One Day To Go Predictions Thread

Filed in National by on September 8, 2008

The bookies in the home office have posted the latest over/under betting lines.

US Congress:

Hartley Nagle: 49%

Northington: 35%

Miller: 25%

Governor Primary Dem:

Markell: 51%

Carney: 50%

Governor Primary Republican:

Protack: 52%

Lee: 48%

Insurance Commissioner Dem Primary:

Reed: 47%

Weldin Stewart: 44%

Savage: 25%

(Totals at times exceed 100% because bets are being placed on how well the candidate will perform (over or under) the given betting line)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (26)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    KHN Under
    JN Over
    Miller Under

    Markell/Carney Sucker bet (I pass)

    Protack Under
    Lee Over

    GReed Over
    W-S Under
    Savage Under


  2. TPN says:

    Let me add two post-primary/general election predictions equally sane as the GOP Governor primary one above :

    Markell: 35%
    Protack: 65%

    Carney: 28%
    Protack: 72%

  3. J. Lyman says:

    KHN Under
    JN Over
    Mike Miller Under

    Markell Over
    Carney Under

    Protack way under
    Lee Over

    Reed under
    Nutjob under
    Savage under

  4. El Somnambulo says:

    KHN Under
    Northington Over
    Miller About Right

    Carney Over
    Markell Under (El Somnambulo hopes he’s wrong)

    Protack Way Under (these bookies would be out of business fast)
    Lee Over

    Reed Over
    Stewart and Savage Both Under

  5. RickJ19958 says:

    I’d like to bet my testicles on the Republican Governor line as stated above. Both of them. I’ll remove them with rusty pruning shears and send them to you.

  6. RickJ19958 says:

    C’mon, LG. What are you going to do with a pair of (enormous) testicles?

  7. Lori says:

    I just wanted to ask if anyone here or on the other blogs have caught Jack Markell’s latest video interview. I edited and published it live less than 48-hours ago and has had over 40,000 viewers so far.
    John Carney and/or his group never responded to us so Jack had the camera crews (and coverage) all to himself.
    I would like to hear from others about my interview with Jack and, if any of you think it will make a difference in the outcome (and did I do a good job?)
    Thanks and my best to all,
    President: GreenTV

  8. JohnnyX says:

    Are Protack’s multiple personalities all separately registered to vote? If so, I’ll take the over.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    I’ll hang them from my hitch.

  10. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo has trouble counting, but the US Congress race adds up to 109%, 1 percent less than The Beast Who Slumbers gives in the ring when he’s up against the nefarious Teletubbymundo.

    And the insurance commish #’s look a little squirelly too.

    Oh, the #’s reflect the bets being made, eh? Well, some smart guy is gonna make mucho dinero betting the ‘middle’.

  11. ANON says:

    protack will win with the 4 board members of IPOD supporters…what a joke!

    today, Robert Brown puts out a Press Release stating the republican/democrat primary should be postponed as a rigged election….he forgets he just rigged the IPOD with 4 board members, and through all their party members under the bus! Insanity plus!

  12. liberalgeek says:

    Liz, you can try to post again. Nancy seems to be working now.

  13. rsmitty says:

    US Congress:
    Hartley Nagle: under
    Northington: over
    Miller: over

    Governor Primary Dem:
    Markell: under (sorry)
    Carney: over (sorry)

    Governor Primary Republican:
    Protack: under
    Lee: over

    Insurance Commissioner Dem Primary:
    Reed: over
    Weldin Stewart: under
    Savage: under

  14. El Somnambulo says:

    FWIW, El Somnambulo would set the Protack number at 23%. A good number should get equal action on both the over and the under.

  15. cassandra_m says:

    US Congress:
    Hartley Nagle: under
    Northington: over
    Miller: under

    Governor Primary Dem:
    Markell: over
    Carney: under

    Governor Primary Republican:
    Protack: under
    Lee: over

    Insurance Commissioner Dem Primary: (Can I say I hate this race?)
    Reed: over
    Weldin Stewart: under
    Savage: under

  16. RickJ19958 says:

    I firmly believe that Protack won’t get to 52% of his immediate family, much less his RD, ED, county, or state.

  17. jason330 says:

    Well. It seems the that the sense is that our home office bookies got the Protack vote share prognistication wrong.

    Wednesday I’ll compare these to Ron Williams and see if we need to find new odds makers.

  18. Call It says:

    cassandra….do you hate that race because tom savage and karen stewart are filing for the general as 3rd party candidates? do they want someone in office to do a good job or do they hate gene reed?

  19. anon says:

    Gene Reed is a slimy guy. The old guard dems and the insurance companies are his backers. Who wants that? Brady upsets Reed in the general with KWS and CRAZY old Tom Savage on the ballot.

    Congressional is irrelevant, the Dems don’t support any of these candidates and are going to prop up Coons in 2010 to keep their incestuous power structure in place. The 60s are long gone, libs. Get a clue. No one in their right mind is voting for a guy with a pony tail. Geez. Grow up. Northington is a zero. Miller is a thug. Nagle could make it interesting on election night and a heavy female turnout.

    But the best laugh is your numbers on Prozack after Beth Miller destroyed that lying thug in the paper last week. He’ll be lucky to get to 35%

    Markell upsets the old guard and the unions tomorrow. That will make it all worth it. We’ll be a better state and a better party for it, tho some are going to lose their power. It can’t happen soon enough.

  20. Call It says:

    “Gene Reed is a slimy guy.”

    How many times have you talked to Gene Reed? Seriously. What is John Brady going to do for you? Does it not faze you that Gene has 23 years experience fighting against insurance companies on YOUR BEHALF? I guess that is slimy…

  21. Unstable Isotope says:

    KHN under
    Northington over
    Miller under

    Lee over
    Protack under

    Markell over
    Carney under

    Reed under
    KWS over
    Savage under

    Is there a prize?

  22. ANON says:

    Gene Reed never met a lobbyist he didnt like. Insurance Commissioner position is ripe for graft. During the candidates debate, graft was exposed. Of course Tom Savage was upset, exposing graft in your own party is difficult.

    Savage challenged Reed and his out of state donors, special interst groups, and his relationship with the State Chamber of Commerce.

    Tom Savage is a guy who spent 15 years driving up from Sussex daily to Leg Hall. He campaigned for a insurance plan for police and fire. (They were left out of state/city/county benefit plans).

    Tom is 70 years old, but he knows exactly where the graft is, and will rid that office of it. Tom Savage understands the economics of health care in Delaware and he knows “universal” health care is the only position from a taxpayer/citizen point of view.

    He is a courageous man, supports real universal health care as does Jack Markell. They have different positions on how to get there.

    SB 177 single payer health care is supported by 28 statewide organizations, 18 Legislators, and Medical Society! SB 177 has three independent state studies, nationally peer reviewed. SB177 is the only Health Care Plan of all the candidates, under that much scrutiny! Tom Savage has facts on his side.

    But on this Blog he is dishonored, ridiculed by you fence sitters. Great americans?

  23. cassandra m says:

    Call It, I hate that race because no one of the Matt Denn caliber is running.

    And I’ve had a chance to meet Gene Reed at a few events and he seems to be a personable and gracious guy. I just wish he had lived with Denn’s fundraising rules.

  24. RickJ19958 says:

    I’d like to bet my testicles on the Republican Governor line as stated above. Both of them. I’ll remove them with rusty pruning shears and send them to you.

    “Dammit.” – Rusty Pruning Shears

  25. liberalgeek says:

    My hitch will feel so naked…