Delaware Liberal

The Map.

As soon as the first 10 districts came in, and Markell was ahead by a slight 53-47 margin, I knew we were probably going to have a good night.   Why?  Because I was assuming that, like always, all the early numbers were coming in from Sussex County, were there are less people and less polling places per per district, thus making it easier to tabulate a total count for the district.   And if Markell was leading in Carney country, which I thought Sussex County to be, then all Markell had to do was balance out Wilmington (another strong Carney area) with Newark, Chateau, Hockessin and Brandywine.      And whomever wins Kent and “South-of the Canal New Castle”, wins.

And that is precisely what happened.  Indeed, it looks like Carney and Markell split Sussex, but in reality Markell won the more heavily populated parts, thus winning the county.   

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