9/11 QOD

Filed in National by on September 11, 2008

If I walked over to your house, knocked on your door, you opened it, I kicked you in the balls, you fell over, I walked away; would you walk across the street, blame the guy that had nothing to do with it and punch him in the nuts, take over his home, and hire a bunch of your drinking buddies to redo the house all the while charging your neighborhood association account for the crappy remodeling that has turned out to be so bad it had mold growin in it and shocked your dog to death?

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hiding in the open

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  1. A. Bundy says:

    It’s too bad no one kicked you in the balls before you were able to produce your spawn!

    God bless America and God bless that poor child.

  2. Mrs. Hotviti says:

    what’s wrong bundy? are you jealous he didn’t spawn w/ you? 🙂

  3. mike w. says:

    As the title of another DL liberal post says

    “Stupidity Reigns”

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    Can’t happen. I don’t have balls.

  5. Dorian Gray says:

    Bundy and Mike offer some inane quips but as usual no direct response.

  6. mike w. says:

    A serious post deserves a serious response……..

  7. he said no DIRECT response dipshit…nothing about serious. Christ you can’t even read 2 sentences without getting one of them wrong.

    such an asshat

  8. DPN says:

    DV, great questions

  9. Dorian Gray says:

    OK, Mike, object to the analogy. Argue some intesting point. Do something other than regugitate the same farcical bullshit.

    I’d call you an old fucking boring asshole but you might shoot me because I’m not carrin’ in my pick-up listin’ to some good ole’ bot twangs.

  10. thanks

    now stay away from my blog! you aren’t good enough

  11. mike w. says:

    “I’d call you an old fucking boring asshole but you might shoot me because I’m not carrin’ in my pick-up listin’ to some good ole’ bot twangs.”

    Typical projection. Why am I not surprised?

  12. mike w. says:

    “You aren’t good enough”

    Says Mr. “seal of experience” who couldn’t debate someone if his life depended on it.

  13. Not Brian says:

    No, Mike, you really are terrible.

    It is one thing to be a tool on your own time, but what have you added to this (or any other) thread today?

  14. mike w. says:

    Let’s just say I’m taking a page from DTB and Pandora’s books……

  15. Let’s just say I’m taking a page from DTB and Pandora’s books……

    and we are the ones that are liked, seems to me that 1 of us doesn’t quite have the same page we are reading from

  16. mike w. says:

    It has nothing to do with being “liked” and everything to do with offering substantive, rational responses.

  17. Sharon says:

    blame the guy that had nothing to do with it and punch him in the nuts, take over his home, and hire a bunch of your drinking buddies to redo the house

    Well, if the guy had spent years encouraging you to come kick me in my non-existent nuts, had hired people to kick me in my nuts, and had gloated when you came to kick me in my nuts, I’d say he had it coming to him.

  18. Dorian Gray says:

    Pop-pop Mike,
    Projection? HEHEHEHE! 🙂

    You have absolutely no idea how funny that is grandpa.

  19. Not Brian says:

    See, Sharon brought up a good point about the analogy, it does break down…

    DV, the neighbor whose ass is being kicked did not used to be a tyrant you supported in a war, provided military intelligence, logistical support gassing Kurds, and whose weapons program you encouraged (as long as the weapons were used on Iranian women and children).

    The neighbor metaphor breaks down… either way, Bush is a war criminal.

  20. mike w. says:

    “Bush is a war criminal.”

    Under what criteria? What laws did he break?

    Dorian – What in the hell are you talking about?

  21. Truth Teller says:

    Sarah told Gibson tonight that we should invade Russia over Georgia. Vote Repuk and lets have a draft.

  22. Not Brian says:

    Mike –

    Still no value added.

    Don’t you have relatives or a wife you can bicker endlessly with? NAMBLA meeting to go to? Something?

  23. Dorian Gray says:

    See now that’s an argument from a thoughtful person. Analogy breaks down. Simplication of a complex issue. Etc., etc…

    Not the fucking Mike W. grand pa dork response.

    Isn’t past you bedtime, by the way. You must be retired, right? You comment on the site constantly during business hours. You have to be sleepy.

  24. mike w. says:

    Actually she did not. Not even close. You may as well take the whole damn interview out of context.

  25. Von Cracker says:

    Saw a clip of Palin’s ABC interview. Scary stupid.

  26. Not Brian says:

    To be literal about it, he has been breaking all the rules of the Geneva convention at will. So far SCOTUS has pretty much agreed with that statement…

    From my perspective there is no way you can be intellectually honest and not admit that this all had a lot to do with war profiteering. If you accept that (and I know you dont) then the resulting death and dismembering of hundreds of thousands is no different to me than 9-11… well, except we did it 50 times over.

    I unfortunately do not get comfort from the fact that the people we are killing are brown and live far from here. The blood of civilians for oil and no bid contracts is no better than anything Saddam did.

  27. mike w. says:

    I actually thought it was refreshing. She actually answered questions, and difficult ones at that. That’s more than I can say for Obama.

