Obama has taken a stand. Anyone know where McCain stands on this one?

Filed in National by on September 10, 2008

Senator Barack Obama and two other prominent Democrats urged federal housing regulators on Tuesday to cut the golden parachutes of the ousted leaders of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, another sign that the government bailout of those mortgage giants could reverberate through the presidential campaign.

I don’t see McCain taking a stand. It would upset his base. And we all know that Mavericks don’t upsate their base.

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hiding in the open

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  1. meatball says:

    Buck stops here moment.

  2. pandora says:

    Oh, I’m sure he’ll be mavericky.

  3. That wasn’t mentioned during the convention speeches, so they can’t comment on it.

  4. But wait, delaware’s most underappreciated writer! Didn’t you say earlier that the Fannnie/Freddie bailout was the result of a free market economy and deregulation?!?!

    If you say that – then applaud Obama for holding individuals responsible because of malfeasance, does that mean you’ve changed your mind – that maybe it wasn’t just the free market and deregulation?

    Frankly, McCain will be all for cutting the golden parachutes of the likes of former Clinton budget director Franklin Raines and former Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick for their 9 billion dollars of unreported losses after taking 23 Million and $770k respectively. But I think Raines and Gorelick get to keep their money because they exited and left some other poor sap holding the bag.

  5. huh? You know that about mccain b/c your loonybatphone has a direct line to all 7 of his houses?

    and I’m sure in your mind this one made sense:

    If you say that – then applaud Obama for holding individuals responsible because of malfeasance, does that mean you’ve changed your mind – that maybe it wasn’t just the free market and deregulation?

    Are you dumb or just pretending? You see deregulation led to law breaking and abuse, hence why CEO’s should be held accountable and not rewarded for screwing the entire country. I presume the one you live in too.