Delaware Liberal


Stuns? No. Carney knew he was in trouble from the minute this race started. In Delaware, we do not have the advantage of publically released polling that I can analyze. And whatever internal polling the campaigns do is kept a closely guarded secret, with only leaks to the press or to us here at Delaware Liberal of the most advantageous information. But I think we can now say this with extreme confidence: Carney was always going to lose this race. The only reason it was close at all was the Delaware Democratic Party’s expenditures of our party money on Carney’s behalf. Had the Del Dems not engaged in that unethical machine politicking, Carney would have lost by 5 to 10 points at least.

John Carney is a good man. I hope he takes some time off after his term as Lt. Governor is over, and rests with his family. But I want him back in our politics. I want him to run for Congress in 2010, should Karen Hartley Nagle not be successful this year. I will join his campaign and be a tireless volunteer for him. Perhaps he will be choose to fill Joe Biden’s seat in the Senate. I would welcome that move as well.

John Daniello and all those in the Delaware Democratic Party involved in pilthering party funds, which were originally collected for the purpose of defeating Republicans in the general election, for the benefit of rescuing John Carney’s primary campaign for Governor, please do something for me.

On Return Day, you will all announce your retirements from the Delaware Democratic Party leadership and you will all leave Delaware politics forever. If you do not, we here at Delaware Liberal and elsewhere in the progressive blogosphere nationwide, will consider bringing legal action in the Chancery Court to audit the records of the Delaware Democratic Party. All contributions. All expenditures. If you do not think I am serious, try me. I will raise the funds to do it. I can’t imagine you will want to stay, and I can’t imagine the next Governor and leader of the Delaware Democratic Party, Jack Markell, wants you anywhere near his government or party. Hopefully Jack can fire you all, but if he cannot, we will.

Winning against the machine candidate last night is only a half step. The next quarter step is winning in November, and then finally, the last step is reforming our Delaware Democratic Party into the progressive vehicle it must be so that all progressive and Democratic candidates in Delaware can get support, rather than just one. Reforming the party necessarily means Daniello and his staff are out, one way of the other. And I am here to tell them today, we will do everything in our power to see them gone. Winning did not satisfy us. It only made us want our party back more.

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