This one’s for you, Rebecca!

Filed in National by on September 4, 2008

In an earlier thread, Rebecca linked to an article from Politico that might make McCain reconsider his attack the press strategy. Doesn’t look like the media will be rolling over this time.

On behalf of the media, I would like to say we are sorry. On behalf of the elite media, I would like to say we are very sorry. We have asked questions this week that we should never have asked. We have asked pathetic questions like: Who is Sarah Palin? What is her record? Where does she stand on the issues? And is she is qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency? We have asked mean questions like: How well did John McCain know her before he selected her? How well did his campaign vet her? And was she his first choice?
Bad questions. Bad media. Bad.

About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (36)

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  1. mike w. says:

    I don’t think that’s McCains issue here. His issue is that they do not do the same with Obama.

    Instead it’s all OMG I’ve got a “thrill going up my leg!”

  2. liberalgeek says:

    yeah, but we have known Obama for the past 2 years was seeking the highest office in the land. We have known about Sarah Palin seeking the 2nd highest office for 6 days.

    Have all of your questions about her been answered, or is the picture of her in a bikini with a big gun good enough for you?

  3. cassandra_m says:

    You know mike w, it strikes me that if you spent less time here trying to be part of the crowd and more time actually following the news you might not be reduced to nothing but “Obama did it too” responses.

  4. Phantom says:

    That is not how they have positioned the issue. They are outright complaining of sexism, even though SARAH PALIN said that should not be an excuse, and mistreatment by the media. As a distraction they are asking why haven’t you been covering Obama? Didn’t we have a time about a month ago where the complaint was too much Obama? Which do you freaking want? They are upset b/c the coverage deals with actual issues in her life, beliefs, and policies. Oh well, if McCain had vetted better he could have been on top of these issues. So in essence this is all McCain’s fault for making a quick and ill considered decision. Wow, I want another president that makes quick and ill considered decisions to be in charge of the military. Talk about McSame.
    Oh, and that was only MSNBC which is the answer to FOX which has been reaming Obama consistently.

  5. mike w. says:

    Phantom – The Obama camp (and the media) constantly complained of “racism” where their was none.

    Here we have very real mysoginy and sexism. I’d say McCain has every right to defend Palin.

    Other than Fox News, where were the tough questions of Obama when the MSM was drooling over Mr. Hope & Change and getting thrils going up their legs?

    Hell, if the Right were doing this to Hillary you folks would be going absolutely batshit insane.

    Oh, and all of this crap about her pregnant daughter is “act ual issues?” Give me a break. Her husband getting a DUI a 20+ years ago, or troopergate which is much ado about nothing. ( A vengeful political rival lost and sued her, happens all the time.) None of that is “real issues.”

  6. pandora says:

    I just love the Right. Sexism is “real” when it comes to Palin. Wasn’t real when they attacked HRC for years and accused her of everything under the sun. Wasn’t real when McCain told the “why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly” joke when Chelsea was a teenager. Wasn’t real when McCain called his wife the “c” word, or when he laughed when one of his supporters asked “how we going to beat the bitch?”

    Your outrage over Palin is laughable and false.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    And he can’t provide any evidence of major players doing any of this crap either.

    Mike proves himself to inadequate talking point.

  8. mike w. says:

    I didn’t say it wasn’t real or any less unacceptable when the Republicans did it. Unlike you I don’t just blindly find crap like this OK just because the sides have changed.

    This isn’t new. Liberals don’t react well (they’re downright disgusting) towards women & minorities who don’t subscribe to their viewpoint. Hell, just look at what liberals did to Clarence Thomas.

  9. pandora says:

    How about liberals don’t automatically endorse a candidate based on gender and skin color. That’s what you wingnuts don’t understand. You truly believe that women and minorities are interchangeable. You don’t understand how Hillary voters could not vote for Palin – after all, to you guys, they’re both women. You don’t get why the AA population didn’t jump for joy over Thomas. You just don’t get it because you guys fall in line.

    It’s about the ISSUES! What does the candidate think? What are their plans? Liberals vote on the issues. You know, issues… those things that aren’t mentioned at the Republican convention.

  10. mike w. says:

    Question for you liberals. If McCain’s decision on Palin was so rash and ill-informed, and if she’s so inexperienced then what of Kerry/Edwards? Hell, what of Bill Clinton? He was governor of AR, she of AK, was he inexperienced?

  11. mike w. says:

    “That’s what you wingnuts don’t understand. You truly believe that women and minorities are interchangeable. ”

    Hardly. If that were the case I’d vote for Barack just to see a black guy in office, or Hillary for that matter. I don’t because I’m fundamentally opposed to them on the issues.

