Filed in National by on September 8, 2008

What are the reasons you aren’t worried about this “bump” in the polls?

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  1. Common Sense Political Thought » Archives » Question of the season | September 9, 2008
  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I wouldn’t say I’m not worried, but more polls are showing the USA Today/Gallup was an outlier. I was beginning to doubt my knowledge of reality if Palin & McCain’s speeches were enough to turn voter ID around 10 pts. in a week. I’m always pretty hesitant to dismiss polls completely. I think DailyKos spent a lot of time dismissing polls showing Kerry behind (voter screens, cell phones, underestimating young voters, etc.) I’m very skeptical of LV polls, but not RV polls.

    I’m just hoping the continued blatant lying from Palin and McCain on the “bridge to nowhere” and other issues will start biting them in the ass.

  2. Benjamin says:

    Because the battleground polls do not show any real bounce.
    Obama is still up everywhere but in OH, tied in VA and moved up to a tie in Florida.

    And besides the outlier USA Today, all polls show the race to be exactly tied of McCain up one or two.

    And that’s the polls taken in Mccain’s BEST WEEK of the campaign.

  3. the trick is UI, to understand the Gallup polls.

    Good stuf Benny (picture me patting your bald head ala benny hill)

  4. DPN says:

    No. But I’ve got a bump on my testicles, should I be worried about that?

  5. Sharon says:

    I’m not worried because I predicted this 2 months ago.

  6. jason330 says:

    The press will continue to make a big deal about the daily tracking polls because they need to sell advertising, but the states tell the story.

  7. funny you say that. CNN is right now talking about the Electoral college numbers and how Obama has a commanding lead….

  8. Linoge says:

    So Obamaramadingdong’s “bump” was all the rage, but this is nothing to worry about?

    Ahh, the beauty of double standards!

  9. read my lips linoge

    electoral votes

  10. mike w. says:

    You might want to actually look at the electoral vote.com map 1st DTB. There are a whole bunch of states that are just barely trending one way or the other.

  11. Dana says:

    I’m not worried; I’m glad! I very much want Senator Barack Obama to complete his full term in the United States Senate.

  12. Dana says:

    Of course, these polls were for the first week in September; there’s one the first week in November that actually means something.

    Still, a question for our friends on the left; perhaps Donviti will promote it to QOD. President Bush is very unpopular now, and it’s normally very difficult for a party to retain the presidency following holding it for a two-term administration. The economy isn’t in a recession, but unemployment and inflation are up, and people believe that it is pretty bad right now. The war in Iraq has fallen off the front pages, but is still unpopular. Gasoline is aropund $3.50 a gallon.

    So, why isn’t Senator Obama ahead by twenty points?

  13. mike w. says:

    “So, why isn’t Senator Obama ahead by twenty points?”

    I’ve been wondering this for a while now. All things considered he should be crushing McCain.