The Map.

Filed in National by on September 10, 2008

As soon as the first 10 districts came in, and Markell was ahead by a slight 53-47 margin, I knew we were probably going to have a good night.   Why?  Because I was assuming that, like always, all the early numbers were coming in from Sussex County, were there are less people and less polling places per per district, thus making it easier to tabulate a total count for the district.   And if Markell was leading in Carney country, which I thought Sussex County to be, then all Markell had to do was balance out Wilmington (another strong Carney area) with Newark, Chateau, Hockessin and Brandywine.      And whomever wins Kent and “South-of the Canal New Castle”, wins.

And that is precisely what happened.  Indeed, it looks like Carney and Markell split Sussex, but in reality Markell won the more heavily populated parts, thus winning the county.   

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  1. P.I. says:

    I knew Jack would win but that didn’t make the evening any less sweet. The election map gave me the answers I wanted. It tells me where Democrats need to concentrate their efforts for Legislative seats in two years.

  2. jason330 says:

    What is with the 8th and 9th? the 9th is more union country with Port Penn and Delaware City.

    I think Dave Carter just might have pulled the race out for Jack in the 9th with his GOTV.

  3. delawaredem says:

    I think so too. IIRC, both were very close.

  4. delawaredem says:

    Jason, isn’t the 9th your district? At least yours went for Markell. Up here in the 2nd, it was all Carney.

  5. jason330 says:

    Yes. A Dem district that keeps returning Dick Cathcart to office.

  6. FSP says:

    Why was the Democratic map two different shades of blue? Ours was only one shade.

  7. Sedgwick says:

    To answer your question, the two seem to comprise Middletown, Odessa, Townsend and Smyrna (or pieces of them). I know Blackbird’s in the area.

  8. Sedgwick says:

    Wait wait wait. I thought the 8th went for Jack? Or at least that’s what I saw in the News Journal today.

  9. MJ says:

    I was working the poll in Thurman Adams country in 35 in Bridgeville for Jack. Nary a “carnie” to be seen, except for Pat Ewing every so often. They had loads of signs, but as we all know, signs don’t vote. I probably persuaded 50-70 people to vote for Jack just by being there. And we only lost that ED by 42 votes out of over 400 cast. When I saw that we were that close in the heart of Adams’ home, I knew we were going to win the night. And Jack kicked some big tushie in 14, winning over 65% of the vote. I’m breathing some fresh air today.

  10. DavidV says:

    Those few in the 41st really had a bad day.

  11. Nancy Willing says:

    I was glad to have gotten on today to bring up the continuation of same old screwed up county pols.
    I would hope that Geek, in his exclusive interview with him mentioned on air, gets the same promise out of Coons that Dunn and Gordon backed, to use the county web site for streamlining and podcasting all public meetings. It was Geek’s idea in the first place.

    A guy from St. Georges called me just now to complain that a woman in Rose Hill, who was passing out an email that described how Coons’ administration WROTE the affordable housing ordinance that had everyone so angry in southern NCC, was unpleasantly put out by Geek when she tried to talk to him about this. Supposedly, Geek insisted that he had a personal relationship with Coons and that he would be asking him about it.
    Evidently, it seemed to her to be an effort to suppress civic activism and was discouraging so much so that she stopped circulating the email.
    I don’t know why she didn’t have the gumption to ignore Geek but she didn’t.

    The feeling from the friend who phoned me today was that there was a line crossed when Coons is using Delaware Liberal to put across his positions.

    I don’t necessarily agree (obviously) that advocacy for a particular campaign is off limits for bloggers. But there is certainly a problem when DE Lib bloggers can’t figure out that Coons is much of the problem behind what is going on in their communities that they don’t like.
    Council doesn’t work in a vaccuum.

  12. Nancy Willing says:

    oops, I meant to post this on the WDEL post….

  13. delawaredem says:

    Nancy, I think we can definitely work together on open government / live streaming of council meetings. We are on the same side on that issue.

    As for Coons, you have charged him with fraud and corruption and have yet to produce proof of that. So until I see it, we will be on opposite sides with respect to that.

  14. Joanne Christian says:

    I had to go back and check the map!! Yes the 8th did go to Carney….Bethany Hall-Long supports him, and I guess delivered it…she’s her own machine!!! The 8th is up for grabs now, w/ BHL eyeing the Senate seat.

  15. liberalgeek says:

    Hmmm. Nancy, I have been in communication with two residents of Rose Hill, both women, but I am sure that I know which one took this impression.

    Let me make a few things clear:

    I do not have a relationship with Chris Coons outside of a 7 minute conversation on Friday afternoon.

    This blog endorsed him.

    I personally voted for him.

    His office has been very responsive to me in the past week (perhaps because of the blog).

    All of my comments to anyone has had an element of “I don’t have any proof that this should hang around Chris Coons’ neck.” Forgive me for not taking your word for it.

    I have been looking for people to hang this on, and so far I have Bell, Clark and Powers.

    I have told several people that Penrose Hollins got a raw deal at that meeting. This sentiment has been echoed by several people that I have spoken to since.

