Pete Schwartzkopf Talks Markell and Atkins

Filed in National by on September 11, 2008

I had a chance to sit down with Rep. Pete Schwartzkopf (D-14) at the Jack Markell victory party.  We talk about Markells win and why in the hell he supports John Atkins.


Update: Let me make clear that I do not hold Pete’s views on Atkins.  I think that the 41st should re-elect Greg Hastings.

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  1. John Atkins is a Really Good Guy … | September 11, 2008
  1. tim says:

    John Atkins is going to win on Nov 4th. – get ready, he is a changed man.

  2. Geezer says:

    Atkins is Tom Gordon with a red neck — out to regain power and exact revenge on the Republicans who gave him the boot. If Hastings has any brains — apparently an open question — he’ll bring up the name “Marion Barry” as often as possible. Not that the district contains racists or anything….

  3. MJ says:

    Do the people in the 41st even know who Marion Barry is (or do they care)? Remember, despite all the crap Barry has pulled over the past 30 years, he still gets re-elected time and time again. He won his primary Tuesday night with 78% of the vote.