Happy 9/11 Support the troops edition!

Filed in National by on September 11, 2008


Mr McPowcain supports the troops baby! He is a true Maverick

McCain voted against the Webb amendment calling for adequate troop rest between deployments.

McCain voted against an amendment that would provide $20 million to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for health care facilities.

McCain voted against increasing Veterans medical services funding by $1.5 billion in FY 2007 to be paid for by closing corporate tax loopholes.

McCain voted to table an amendment by Senator Dodd that called for an additional $322,000,000 for safety equipment for United States forces in Iraq.

McCain urged other Senate members to table a vote (which never passed) to provide more than $1 billion for National Guard and Reserve equipment in Iraq related to a shortage of helmets, tents, bullet-proof inserts, and tactical vests.

McCain voted against increasing the amount available for medical care for veterans by $650,000,000.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Phantom says:

    Thanks for finding the hidden McCain platform of issues he is ready to tackle on day 1.

  2. Rebecca says:


  3. A. Bundy says:

    Palin NEVER tried to ban ANY books, monkey! Just thought you’d like to know.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    mccain is a fraud.

  5. anon says:

    Palin NEVER tried to ban ANY books,

    Palin fired the librarian who wouldn’t ban books.

    That counts as a “try.”