  28. Dorian Gray says:

    Dummy, in comment 13 you said I was projecting, yes? This has a fairly standard definition. Namely I am insulting you for characteristic I myself believe I exude.

    You are an old fart you touts the benifits of packing heat and insults free-thinking progressive people. I have sex with young hot girls.

  29. Not Brian says:

    I can vouch for DG on that last bit!

  30. Sharon says:

    Sarah told Gibson tonight that we should invade Russia over Georgia. Vote Repuk and lets have a draft.

    You need to get your news from some place other than Firedoglake. Like actually seeing or reading what she said.

  31. Not Brian says:

    No, no, no… I am thinking of a day of the week…

  32. Phantom says:

    Wow Mike and Sharon,
    Way to bend reality again. She said that we should allow Georgia and Ukraine into Nato.
    Then stated that if attacked (ie Russia invading Georgian territory) that we would then be accountable to support the country with military assistance due to the Nato clause.
    Which leads to the conclusion that she is for war with Russia (especially since Russia has been quite clear on its views about the Georgian territory.)
    Given that our troop strength is completely tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan and borrowing more Chinese money to pay for enlistements is not an option. We would therefore have to institute a draft to provide military support for Georgia.

    A better follow up question to the bible thumper would have been “Do you consider the territory already occupied by Russia as Georgian territory? And would we be responsible for taking back that territory if Georgia were admitted to Nato?” or “If you admitted them into Nato would you admit them with thier prior borders (before Russia entered) or as a state without the territories that Russia now controls?”

    With those questions we can get a real concrete answer and not an interpretation.
    Mike – This blows your nonsense about her giving straight answers straight out of the water. She is a politician and doesn’t give straight answers (unless they involve the following items:
    pit bulls,
    hunting wolves from airplanes to exhaustion and then shooting them dead. (You know that real hunting that involves tracking and such just doesn’t cut it anymore.)

  33. anon says:

    For those of you who are trying to explain away Palin’s statement by saying she was simply restating the rules of NATO:

    Palin said Georgia should be admitted to NATO. She said this even while Russia has an ongoing territorial dispute with Georgia and has troops on the ground in Georgia. To admit Georgia to NATO at this time would almost certainly mean war with Russia. And if we abrogated our NATO agreements and didn’t defend Georgia, NATO would fall apart.

    Georgia is not worth it. Palin’s comments are careless, dangerous, and clueless.

    And worse, Bush’s run-up of oil prices has allowed Russia to re-arm itself, while Bush has destroyed our military readiness. Russia is laughing in our face, and there is nothing we can do about it. We can’t even exert diplomacy, because Bush has destroyed our credibility and moral standing. Hell , what did McCain say – “in the 21st century nations don’t invade other nations.”

    Fools and knaves.

  34. Truth Teller says:

    I was going to go into explaining my statement that she wants to invade Russia, however the two previous writers did it for me and very well I might add thanks guys.

  35. G Rex says:

    “Georgia is not worth it. Palin’s comments are careless, dangerous, and clueless.”

    Yeah, and I suppose you don’t remember this nugget:

    “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”

    Boy howdy, that sounds awful belligerent to me, must have been that old warmonger Reagan who said that, right?

  36. mike w. says:

    “Georgia is not worth it. Palin’s comments are careless, dangerous, and clueless.”

    How is defending and supporting our allies “not worth it?”

  37. anon says:

    How is defending and supporting our allies “not worth it?”

    We do not currently have treaty obligations to defend Georgia. Palin wants us to take on such obligations, which while Russia has troops inside Georgia, would basically be an act of war.

    Defending Georgia would ordinarily be a job for diplomacy or economic sanctions, not war, but Bush has pissed away all our strength for both options.

  38. Von Cracker says:

    Seriously, Palin’s a joke.

    Think about it. A mayor of 6000 – became Gov on the platform that she wasn’t the corrupt incumbent. She didn’t win on her record since her record is shit – she left a massive debt and fueled pet projects her constituents are still paying for today. She won on her looks; admit it! It’s a state that’s overwhelmingly male and she’s a MILF….it ain’t rocket science!

    And McCain’s hoping you’re just like him – you’re gonna vote with your dick.

    But you GOPers are willing to give this unknown nobody a very realistic chance of having control of our Armed Forces, missiles and all?

    She’s dangerous…in a stupid way.

    Yeah…country first! Bullocks!

  39. mike w. says:

    ” She didn’t win on her record since her record is shit.”

    Look at Obama. He sure as hell hasn’t gotten this far on his record, since he barely has one and has NO executive experience whatsoever.

    And yet you Dems are willing to give Obama, who prior to his run for President was an “unknown nobody” control of this country. Not 2nd in command, but President.

  40. Von Cracker says:

    We are not talking about OBAMA!

  41. mike w. says:

    Yes, but you’re bitching about the prospect of the VP, an “unknown nobody” being 2nd in command when the guy you want to be PRESIDENT is as much an “unknown nobody” as Palin is.

