9/11 QOD

Filed in National by on September 11, 2008

Where did the 9/11 attacker’s come from and what was on their passports?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Rebecca says:

    They were Saudi Arabians based out of Afghanistan. Iraq had nothing to do with it.

  2. pandora says:

    I do believe that 15 of the 19 were Saudi. I also believe that NONE were Iraqi.

  3. June says:

    What does this say about our country?
    A poll in June showed that 56% of all Republicans said they thought Saddam was involved with the 9/11 attacks. In the latest poll that number actually climbs, to 62%” (USA Today/Gallup poll, 10/6/2004).

  4. meatball says:

    Well who can tell the difference between Sunni and Shia or Arabs/ Persians anyway?

  5. FSP says:

    “what was on their passports?”


  6. Sharon says:

    Clearly, they were agents of George W.Bush because he was masterminding a massive infringement of civil rights and attempting to become a ruthless dictator for life. Right?

  7. cassandra m says:

    They all had US visas on their passports (some, if not most expired) so they were let in the front door (and not made to leave).

  8. June says:

    Oops. Just realized that was an old poll I quoted. Hopefully, the number of Republicans who can think for themselves has increased by this time, but I doubt it.

  9. delawaredem says:

    There goes the idiot Sharon again, trying to associate us with the fringe “Truthers.” Hey, if you want to do that, then I can see you Rethugs are all members of the KKK, right?

  10. anon says:

    Hopefully, the number of Republicans who can think for themselves has increased by this time, but I doubt it.

    If so they will have done so without any help from their elected leaders.

    Bush has not used the bully pulpit to explain the facts to the US, instead just the opposite.

  11. meatball says:

    How about another question that’s answer was and is distorted after the event. Why did they do it?

  12. anon says:

    al Quaeda used to stay clear of Iraq because Saddam would shoot them on sight.

  13. cassandra m says:

    al Queda saw Saddam as an infidel too, for not using his power to create and run an Islamic state.

  14. rsmitty says:

    There goes the idiot Sharon again, trying to associate us with the fringe “Truthers.” Hey, if you want to do that, then I can see you Rethugs are all members of the KKK, right?

    Why do you need Sharon to say that, DD, before you make your connections? You already professed your hatred for all and any republicans. You’re already on a roll, don’t stop now. It’s nice to know the feelings you’ve been harboring. The fact that I am a Republican and you HATE me for it is fascinating.

  15. rsmitty says:

    If you want to know why I am being such a bastard on you about this, DD, it’s because I saw in another post/comment from the other day how you professed that you are an attorney, in order to validate a point that was made. Well, sir, your career has quite a dependence on your ability to parse words. Therefore, I give you less wiggle room than most others when declarations are boldly made, specifically ones that states one’s HATRED of any and all.

  16. June says:

    Perhaps he should have said he hates the policies of Republicans. We have to be careful with our words.

  17. mike w. says:

    But that’s not what he said. He said he hates Republicans.

  18. meatball says:

    So what, I hate lawyers unless I need one, then I hate ’em more.

    Just kiddin’ (sorta)

  19. Tom S. says:

    “Iraq had nothing to do with it.”

    When did we claim that they did?

  20. pandora says:

    Ha! The Republican definition of the word “is”.

  21. cassandra m says:

    Dick Cheney claimed there was a connection between al Queda and Iraq. He made that claim frequently and often, as did his ward, George as one of their (many) justifications for Iraq. That is why he kept pushing back on groups like the 9/11 Commission when they inconveniently said there were no such connections.

  22. mike w. says:

    Tom – I’m with Pandora on that. Bush certainly did make attempts to tie Al Queda with Iraq.