Take Your Daughter to Canvass Day — September 20 in PA

Filed in National by on September 12, 2008

Our neighbor, Pennsylvania, is a battleground state so they can use all of the boots on the ground they can get. Consider doing this and certainly pass this on to your friends in PA. Contact info is in the poster.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (7)

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  1. FSP says:


    Is there a message in that event?


  2. gun dummy says:

    Uh yes, its sponsored by WOMEN for Obama. Note the word WOMEN.

  3. suze says:

    Trust me, you women DO NOT want the McCain/Palin team to win this election! Just look at McCain’s record on women and Palin’s stand on women’s issues and you’ll be out there fighting for Obama. I live in CT and am thinking of coming to PA because I feel it’s that important. Also, any new wars that these GOP candidates are rattling sabres about might mean you’ll be sending your sons (and daughters) off to die and be maimed in another ridiculous war for nothing that has anything to do with the USA.

  4. pandora says:

    Suze, you are so right! The scariest thing about the Palin interview was her views toward Russia.

  5. suze says:

    Yes, it reminded me of Bush’s “Axis of Evil” list, and we all know how that has turned out…
    Check out this interesting article-http://www.laprogressive.com/2008/09/11/lipschtick-and-pigs/

  6. Chris says:

    Sorry…I will pass. Even my 6 year-old daughter knows what a disaster Obama/Biden would be.