says:

    McCain claims that if he is elected Prez, he guarantees he will apprehend bin Laden.

    Guarantees it.

    When will the first reporter ask McSame or Sarah Plain&Scripted why they haven’t shared this sure-fire plan with Bush Jr? Are they waiting for bin Laden to strike again?