Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue: Hube Brings The Scary

He does not comment much anymore, but when he does…it is a keeper.

Manonman. What a pathetic parody this “site” has become. Not that it was ever a bastion of sensible political commentary in the first place. All evil and immoral? All scum? DelDem couldn’t debate his fucking way out of a paper bag, even debating NOBODY. What an asshole.

You’re soon destined to become even more of a parody once DE Talk Radio gets underway, too.

I love that last part.

By golly, in Hube’s mind Delaware Talk Radio is going to learn us a thing or two. Then we’ll be sad. Then we’ll know that Hube was right all along about Bush, Iraq, BSG, pretty much everything I tell ya!

Mark my words….

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