    If Coons appears responsible when I have a full grasp on the situation (there is a lot to digest and there are a lot of bad rumors out there) I will say so and work to make Coons pay for that mistake.

    More than one person mentioned to me that the timing of all of this is all too convenient. I do find it curious.

    Thanks for helping me identify people that are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

  16. Dana Garrett says:

    That Markell did so well downstate must be seen as doubly bad news for the GOP. Of course, the first bit of bad news for them is that Markell ran against Minner, so the GOP can’t plausibly tie him to her.

    I had the suspicion that Markell would do well in Kent when I had some business there and saw Markell signs in many places.

    Markell by a landslide in Nov.

  17. hmmmm

    Nice comment Nancy….

    I don’t necessarily agree (obviously) that advocacy for a particular campaign is off limits for bloggers. But there is certainly a problem when DE Lib bloggers can’t figure out that Coons is much of the problem behind what is going on in their communities that they don’t like.

    Some people would say the same about you. Some people would also say a lot of other things about you and how your elevator doesn’t reach the top floor.

    Thanks for trying to slander us behind our back to WDEL.

    I think taking a NON criminal over a Convicted Criminal says alot about our blog….

  18. Susan Regis Collins says:


    W/O a law degree I would venture to say that someone who did not go to trial and was not found guilty, by a jury of peers, is not a convicted criminal.

    It is the American way: innocent until proven guilty.

    Any legal eagle members of the bar care to comment?

    You prepaid legal customers call your lawyer.

    Anyone, who like me, only has an opinion…keep it to yourself until a law school grad and card carring member of the bar (be they Dem or Rep) writes in to agree or disagree.

  19. Nancy Willing says:

    As for Coons, you have charged him with fraud and corruption and have yet to produce proof of that. So until I see it, we will be on opposite sides with respect to that.
    As you should. Why take my word for it. He had four years to create a mess. It is going to take me a little time to get it out into the light. I wouldn’t expect anyone to take it at face value.

  20. Nancy Willing says:

    Thanks for trying to slander us behind our back to WDEL.
    do you always post while intoxicated? I have only called into the WDEL today.
    I haven’t called in once since I began to boycott Mascitti freaking over a month ago.
    I called today with all of you guys on air with me. How is that behind your back?

  21. Nancy Willing says:

    Thanks Susan, this is an uphill battle with these guys. I do not feel that Gordon’s misdemeanor is any worse than my misdemeanor. Ron Williams posted that Coons had his finance office stop work to do work for his campaign.
    I believe him. Where are the feds now?

    A forum for community conversations is a good place to get and give what people are saying.
    A few of us actually write stuff and even fewer use their real names.

  22. Nancy Willing says:

    Bless you Geek, the situation down where you live is going to get so much worse. I have a feeling that you are truly interested in getting to the answers and I trust that you will end up agreeing with me.

  23. wow, talk about revisionist history.

    Freeberry (sp?) and Gordon the dynamic duo of corruption.

    Forgive and forget eh nancy? Way to hold politicians to a higher standard.

  24. arthur says:

    This is my one completely non-partisan platform for every candidate. After losing a primary or general election you have 96 hours to remove all your yard waste (signs) and your winning opponent.

  25. delawaredem says:


    I am a lawyer, and Tom Gordon pled guilty to certain crimes. If you watch Law and Order just once, you will realize that pleading guilty without a trial and being convicted by a jury are exactly the same thing. You don’t need to be a lawyer.

    Thus, it is accurate to call Tom Gordon a criminal.

  26. Nancy Willing says:

    I just parsed through some of the election give-aways that council-Coons have orchestrated and are going to be voting on next week. Millions of your tax dollars are heading out to the good communities who cast their votes so overwhelmingly for the incumbents.
    What a load.
    Some of it is posted on DEWay

  27. Nancy Willing says:

    Forgive and forget eh nancy? Way to hold politicians to a higher standard.

    Coons and Clark aren’t any better. It is a matter of who you piss off enough to chase you down. I think that Gordonbery fucking with the big-money by installing the UDC was their biggest “crime” and Sherry Freebery was out on her own with the loan et al.
    You people here are buying CLEAN county. I feel like I am in a western with Coons riding in on the white stallion.

  28. Political Observer says:

    #26 As it is also accurate to say that anyone who has paid a traffic ticket in this state is a “convicted criminal” since speeding and other traffic offenses are misdemeanors in Delaware, but few people would call you one.

    At the same time, just because a prosecutor can’t prove a case doesn’t mean a person can’t be filthy dirty and pretty much rotten to the core… comment on anyone in particular, just sayin’.

  29. Al Mascitti says:

    Most people with a traffic misdemeanor on their records didn’t plead down to it. Just sayin’.

  30. Andy says:

    What was the break down in Registration of Ds to Rs lasat year compared to the registration deadline just before Lee announced and how many of those R’s are going to vote for Lee in November rather Markell as they did in the Primary
    The turn out of D’s was double that of the R’s for the Primary was registration that lopsided before this election season?