Delaware Liberal

Leave Sarah Palin Alone!

I’m serious. Leave her alone. I know she’s a liberal bloggers dream and the posts write themselves, but we (myself included) need to back off. This election is about McCain. By focusing on Palin we are taking the attention away from the top of the ticket. And I’m beginning to think that’s exactly what the McCain Campaign wants.

Sarah Palin provides red meat for the Right and the Left. She will either help or hurt the ticket, but she won’t make or break it. Ultimately, that’s McCain’s responsibility. In the end this election will be about McCain vs. Obama. Palin is a distraction; a distraction -in my opinion – that McCain desperately needed.

We need to focus on McCain. If we write about Palin (which I’m sure I’ll do again since she’s the gift that keeps on giving) we must tie our arguments against her to McCain. Just like we link McCain to Bush. Sarah Palin won’t speak to the press? Blame McCain. Sarah Palin’s views on sex ed and women’s reproductive rights are extreme? Well, McCain must agree with those positions. Sarah Palin isn’t prepared to stand a heartbeat away from the Presidency? Whose fault is that?

So I plan on leaving Palin alone, and focus on the issues. You know, issues? Those pesky things missing from the Republican Convention.

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