Shut Yo Face, Minner.

Filed in National by on September 10, 2008

Poor ole Ruth Ann is acting rather petulant this morning.

Gov. Ruth Ann Minner, who endorsed her lieutenant governor, was far less conciliatory.

Minner said she was “shocked” by the results, and would not say whether she will endorse Markell in the general election.

Markell often criticized the “Minner-Carney” administration for problems facing the state, but Minner said she did not view the defeat of Carney as a negative response to her eight years as governor.

“[Markell] was taking credit for things we had done, and other things he was not involved with he blamed John and I,” she said.

Because Markell targeted Carney and incumbent members of the Legislature during his campaign, he will have to repair relationships with those members of the party.

“Jack’s got some fence-mending to do before he can start thinking about running against somebody else,” Minner said.

To be quite frank, go to Hell Ruth Ann. 

I was half considering the possibility of you serving as a Senator in Vice President Joe Biden’s stead for the next two years.  Now, I cannot wait until you waddle home to Sussex County.    I am finished with you.   You know what….go ahead and endorse Lee.   That would be just fucking perfect.   Jack Markell could not thank you enough.   Indeed, your selfishness serves us well.  

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  1. edisonkitty says:

    I have directions to Hell, should she need them.

  2. Joe C says:

    EK, you would think her tow truck has a navigation system.

  3. DavidV says:

    Fence mending? Suck up to the incumbents? WTF. Hey Ruth Ann….your chickens have come home to roost. Now due us all a favor, shut the hell up and go home.

  4. anonone says:

    “It’s a primary that should never have happened,” said U.S. Sen. Tom Carper, who tried to broker a deal that would have had Markell run for lieutenant governor.

    And Fuck You too, Carper, you Lieberman-loving member of the Democratic Losers Counsel.

  5. jason330 says:

    This makes the Markell victory even sweeter.

  6. rsmitty says:

    I’m kind of hoping she supports the IPoD dude with a moustache.

  7. Paul says:

    Rich Heffron just suggested that Markell has to mend fences?? WDEL.

    Question, after a statewide election of democrats:
    WHO is in control?
    Who represents THE PEOPLE?
    Who represents the rank and file of THE PARTY?

    It is the PARTY that needs to adjust its decisions, and its endorsements.

    Democrat money used in a primary to affect the internal race. Unthinkable, for people who are ethical and fair.

  8. Political Observer says:

    But Markell WILL need the legislature to govern effectively.

    Thinking that one primary election (albeit a well and honorably fought one) makes Markell invincible and holding all the keys to Dover is foolishness on your part. In truth there will need to be fence-mending from all sides. Everyone wants to be in the Governor’s good graces, so you’ll see Carney endorsers coming over to Markell in droves and making nice, but don’t think for a minute that a Governor can even begin to do it alone. Veto pens and bully pulpits will only work so long before a Governor’s influence dries up – even with the voters. Markell will need to extend olive branches as well.

    The good news for the Democrats is that this result is better for them in regards to moving the party back together. It will be considerably easier to get most Carney supporters (especially those who just supported him because it was “his turn”) to go to Jack than it would have been to get Markell supporters to go to John. Markell supporters tend to be “true believers.”

  9. Bob Cooper says:

    Hell called –they said No Thanks.