Now I Can Feel Better About Those Monday Night Eagles Games

Filed in National by on September 8, 2008

I went up to the Eagles game yesterday (great game, by the way).  At halftime, they made an announcement that went largely uncheered by most except me.  The Eagles will be buying 100% wind energy from now on, making them the first NFL team to go 100% on sustainable energy.

Their latest purchase of 14 million Kilowatt hours of wind power through Native Energy and McEnergy allows them to achieve their goal of running the NovaCare Complex training facility and Lincoln Financial Field on 100 percent clean energy all year long.

It is announcements like this one that will help legislators, investors and John Q. Public realize that Windpower is for real and is here to stay.  Hopefully, this will help push even more customers towards Delaware’s off-shore windfarm.  Go Eagles!

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  1. Arthur Downs says:

    Given the fungibility of the electric power sent to customers via the power grid, how does one segregate those ‘clean’ electrons from wind farms from the ‘dirty’ ones from a coal-fired plant?

    It is possible that we are witnessing a PR stunt?

    Perhaps this is a claim that the folks going long on Al Gores’s environmental indulgences might buy.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Well, it is fungible, but essentially, they are guaranteeing that they will buy 14M KW of power. This theoretically guarantees a contract from the producer (the windfarms) and the transport network (PECO?).

    So unless someone is cooking the books, the contract eats up 14M KW of the supply from the windfarms.

  3. Arthur Downs says:

    So it is an accounting gimmick and PR stunt.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, yes Art. It is a gimmick. They should have run extension cords from Jim Thorpe to the Linc. You are really being obtuse.

  5. Tom S says:

    Unfortunately Arthur is right…you can’t differentiate the source of power on the grid.

    But…the contract that assures a windfarm source is a great move for all of us!

  6. rsmitty says:

    Art has that grasp of the obvious (how does one segregate those ‘clean’ electrons from wind farms from the ‘dirty’ ones from a coal-fired plant), then he completely strangles it for the sake of his own world-view (So it is an accounting gimmick and PR stunt).

    Art, I think we all get it. You see wind as a boondoggle and nothing else. You love nuclear. HOWEVER, in your jaded argument, you fail to see what Geek and Tom S see, which is with that money going in, the guarantee of wind power coming INTO the grid is now in place. The question remains, though, will it replace that much power from another source, or is it expandable space?

  7. liberalgeek says:

    The Eagles buy the power from Native Energy and McEnergy. It is fed into the grid by Native Energy and McEnergy. It is drawn off of the grid by the Eagles. Art understands, but he likes being an ass.

  8. mike w. says:

    It might be a PR stunt, but it’s certainly not a bad thing. Wind power isn’t the solution, but there’s no reason it can’t be used on a small scale like it is here.

  9. Tom S says:

    It may not be the total solution, but with some American ingenuity, I’ll bet we can make it more efficient! We need to get on with it and avoid the Eeyore attitudes that “it will never work”!

  10. Arthur Downs says:

    It is drawn off of the grid by the Eagles. Art understands, but he likes being an ass.

    So very special power is applied to the grid and a consumer removes very special power.

    If I liked being an ass I would have remained a congenital Democrat.