Delaware Liberal

The Band Rocks

VH1 is playing the last Waltz tonight and I don’t want my last post [for who knows how long due to changes in my work thing] to be one that rags on Hube.  I actually like Hube, but he hates my guts.   That’s okay.  I’m being carried on a wave of love, raspy three part harmony and positive Levon Helm vibes right now so I will not say goodbye, but see you later.

Geek, DD, DV, Cassandra, and Pandora – 

You guys rock.  Keep sticking it to the man and send me occasional coded messages through the Delaware State News’ “soundoff” feature.  BTW – I asked Nemski to join the team, but he is playing coy.  Someone should tell him that DL is the third largest circulation newspaper in DE.  

 Nighty night.  


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