Filed in National by on September 4, 2008

Are you at all surprised at the McCain camp’s tactic to attack the “liberal media”?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Chris says:

    I am. Seems a waste to point out the painfully obvious. 🙂

  2. meatball says:

    They need a common eeeevvviiill enemy. Its not a bad strategy, considering their base.

  3. Andy says:

    not really McCain is an opportunist with little substance He has used the press all of his political life he is a creation of the press now it is time to throw the press under the bus because it plays well in the press

  4. JadeGold says:

    What else can they do?

    Their VP pick, normally a boost for any campaign, turned out to be a bust and exposed McCain as reckless, impulsive and lacking in judgment.

    They really can’t argue otherwise–so it’s their only course of action.

  5. Chris says:

    “Their VP pick, normally a boost for any campaign, turned out to be a bust ….”

    Yeah…in the same way that little government experiment the colonists performed in the new world did….

  6. SaintGenesius says:

    I know John McCain, John McCain is a friend, John McCain is no John McCain.

  7. Von Cracker says:

    ^ Asinine analogy of the week.

    …chris’ that is.

  8. pandora says:

    I’m with Jade. All McCain has left are Hail Mary passes. Although… I’m thinking the press isn’t going to run away with their tails between their legs. It’s a dangerous gamble.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    I’m not surprised. When the press deviates from their talking points, the repubs get their victim on. The thing is that the press usually cowers in front of this and I am seeing signs that they won’t this time. Especially since the press gets that they are being blatantly played by the McCain camp right now.

  10. pandora says:

    Isn’t everybody getting played by the McCain camp?

  11. Phantom says:

    I can’t wait for the Pew report that evaluates treatment by the media of the candidates. In every report I have ever seen the republithugs get better treatement and scream the loudest about “liberal” bias in the media. What “liberal” bias really means is the ability of the media to not ask hard journalistic and informative questions to nut job republithugs so as to expose thier insanity. Luckily the trolls here have no such issue as they expose thier insanity on a constant and regular basis.

  12. Linoge says:

    Given that all he is doing is restating the obvious… nope, no real surprise here. Kind of a tired tactic, granted, but if the media insists on providing a face-on target at every possible opportunity… Hell, why not?

  13. Rebecca says:

    I posted this in another thread but it’s more timely here. Ya gotta read Roger Simon in today’s Politico . . .


  14. cassandra_m says:

    Pandora, everyone is being played by the McCain camp. The only folks who don’t know it are his base.

  15. rsmitty says:

    I thought attacking the media was unnecessary as well, but honestly, Olberman is quite an asshat. I didn’t know if some of those sounds he was making in between jabs were him puking in his mouth or something similar.

  16. mike w. says:

    Olbermann has always been an asshat.

  17. Arthur Downs says:

    The deteriorating readership of most daily newspapers may indicate a growing disgust with pre-digested opinions that regularly tilt to port.

    Perhaps Internet censorship might change all of this.

  18. kavips says:

    No, it shows Rove is back.

    Rove’s strong suit is this: motivating, for lack of a better word, evangelicals on moral fringe issues..

    Abortion in 2000.
    Gay Marriage in 2004,
    and now its progressed to what I think we are seeing to be “your values are under attack” in 2008. This theme has been played out starting with Thompson’s speech on Tuesday, leading through Giuliani’s and Sarah’s last night….

    This wild card group, (evangelicals) whose numbers are indeterminable since they don’t show up on any polls, (no comment is their terse reply), leaves the door open to believability, over any election results, that at first glance appears to have been tampered with, principally because they do not seem to reflect any other polling data.

    The tampering goes on, as we saw from 2004, in Ohio’s Ken Blackwell switching the state’s computers domain name from the Ohio Department of Elections to a Chattanooga Tennessee firm, responsible for the RNC websites in 5 battle ground states, that year, and then back again, then announcing that the totals closely declared Bush winning over Kerry….

    A lot of shenanigans can go on if that “unknown” factor is out there……

    Because with today’s technology, any party can cheat all they want, and it is very hard to prove…

    But if the public does not accept it, then that cheating was all for not… The key to cheating is that the public has to willingly suspend their disbelief over the false returns, and accept them. The base that is being rejuvenated, provides the cover Rove needs to do just that….

    The 06 elections were just a little miscalculation apparently…. based on polls showing Democrats 3 points up, carried in the first week of October, they thought a 4% margin would be sufficient, but the public swung 7% in the wrong way… Hence the official tally of 3% margins in most of the close races…..

    To combat it and render it moot, the Democrats need to actively campaign in enough in Red Districts to mollify those voters that “sheesh, they’re good guys., after all… We’re not under attack, we can stay home and plow our fields…” or whatever else they choose to do.

    Democrats unfortunately are not good speaking one on one with fundamentalists in red states .. except of course for Joe Biden, an observation based on his reception in South Carolina…..

  19. Chris says:

    “The tampering goes on, as we saw from 2004, in Ohio’s Ken Blackwell switching the state’s computers domain name from the Ohio Department of Elections to a Chattanooga Tennessee firm, responsible for the RNC websites in 5 battle ground states, that year, and then back again, then announcing that the totals closely declared Bush winning over Kerry….”

    Now I know the left is scared if we are already starting the tampering crap again. Failure to mention of course towns in Iowa where there were more newly registered Democrats than the ENTIRE population of the town (including kids).

    No…Democrats NEVER cheat (outside of Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Detrot…(edited for brevity)”.

  20. mike w. says:

    Obama has won his political positions by getting opposition thrown off the ballot……. yeah only the Republican’s use underhanded tactics.

  21. jesus juice says:

    Media Matters just posted a table showing the unbalanced GOP-favored teevee coverage of the two conventions. NVW


  22. jesus juice says:

    fuck this!@

  23. jesus juice says:

    Media Matters just posted a table showing the unbalanced GOP-favored teevee coverage of the two conventions. NVW

  24. mike w. says:

    Hmmm why am I not surprised that Media Matters calls themselves a

    “not-for-profit progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.”

    Yeah, no bias whatsoever there. Nice try though. That’s like the Brady Campaign doing gun control studies. The outcome of said “studies” is pre-determined.

  25. mike w. says:

    I love how you guys use “proof” to back up your claims that is so obviously biased and so easily refuted.