Delaware Liberal

NRA Taints Carney Campaign With Transparent Lies

I wonder if murderboy picked up the NRA hotline to get the vermin to come to Delaware?

Now, more special interest money is being dumped into the race, with the National Rifle Association helping to prop up Carney’s failing campaign by using the usual untrue Republican-style attacks. The NRA is spreading the lie that Jack will take away law-abiding citizens’ gun rights.

Nothing could be further from the truth. To quote Jack’s plan from weeks ago: “Markell’s plan focuses on keeping guns away from criminals by making it harder for criminals to get weapons and getting criminals off the street.” The fact is that Delaware has seen significant increases in murders and gun violence this year. We all have a right to safety and to live in our neighborhoods without fear of being caught in the crossfire of illegal guns.

The hundreds of thousands of dollars being funneled into John Carney’s campaign through groups like the NRA are being spent defending the status quo. It’s time for a change. If you have even a spare hour this weekend, please volunteer. And of course, don’t forget to vote Sept. 9.


Andrew Roos
Campaign Manager

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