Delaware Liberal

UM helllllllllllfuckinglooooooooooo

Update: Question? So since the taxpayers are eating the loss, when they turn a profit in a few years, do we get the “windfall profits”.

Does anyone out there even realize just HOW SERIOUS it is that over 1.3 TRILLION dollars worth of mortgages have now been taken over by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT? 

Anyone?  Sure, let’s argue about some lady from Alaska with a funny accent and looks like a librarian.  Let’s not bother ourself with the details that our banking system, this countries BACKBONE has essentially just failed and the government had to take it over to avoid a MAJOR, MAJOR ECONOMIC COLLAPSE WORSE THAN THE DEPRESSION.


Nope, of course not.  I forgot we are busy arguing about a maverick and an Alaskan capable of running the country to worry about our economic well being…

You people are so pathetic.  Left and Right.  wake the fuck up will ya. 

How is it that a guy that finished at the bottom.  LITERALLY the bottom of his class and a woman that needed 4 colleges in 6 years to get her Bachelors are even a thought to run this country with this going on?  HUH.  You mean at this time we are so bad off economically that anyone is going to vote for someone that said the economy isn’t his strong suit is suicide. 

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