  42. Von Cracker says:

    Dude – McCain’s half dead – 72 yrs old and has had cancer 4 times, at least.

    Palin would have a very good chance at becoming POTUS.

    Are you telling me otherwise?

  43. Von Cracker says:

    Obama is a vetted, known quantity. To say otherwise is to admit you do not know what you are talking about.

    How long has he been under the mircoscope? His record combed through? How he delegates? Interacts with world leaders? Has explained in detail what he would do if elected? blah…blah…blah…

  44. mike w. says:

    And? My grandfather is 86, had cancer twice and he’s in excellent health, running around, traveling, working on cars etc. etc.

    And you are still bashing McCains VP for things that are equally true about your Candidate. Prior to running for President what had Obama done? Not a whole lot.

  45. pandora says:

    Not about Obama, but it is noted that you offer no defense of Palin’s experience.

  46. mike w. says:

    Maybe that’s because I agree that she doesn’t have a whole lot of experience.

  47. Dorian Gray says:

    Are you guys still on this thread? Fucking hell, leave it be.

    Palin is a PTA mom was gained the mayor-ship with church backing and 900 votes. Additionally, she is just a fluke governor a la Jesse Ventura.

    Change the subject to Obama or whatever, that’s fine. It makes you look like a fucking nitwits, but to no more of a degree than any of the other ludicrous non-sequitar “comments” you make.



  48. Von Cracker says:

    On the national and world stage? Tons more than Palin. That’s not even debatable.

    McCain’s age/health is an issue, especially after the Palin pick.

  49. Dorian Gray says:

    Oh. Brian. Thanks for the props. I got a bit twisted last night and realized I torture myself engaging these dorks. I need a quick comment catharsis.

    And DV – IDs are checked!

  50. G Rex says:

    “Palin is a PTA mom…”

    Isn’t that sorta like a community organizer?

    “Additionally, she is just a fluke governor a la Jesse Ventura.”

    You mean like Obama being a fluke Senator?

  51. Paul Falkowski says:

    “You mean like Obama being a fluke Senator?”

    Thank 7 of 9 for that.

  52. mike w. says:

    yeah, she’s just a “fluke governor” who also happens to be one of the most popular governors in the country.

    Bill Clinton was just a lowly governor too ya know?

  53. Von Cracker says:

    No, not that at all. And it’s funny you have to go back to when Obama’s just out of school to find a proper comparison to your beauty queef.

    You’re silly!

  54. Dorian Gray says:

    More comparisons to Obama. OK.

    The Columbia educated ex-president of the Harvard Law Review goes to Chicago to coordinate community jobs programs in the 3rd largest city in the US. That’s not the same as the PTA.

    How his election to the US Senate is a fluke is a bit vague – just empty words.

    The fact that she is popular is not really germane, is it? Paris and Britany are popular. A month ago McCain told me that was bad. Now it’s good?

    Your comments, to quote Orwell, are “pure wind”.

  55. Dorian Gray says:

    Oh. Bill Clinton was a Rhode Scholar. I think the comparison with Palin is a little weak, don’t you think?

  56. mike w. says:

    Popularity among your constituents is certainly germane to the discussion because it’s a reflection of the job you’ve done while in office. As an elected official you are supposed to work FOR your constituents are you not? Isn’t having an extremely high approval rating among said constitutents a good indicator of one’s competency?

    You guys cite Bush’s abysmal approval ratings as evidence of his incompetence, and I’d argue that’s a valid criticism.

  57. Von Cracker says:

    nice rationalization there, Miguel.

    What does it say about Palin that prior to the VP nod, her approval rating dropped 25 points?

  58. Dorian Gray says:

    OK, fair enough. Then we can dismiss the insulting Obama “celebrity” ads as tripe then, yes?

  59. G Rex says:

    “How (Obama’s) election to the US Senate is a fluke is a bit vague…”

    Falkowski nailed it right away; the only reason the seat opened up was that the incumbent wanted his wife (Jeri Ryan from Star Trek) to partywith other men in sex clubs, and it all came out in the divorce filing. The GOP tried to get Mike Ditka to run, but they had to settle for Alan Keyes at the last minute.

    How exactly did we get back here from 9/11?

  60. Von Cracker says:

    We all know McCain is the original Celebrity…hell, wasn’t he on Nash Bridges and in Wedding Crashers?

  61. mike w. says:


    Palin’s approval ratings.

    Von – I’d venture to say that approval ratings drop once a politician starts campaigning for office rather than staying in their state and getting things done. I would have been amazed if her approval ratings had stayed at the astronomical levels (90%) they’d been at previously.

  62. Von Cracker says:

    of course – but it was a quick drop….

    …it would an aggravating factor for the whole ‘fluke’ gov argument though….

  63. G Rex says:

    And yes, the Barry/Britney/Paris celebrity ad was silly.

  64. mike w. says:

    “We are not talking about OBAMA!”

    Of course not Von, because here on DE Liberal making valid comparisons that cast “The One” in bad light is not allowed. Right?