Delaware Liberal

What I learned yesterday on 9/11

1. People still didn’t know that President Bush was told “America is under attack” while he was reading
2. War is ok if the guy is bad and has it coming to him
3. It is ok to ignore daily notes you are going to be attacked if you get daily notes telling you, you are going to be attacked
4. It is ok to go after people that sort of act like they are guilty
5. People still don’t know what war crimes are
6. People forget that half of Iraq was under a no fly zone already
7. People still think Saddam had WMD’s
8. People still think that Bush didn’t know there wasn’t WMD’s
9. It’s Clinton fault
10. People have forgotten that our soldiers had no armor for several years.
11. They forget where the real war on terror was/is.
12. People don’t know that the Bush Administration tells them one thing and does another. (see North Korea talks, Libya Talks, Iran Talks)
13. People are pawns and can’t think for themselves. They trust the government.
14. It is ok to suspend your principles of government if your party is in power

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