Seems the honeymoon is over and the MSM is filing for divorce. And from what I’m reading the break up isn’t going to be civil.
Paul Krugman, New York Times:
Did you hear about how Barack Obama wants to have sex education in kindergarten, and called Sarah Palin a pig? Did you hear about how Ms. Palin told Congress, “Thanks, but no thanks” when it wanted to buy Alaska a Bridge to Nowhere? These stories have two things in common: they’re all claims recently made by the McCain campaign — and they’re all out-and-out lies.
E.J. Dionne in WaPo:
John McCain’s deceptions about Barack Obama’s views and Sarah Palin’s flip-flopping suggest an unedifying scuffle over a city council seat.
The media bear a heavy responsibility because “balance” does not require giving equal time to truth and lies. So does McCain, who is running a disgraceful, dishonorable campaign of distraction and diversion.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Palin — with the full backing and support of the McCain campaign — is doing herself longterm political damage with this ploy. The American people are watching her repeatedly lie to them, day after day, and watching her do so with no apparent compunction. This is her introduction to the national scene; this is when her image is being cemented into the public mind. And her image is increasingly that of a guiltless liar.
Cherry Creek (CO) News:
Sarah Palin: Serial Liar?
Despite a solid debunking, the McCain-Palin campaign continue to traffic in falsehoods about the Alaska Governor’s short tenure.
Michael Kinsley, WaPo:
The whole controversy is ginned up, a fraud, a lie. All obvious.
I know that by even bringing this up, I am falling into the trap that McCain’s people have set and perpetuating this ridiculous controversy. But the routine acceptance of obvious lies now corrodes our politics as much as the money that was the subject of McCain’s famous act of Republican apostasy: McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform. … the media have trouble calling a lie a lie, or asserting that one side is lying more than the other — even when that is objectively the case. … He says he’d rather lose the election than lose the war. But it seems he’d rather lose that honor he’s always going on about than lose the election.
Washington Monthly:
Now, it’s obvious she’s lying. She knows she’s lying. She knows that we know she’s lying. But she just doesn’t give a damn. At this point, it’s bordering on pathological. (According to one count, the McCain campaign has now repeated the lie 23 times.) … Whatever the motivation, the McCain campaign simply has a problem telling the truth. With each passing the day, the disdain this gang shows for the democratic process becomes a little more breathtaking.
Guess the days of “misstatements” are over.
My opinion is that the McCain Campaign didn’t see this one coming. McCain/Palin = Liars? And make no mistake, liar is exactly what the media is calling them. No gray area exists in their descriptions of McCain/Palin.
The question is will it stick? I’m inclined to think so. Why? Well let’s ponder that question a moment…. Hmmm… who was it that made McCain a “maverick”?
Update: The reviews keep coming. (and they aren’t good.)