  12. DPN says:

    if she’s so inexperienced then what of Kerry/Edwards?

    You mean the war hero? Or the fact that he picked a VP that had been in the public eye during the presidential primary campaign?

    Bill Clinton? He was governor of AR, she of AK, was he inexperienced?

    You mean the fact that Bill Clinton campaigned for almost 2 years so we got to know him during that time?

    That compares to 6 days of Sarah Palin, where on day 4, she went from MILF to GILF. (sorry, I had to use that line again. 🙂 )

    Thanks for the softball Mike W.

  13. Chris says:

    “How about liberals don’t automatically endorse a candidate based on gender and skin color. ”

    Are you kidding? That is EXACTLY why Obama is where he is. I have heard several people, particularly African-Americans, say they are going to vote for Obama because it is time for an African-Amercian President. And how many Hilliary supporters rallied the cry that it was time a woman was in the White House?

    I don’t think voters are interchangeable, but be real…to some the race or gender IS this issue…and there are Hilliary supporters that will vote McCain because of Palin.

    I can’t beleive you seriously made that statement! For cyring out loud, BET’s coverage of the Dem Convention was called “What’s in it for us 2008”. You need to seriously take a look around, I thought you were just out of touch with America…you may even be out of touch with your own party!

  14. mike w. says:

    “You mean the fact that Bill Clinton campaigned for almost 2 years so we got to know him during that time?”

    Ah Nemski, so you DO consider campaigning for President as proof that you have the experience to BE President.

  15. DPN says:

    Clinton was Governor of Arkansas for 2 terms and Attorney General as well, compare that to Palin’s resume, that’s a debate I’m willing to have.

  16. Von Cracker says:

    it’s a decent indicator…but not always (read: GWB)

  17. Von Cracker says:

    Mike wanted Obama to make it about race, but he never had….

    He’ll keep on repeating it regardless.

  18. mike w. says:

    “Mike wanted Obama to make it about race”

    Where did you get that from? You seriously just pull crap out of left-field sometimes.

    And he DID pull the race card during the campaign when he felt it would help him.

  19. Chris says:

    “Mike wanted Obama to make it about race, but he never had….”

    Really? And just why doesn’t he “look like all those other guys on the dollar bills”?

  20. Phantom says:

    Wow Chris,
    Way to only quote part of a statement so as to completely remove the context. Obama only made that statement in regards to how the right would portray him as scary. Which the republithug machine has always done and continues to do, see Hannity, O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Coulter, etc.
    Also the media complained about racism and the campaign responded to those queries not as the origination of racism complaints.
    If you have a problem with how the media is treating Obama that may be a valid concern or more likely, given the amount of time he has been in the public spotlight, there is NOTHING the media has on Obama. But with only days for evaluation of Palin there seems to be plenty of fodder available. Had McCain vetted properly he could have been prepared for these issues. Since he did not the media is glad to discover something and then keep digging.
    Her pregnant daughter should not be an issue as stated by Obama and McCain. However, there are those of us that see the blantant hypocrisy in her stance of teaching abstinence only education and not funding assistance for unwed pregnant teenagers.
    Her husbands DUI is just a fact. Just like it was a fact that Bush had a DUI and did cocaine.
    TrooperGate is a real issue as it is being investigated by her own legislature (which is majority REPUBLICAN) for an abuse of power by PALIN. This is not a scandal for debate on the person she tried to have fired no matter how much you would like it to be so.
    Ultimately, she will either face the music or rational independents and others will be able to quickly deduce her inadequacy for the office.
    P.S. If the national enquirer story turns out to be true then she is completly finished.

  21. mike w. says:

    ” Obama only made that statement in regards to how the right would portray him as scary.”

    Which still means that Obama specifically made it about race. There’s no question he played the race card with that statement.

    Because her daughter is pregnant she’s supposed to support funding for OTHER pregnant unwed mothers? Why exactly?

    Her husbands DUI – Big deal, so her husband had a DUI 20+ years ago. What does that have to do with anything?

  22. Phantom says:

    DUI has nothing other than it is information. I agree it has no relevance to the discussion.

    The statement didn’t neccessarily have to do with race, although that could be a component, but rather with the whole picture of his upbringing and life.

    Well, let’s see. What if it were her daughter trying to survive? Also, she brought up the whole issue of I have a child with down’s syndrome so if we were in the white house then special needs children will be advocated for. Although she cut funding for that group as well.

