Palin Not Ready

Filed in National by on September 11, 2008



Does not know what the Bush Doctrine is.  Even after Gibson explained it to her.

And that business about going into Pakistan after terrorists?  Obama talks of going after terrorists in Pakistan; but John McCain thinks this position makes Obama naive and inexperienced. So now, McCain not only has a not ready for prime time running mate, he has a not ready for prime time running mate that doesn’t even agree with his stated policy.

Didn’t we do this already, my friends?

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (36)

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  1. anon says:

    Just waiting for Biden to finish her off…

  2. What a trainwreck. ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION. I see the righty bloggers have already stepped in to offer Palin her protective bubble back.

  3. Another Mike says:

    I’ll give Charlie credit on this one. “I’m getting lost in a blizzard of words. Is that a yes?” Still no answer.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Agreed, finally a little backbone from an ABC reporter.

  5. I can’t wait to go to war with Russia!

  6. anon says:

    OK, I get that the interview shows she is stupid and/or crazy. But I think what most voters will take away is that she is overbearing and condescending. At one point Gibson actually lowers his voice and speaks more gently to heighten the contrast with her abrasiveness. No wonder they didn’t want her talking to the press. It turns out her audio doesn’t go with her video – she doesn’t have either the brains or the courtesy to match her image with the glasses and the bun.

  7. anon says:

    Popcorn alert: Biden vs. Palin, Oct 2

  8. pandora says:

    And there’s also her comment to her son’s brigade heading to Iraq…

    The brigade will “defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans.”

  9. Rod G says:

    I’m waiting for the Dems to tell me how Obama is any more qualified than Palin? You say, “Do you want her one heartbeat away from the Presidency?” I say, your inexperienced guy is NOT one heartbeat away, but one vote away. I prefer the one heartbeat option vs. the one vote option for a person to get their “on the job” training.

  10. mike w. says:

    Yeah, pretty damn hilarious that they’re asking HER these questions when Obama hasn’t been asked them.

  11. delawaredem says:

    Liar. Of course Obama has been asked them. You are such a fucking liar.

  12. delawaredem says:

    Rod, the difference is, he is more intelligent and more experienced than Palin on national issues.

    You cannot tell me you think Palin is smarter than Obama, for you would be lying.

  13. Rebecca says:

    Whoa guys, I think she is a remarkably quick study — she spouted all that stuff right on message and didn’t get rattled off message when Charlie got just a tiny bit aggressive. That surprised the heck out of me too, Charlie going for the throat, who woulda thunk?

    Being a Mom doesn’t qualify her to be VP, but she is not a dummy.

    Did anyone hear Al yesterday when he responded to a caller who said Sarah Palin was a breath of fresh air? Al said he should vote for a Glade Plug-In for VP. I nearly had to pull the car over I was laughing so hard.

    Al has been on a roll this week and good thing too!

  14. delawaredem says:

    Rebecca…I guess they didn’t get to the Bush Doctrine yet in her studies. She was dumfounded on that one. Do they get news up in Alaska? I mean, you would have to live in a cave not to know what the Bush Doctrine is.

  15. anon says:

    I bet Lieberman helps prep her for the debates.

  16. Rod G says:


    Seriously now. More intelligent. On what grounds. You say that Bush is stupid. His education stands up to Obamas any day. Yet, you will say Obama is more intelligent than Bush.

    More experience on national issues. If so, not much more. And again, she is running for VP, not President. He has to be ready now … he isn’t. She might be a heartbeat away, but what are the odds the heartbeat may stop during his four years … seriously. There is a HUGE difference.

    I know that a lot of people blow smoke (meaning the far left and the far right). But come on people … quit exagerating. If any of them can find alliances on both sides of the aisle, McCain has already shown he can do that … Obama hasn’t … and that is truely what we need in office.

  17. mike w. says:

    “more experienced than Palin on national issues.”

    And yet who is he running against?……. oh right, McCain.

  18. anon says:

    alliances on both sides of the aisle

    The failed policies from the Republican side of the aisle need to be repudiated, not rewarded with alliances.

  19. mike w. says:

    Sorry anon, but if you don’t work together with the other side of the aisle you’ll never get anything done.

  20. Rod G says:

    Again a typical far left attack. I am sure anon is referring to the “Bush administration”. McCain is not the Bush administration.

  21. pandora says:

    Actually, Rod, I’m beginning to agree with you. McCain is not the Bush administration… he’s worse. McCain is all war all the time.

