What to Expect: Primary Day

Filed in National by on September 8, 2008

We have a lot planned for our coverage on Primary night.  As mentioned earlier, Jason will be appearing on WHYY-TV12 in the evening as a commentator.  In the meanwhile, the rest of the team will be hanging out at the Carney/Dem party at the Chase Center and Markell HQ, across the parking lot in the Shipyard Shops.  We may even go around the corner to the Tom Gordon HQ or the Obama HQ.  We will probably not be doing the liveblog, as almost all of us will be onsite and keeping up might be difficult.

We will be getting video interviews from Democratic leaders and community members.  The quality may suck, but that remains to be seen.  There will be a couple of posts up to cover the results and we encourage you all to comment or ask questions.  We also take requests, so if you have a request for a question to a politician, post it in the comments tomorrow night.

And finally, if you are at the parties tomorrow night, stop by and say hi.  I don’t think we’ll be hard to find.

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  1. Lori says:

    I just wanted to ask if anyone here or on the other blogs have caught Jack Markell’s latest video interview. I edited and published it live less than 48-hours ago and has had over 40,000 viewers so far.
    John Carney and/or his group never responded to us so Jack had the camera crews (and coverage) all to himself.
    I would like to hear from others about my interview with Jack and, if any of you think it will make a difference in the outcome.
    Thanks and my best to all,
    President: GreenTV

  2. Was a Willing Blogger says:

    Jason, a few of Coons’ ethical lapses have erupted into the media in the last week.

    I covered them in some detail on DE Way and sent a few emails out on the subject.

    Did Coons take the money from the funds for the northern county sewer fund and spend them at the Odessa facility?

    Did Coons’ order his finance department staff to stop all work and get him the figures of how much it cost the county? Isn’t that exactly what Gordon did, having county staff work on a political campaign?

    Did Coons call Mascitti and tell him that the Gordon mailer was not factual in order for Mascitti to recind the 24 hour media black-out and smear Gordon’s numbers all morning? Coons never called the show back with the supposed ‘correct’ numbers. Gordon got the numbers from the county personel in those departments and they are the correct numbers.

  3. edisonkitty says:

    Jason – 2 questions on Workforce Housing – for Coons and company: Please explain how you could have supported this and what, if anything do you plan to do to correct this ill-advised law?
    – for State officials: What plans, if any, do you have to wrest control of land use decisions from NC County?

  4. FrankC says:

    Wrong again Nancy, Gordon’s campaign of lies and misinformation ends tomorrow! The Biden camp also denounced the ad in the paper today.

    Morris tried to call for an investigation on the sewer numbers and got smacked down with the facts that showed they were spent where they were supposed to be. People aren’t buying the crap he’s selling unless something is in it for them.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m looking forward to the primaries being over.

  6. Was a Willing Blogger says:

    You are wrong Frank. Biden didn’t denounce ‘the ad’. And the investigation of the sewer funds will continue no matter what outcome tomorrow brings.
    Sheesh. Talk about say anything out of desparation.
    Coons brought in his law enforcement heavyweights who told him that Gordon had the facts.