    I just thought that since she made it a point that she would take care of issues personal to her, special needs and unwed pregnant teenagers, that she might be a hypocrite for not funding programs to help those constituents.

  23. mike w. says:

    “I just thought that since she made it a point that she would take care of issues personal to her, special needs and unwed pregnant teenagers, that she might be a hypocrite for not funding programs to help those constituents.”

    See what you don’t get. And I don’t blame you, it’s simply differing views on government, is that just because those issues are important to her doesn’t necessarily mean she feels big government (and taxpayer $$) should have its hand in those issues as well.

    Not everything is about government, dependency on government, and what government can do to help. It is possible to support a group/issue without thinking that the government needs to provide assistance to said group.

    Obama said “I don’t LOOK like all the other guys on the dollar bill” To say that his comment wasn’t specifically referencing his race is laughable. Hmmm lets see, what’s the ONE fundamental difference in how he looks compared to the rest of the Presidents? Don’t hurt yourself thinking about that.

  24. Von Cracker says:

    Mike – you can’t take the effect and make it the cause.

    Are you saying that Obama has no business telling interested voters that the smears (Muslim, un-American, madrassa, et al) from the fright-wing surrogates aren’t based on race?

    So if he makes an antidote about it, and warns the uninitiated not to believe it, he’s playing the race card?

  25. Phantom says:

    Then what is she planning to do as an advocate for special needs when she is VP?
    Also, the government argument is complete BS as she took earmarks from the federal government and used them to subsidize things that she did believe in, a la abstinence only education. So your argument gets thrown out the window with regards to PALIN’S actions. I mean she was able to get roughly $1,000 per citizen in Wasilla from the federal government. We sure as hell didn’t see that money. So trying to talk out of your rear without realizing who you are defending just validates your warped vision of reality.
    FYI, Jesus was a community organizer while Pontius Pilate was a governor. Just saying.

  26. pandora says:

    I’m thinking that Mike is blindly endorsing Palin because the GOP told him to.

    BTW, loved the Jesus/community organizer comparison. I am so stealing that!

  27. meatball says:

    He’s not wearing a wig? The fundamental difference, that is.

  28. h. says:

    I don’t look like those guys on the dollar bill.

  29. mike w. says:

    Phantom – What kind of governor would she be if she was offered Federal money for her state and turned it down. Biden brings in Federal pork for Delaware and you know what? It’s good for Delaware and it’s part of his job.

    Good luck ever getting re-elected if you say to your constituents “I’m not taking any federal money.”

    Von – The point is he said he wouldn’t interject race into things and yet he SPECIFICALLY brought up the race issue with that comment. You all know damn well he was referring to his race, yet you try to deny it. If Hillary or Palin had make Obama’s comment you’d have to be a moron to think they were referring to anything other than their gender.

    Pandora – I’m endorsing McCain / Palin because on the issues they’re the lesser of two evils.

  30. jesus juice says:

    Some of the worst news from Alaska is that as Commander in Chief of her National Guard, Palin has a badly manned air support program. She hasn’t managed to keep up her guards’ numbers…kind of like McCain being asked ‘where the fuck are you going to get all of these soldiers to go to all of the extended wars you have planned?, sir”
    He agreed that he would have to instigate the draft and then denied it.

  31. mike w. says:

    Actually McCain has never said “I’m bringing back the draft.”

  32. pandora says:

    Hmmm…. you say Obama “plays the race card” by acknowledging his race. So, what did Palin play when she referenced HRC and the glass ceiling?

    Seem identical to me.

  33. mike w. says:

    She wasn’t using it to take a shot at the political opposition. Instead she was discussing the achievements of women.

    There’s nothing wrong with Palin referencing the fact that she’s a woman, nor is it wrong for Obama to discuss his race in the context of historical significance.

    The issue is that Obama used the “race card” to take a direct cheap shot at his political opposition. Do you not see the difference in the context in which both comments were made?

  34. pandora says:

    You know what I see? I see that you are full of shit. Now feel free to go on one of you infamous rants that no one here is capable of serious discussion, or that everyone has reading comprehension problems, and how you are the exception to your every rule.

    I’m done.

  35. mike w. says:

    Right. You know what I see? I see you once again getting pissy rather than addressing anything on its merits.

    You don’t like what I have to say so therefore the substance of your reply is “you are full of shit blah blah blah blah I’m done.”

    This is the standard Pandora reply.

    Hell you just proved with your above comment that you are in fact “incapable of serious discussion.”

  36. Rebecca says:

    Been running around to DOE and stuff all day. Thanks for the upgrade Pandora and glad to see the lively discussion.