  22. Rod G says:

    Great …. pandora …. another far left wacko. (Get ready, you can come back with the “exploiting the POW experience” thing too) Seriously though. After spending time in hell, you really think McCain’s first instinct is war? You are as nuts as the others.

  23. PBaumbach says:

    “More intelligent. On what grounds. You say that Bush is stupid. His education stands up to Obamas any day. Yet, you will say Obama is more intelligent than Bush.”

    Bush had a 77 average at Yale in his first 3 years there, and characterized himself as a C student.

    Obama graduated magna cum laude (top 10%) at Harvard Law School.

    Then again, I thought that Obama was running against McCain, who graduated in the bottom 10% of his class as Annapolis.

    Those are the grounds for saying that Obama is smarter than George W Bush. Thanks for asking.

  24. Heywood Jablowme says:

    Good morning Rod! Sure you are ready for the deep end, big boy? The neat thing about Obama is he knows exactly the difference between the Sunni and the Shia and which countries in the Middle East have a majority of either and which country is run by respective mullahs. Such a distinction is meaningless to a candidate who thinks military action is a just substitute for foreign policy.

  25. joe says:

    Let’s be honest – Palin was struggling. The extreme comments that swear Obama is a foreign-policy genius (my interpretation) are silly, hence the Biden pick – to bolster that image. McCain campaign didn’t feel the need for that part of his image to be bolstered – he felt the need to get white women, hence the Palin pick. Seems it is working so far (

    As far as this interview – she clearly doesn’t know what the Bush doctrine is, she was absurd in her answer to Gibson’s question re: knowledge of Russia, and refused to give a “straight talk express” answer to the last question Gibson asked re: US’s right to go into Pakistan w/o authorization. It’s a “yes” or “no” question, and she wouldn’t answer it.

  26. I loved her condescension when she kept saying “Charlie…” “Charlie…”

  27. Rod G says:

    Super! If we used education, and grades, etc… to determine who should win …. then Bill Lee is the next Governor. However, being college educated as I am, I know a lot of non-college graduates who are smarter than me. Heck, even a person with a GED can be Governor.

  28. mike w. says:

    “I loved her condescension when she kept saying “Charlie…” “Charlie…”

    Understandable considering he asked her the same damn question 3 times.

  29. gun dummy says:

    All the man wanted was an answer.

  30. David says:

    She answered the question the first time. Military force needs to be a last option not a first option. It is obvious she did not want to say we have no right to defend ourselves even if we need to cross the border, we do. Saying it the way Charlie wanted her to say it was insane. He wanted her to sound like Sen. Obama. I am going to invade Pakistan.

    She is too smart to fall into that trap. Let McCain say if he wants to make major policy shifts. She doesn’t have that right.

    I would think you guys would love her answer. She called it blundering the way we do things.
    Wanted military force only as a last option.

    I don’t understand your issue. It was a quite a performance.

  31. Jo Ann says:

    To paraphrase Sarah — I believe the women of America have the right to exercise all options against the terrorists who are hell bent on reversing the rights that women have fought for and won over the past century. In my opinion the men running both parties right now – both the Republican and the Democrat parties – are hell bent on kicking strong women out to the curb. The Democrats kicked Hillary Clinton out to the curb even when she was so successful in getting large number of votes. The Republicans are demeaning women by putting this nit wit Sarah in our faces and expecting us to be grateful for a woman who would have us pregnant after age 40 and back in the kitchen to raise a disabled child.

  32. PBaumbach says:

    #30: “Let McCain say if he wants to make major policy shifts. She doesn’t have that right.”

    She is running as VP for a 72-year old with less-than stellar health. She has the right and the obligation to let voters know what major policy shifts she would consider/envision if she becomes President by 2013.

  33. pandora says:

    Jo Ann, I think you’ll love this article. I’d pay good money to hear Palin answer any of the questions at the end!

  34. mike w. says:

    David – Her answer about when it is permissible to use military force was damn near perfect.

    Hell, even Chris Matthews and the Democratic strategist he had on last night couldn’t find fault with that part of her interview. When a Dem strategist and Chris “thrill up my leg” Matthews think a conservative Republican has nailed an answer you know she REALLY nailed it.

  35. ANON says:

    There is a story going round that Palin was a Campaign person for Ted Stevens and his Bridge to Nowhere! More leaks out every day.

    McCain must be saying to himself, “oh shit”! Get Romney ready to go….any day now she will tell us she is pregnant..again!

  36. mike w. says:

    “All the man wanted was an answer.”

    No, he was trying to trap her. He wanted an answer HE deemed correct. He wasn’t getting it so he kept asking.

    ANON – More baseless smears and rumors…. spare me.