This is Why I Love Joe Biden.

Filed in National by on September 10, 2008

He is just so human, unafraid to show emotion, unafraid to show his love of his family.   Stupid conservatives will deride this, criticizing him for tearing up, saying that he is not acting like a man.   And I say it is Joe Biden who really is a man, while all who criticize him for this can never hope to be.


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  1. pandora says:

    There is nothing to criticize here… just honest emotion that honors both women.

  2. Dana Garrett says:

    Have you read the book? It reads throughout just like that moment. Very honest and authentic. Reading the book changed my view of Biden in many respects.

  3. G Rex says:

    What’s there to deride? It’s sweet. It’s almost as touching as Sarah Palin describing the first time she gutted a moose. Ah, now that one brings a tear to the eye!

  4. David says:

    Are there imaginary conservative villains around here? I think your cut out conservative is like a child’s imaginary friend that gets blamed for everything done wrong.

    Conservatives will criticize indeed.

    For the record, I think Joe Biden is a good man, wrong most of the time, but a decent human being.

  5. delawaredem says:

    Oh, David. If only you conservatives were imaginary. The world would be such a better place. But yes, I do see to recall conservative criticism of Biden when he became emotional during a Charlie Gibson interview during his presidential run last year, which was replayed when he was selected as the VP pick.

  6. Art Downs says:

    Biden is a tenured and mouthy back bencher who is a top-notch campaigner. His idea of sending more tax money to third-world ratholes makes him a natural running mate for Obama.

    Chairing a Senate committee on the basis of seniority does not confer expertise. Who can forget his idiotic idea of partitioning Iraq? Opposing this lunacy was an issue that did unite the three factions of the nation.

    He is a ‘progressive’ and that puts him at odds with most of the voters of the nation.

  7. Emily says:

    I love Joe Biden, too. He is an honest and honorable man and he will make a great vice president. Did you see when they showed him at the Claymont Steak Shop during his campaign in ’87? I met him that day, and he is as real as they get. His passion for standing up for what’s right for the people and his sound judgement will make him the best vice president anyone could hope for.