Around the Horn Friday – Podcast Edition

Filed in National by on September 6, 2008

It’s been months since we did Around the Horn (and I don’t miss doing it, actually).  But today it makes its triumphant return with a half hour podcast by Jason.  This is an idea that will be refined over the next few weeks, but in the meantime, enjoy the show.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Thanks for posting this Geek. My sincere apologies to Nancy, Tom Noyes, Mike Mathews ad anybody else I left off.

    Also – My comments on Steve Newton’s post were dead wrong. Libertarian, Cole is taking votes away from Kay Hagen who is a HORRIBLE Democrat. Not Liddy Dole who is a horrible Republican.

    Anyway, this was basically a proof of concept thing, so next week’s will be much tighter.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    yeah, and I screwed up the ending, so we are even. OK, yours were worse… 🙂

  3. Steve Newton says:

    I was just listening to you do my blog and I had stopped and said to myself–“Cole taking votes from Dole?” I’m pleased you got it.

    Two notes–one personal and one on process:

    1) I keep wondering why I end up on your right wing list–how many right wing blogs are pro-gay rights, pro abortion rights, and object to Obama (for example) because they think he’s too imperialist/militarist in his foreign policy?

    2) There seem to be two downsides to the audio format (although I suspect it’s a hell of a lot easier to do): (a) you were a bit inconsistent in giving out blog titles or URLs (e.g., you mentioned Hube but not the name of his blog) [I do ask myself if anybody would be listening if they didn’t already know about these blogs, but just thought I’d mention it]; and

    (b) Sometimes you were inconsistent with respect to talking about the blog versus the blogger–e.g. with DE Curmudgeon you commented on Shirley’s apparent womancrush on Sarah Palin but didn’t give any sense of the post or posts. I don’t object to the editorializing (what would be the point otherwise?), but it would be more interesting to actually give at least a snippet of the actual posts….

    It would also be interesting (and maybe something to talk about on a slow day) to comment either on (a) the best videos people posted during the week or the (b) “look” of the blogs.

    But a good first effort, I think.

  4. jason330 says:

    Thanks…I think.

    Kidding. Thanks for the feedback. I’m going to clean up those items you mentioned. I also think that the audio at 33 minutes might be about 13 minutes too long.

  5. Steve Newton says:

    I assume you know that some sound infiltrates in from your background at various points.

    You’re right: 20 minutes would be a better length.

  6. kavips says:

    Having taken up the tradition of ATH, I understand exactly why you don’t miss it..

    But,… how does the time element stack up, as opposed to writing and editing?

    Just curious.

  7. jason330 says:

    It seems like it does not take as long, but that might just be my excitement with the newness of the medium.

    I think I am going to steal your take on it and make ATH a look at “the best citizen journalism in the Delaware blogosphere” rather than try to do a comprehensive top to bottom review.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    And from my standpoint, it was about 20 minutes of work, compared to about 2+ hours that I used to spend on ATH.

  9. so uh, can we get an idea of what your plans are when it comes to posting?

    Your like the Brett Favre of Dellib!

  10. jason330 says:

    I’m going to do ATH once a week and update the sidebar poll once in a while if I think of a good question.

    Otherwise that is it.

  11. HA.

    That’s like an Alchoholic saying, “I’m not going to drink beer anymore, just whiskey”

  12. Yosemite says:

    Bleah……I found myself uncontrollably puking about 2 minutes into the podcast!

    Not only was the alternative radio theme music annoying….but Jason, your voice has peristaltic properties. I felt the urge to move at both ends.

    Seriously, bud, not your strong point. You’re much better as a blowhard through the keyboard.

  13. Joanne Christian says:

    MADE MYSELF listen to the whole thing at 3:45 am when not sleeping, out of respect to you and your new venture. Don’t quit the written blog too soon–personality comes through much better. Oh, and I was asleep by I guess that’s a good thing. You don’t have to play w/ every toy!!

  14. Hube says:

    What a surprise! Jason totally misses the point of my sex education post (lies about it, too). He’d make a terrific MSM “journalist.”

    And Yosemite is dead-right …. ugh.

  15. Was A Willing Blogger says:

    Jason, your neglect of DE Way is par the course. You are the thinnest-skinned person writing on lefty blogs and the least disciplined. And you don’t mind lying when it suits you.

  16. jason330 says:

    Right Nancy. I left Mike Mathews and Tom Noyes off to cover for the fact that I wanted to include you out.

    Get over yourself.

  17. Was A Willing Blogger says:

    No, Jase, I wasn’t referring to this posts apology. I was referring to you in general and your whack freak impulsivity.

  18. kavips says:

    My stupid idea:

    Use a voice clip of a timely topic, for instance this week, Sarah Palin would be appropriate, and replace the music, (which should be change-upped frequently if it remains) and play that between breaks…..

    Thanks for getting on the air before Burris/Matthews…. lol….

  19. jason330 says:


    I stand by that post. Two people know for sure that Karen called to try and intimidate me. Karen and me. It wasn’t impulsivity it was first hand reporting.

    Anyway, if you want to keep this going it is fine with me – but, I don’t see the point of keeping it alive.

  20. Would you kindly set ATH with an RSS feed that can be picked up by iTunes, or clue me in if I’m having a PEBCAK if it is already syndicated?

  21. Nancy Willing says:

    Jason, that is patently absurd. I am sorry but I know this woman pretty well for a number of years now and I would stand with her interpretation any day. I still think that you misunderstood what she was trying to communicate.

  22. R Smitty says:

    Wow! I am a very respected journalist “down there,” huh? Awesome!

    OK, fine, I think you meant Randy NELSON.

    So, now I’m thinking…it appears you can’t keep your “Randys” straight. Is HE the one that received MY books?!?!

  23. jason330 says:

    I said Nelson. …..didn’t I?

    Nope. 3:54 in Randy Smith. You are now a respected journalist.

  24. liberalgeek says:

    Smitty is right. You misspoke. We will have to kill you now…

  25. jason330 says:

    Aside from all the errors, I think it is a pretty good start.

  26. jason330 says:

    If I ever get more stuff wrong than the News Journal, I’ll quit.

  27. R Smitty says:

    Looking forward to your audio-ATH posts for the next couple of decades, then.

  28. R Smitty says:

    damn, boy, get your credits right! Of all the things kavips did, you highlight his “Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute” post…which was a ping-back to mine! OK, now you surpassed the snooze-journal error threshold.

    On that note…send Bell packing!!!!!!! Clark, too.

  29. R Smitty says:

    …keep reaching for the stars?!?!?!

    Did you pay royalties to Mr. Kasem for that?

  30. jason330 says:

    That line was what we in the industry call an “easter egg” for you smitty.

  31. R Smitty says:

    we in the industry …

    I love the touch of the family dog keeping your atmospheric stardom somewhat humble.

  32. MissAO says:

    Found the podcast, nevermind.

    Geek, I think you don’t understand Gazizza at all.

    Everyone is in agreement that teen pregnancy is a bad thing, yet I doubt you’d find a post where he has ever said that pregnant teenagers are terrible human beings.

    However, I bet he has a few words for people who prefer that pregnant teens terminate their pregnancies, doubly if those people are purported to be Catholic.

  33. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, I just posted it for Jason. Jason is the voice that you are hearing through all of the “content.”