Who do you want running your country?

Filed in National by on September 12, 2008

VP hopeful Palin attended 5 colleges in 5 years

Palin’s rival on the Democratic ticket, Senator Joe Biden, graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965 and from Syracuse University College of Law in 1968.

Senator Barack Obama attended Occidental College, in Los Angeles, and received a B.A. in 1983 from Columbia University and a J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1991.

Senator John McCain graduated from the Naval Academy in 1958 (where he was ranked 894 of 899)

Now, try to argue with that FACT.

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hiding in the open

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  1. anon says:

    They have five colleges in Alaska?

  2. pandora says:

    Has Sarah Palin been to more colleges than countries?

  3. Dana says:

    Who do I want running my country? John McCain, that’s who! But if he is elected, and something happens where Sarah Palin takes over, she’s got a lot of good, common sense, and she won’t do the idiotic things that “progressives” would do.

  4. Rod says:

    Lee – Law Degree vs. Markell – MBA … using your logic … Bill’s gotta be your choice.

  5. Party before country…have to love you guys

  6. anon2 says:

    C’mon – that’s snobbery at its finest.

    There’s nothing wrong with having attended multiple colleges. Nor is there even anything wrong with not having a college degree.

    It’d be a far better use of your time pointing out Palin’s record as an adult.

    Besides… if I were supporting Obama-Biden, the last thing I’d want is to mention Joe’s time at Syracuse.

  7. Chris says:

    From Wikipedia:

    Romney graduated from a joint Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration program coordinated between Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School. He graduated cum laude from the law school and was named a Baker Scholar for graduating in the top five percent of his business school class.

    I guess you would rather have him as President then.

  8. fluffinutter says:


    Liberal ANGER!!!!


  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    5 colleges in 5 years. That sounds like someone who is having trouble (running from problems?). In the scheme of things it isn’t that important (not as important as her blatant abuse of power) but it is pretty strange.

  10. G Rex says:

    Sorry, but last in class at the Naval Academy, or West Point, or even Colorado Springs trumps Summa Cum Lauda at Harvard. (my grandfather just turned over in his grave, having gotten his doctorate Harvard, but there you have it.) The academies don’t have affirmative action, unless your daddy won the Medal of Honor.

  11. fluffinutter says:

    I agree!

    The only thing Harvard prepares you for is writing puke-your-brains-out boring books…and HEY….whaddayakno?

    The Audacity of DOPE!

    I personally discriminate against anyone who mentions they went to Harvard in the first five minutes of talking to them.

    Sometimes I mail them a bag of dog poop.

    Bet they weren’t expecting that to happen to them in life!!!

  12. Von Cracker says:

    nothing wrong with anger, fluff. It’s how you use it that matters.

    But I expect that from the right…no original thoughts…just regurgitation from the AM dial.

    I heard Randy and Simon pushed Palin through…Paula thought she’s a hack.

  13. Pandora says:

    John Roberts and Anton Scalia are Harvard graduates, fluffy. Just sayin’

  14. Mike Protack says:

    Harry Truman did not graduate from college and was a failed businessman.

    However, he was a good Vice President and President.

  15. mike w. says:

    You libs are really grasping at straws if this is the best you can come up with as a barometer of “who do you want running your country?”

  16. Paul Falkowski says:

    And Harry is way ahead of every one else.
    He is the only man to order the dropping of a Nuclear Bomb on the enemy.
    And he did it twice.

    That was a DECISION.

  17. liberalgeek says:

    I see. This is why Palin is the candidate. You don’t need education when you want to run against intellectualism. That’s where we are. Funny enough, I’m not surprised that all of these Republicans are coming out against intellect.

  18. Pandora says:

    Sad, but true, LG. Bush and Co. has morphed intelligence with elitism.

  19. liberalgeek says:

    Here’s the thing, there are some pretty smart conservatives commenting here, but they have been drinking the Kool-Aid so long that they have come to hate themselves or reject their own smarts.

  20. Pandora says:

    Actually, LG, I think most of them (except DA) are spinning. My conservative/Republican friends are not happy with the Palin choice.

  21. mike says:

    I think, after watching the BIG PALIN INTERVIEW!!! this week-end that the best way to handle Sarah Palin’s candidacy is to ignore it. There’s nothing really to be gained in attacking her past; there’s so much stuff there that we could get hopelessly lost in detail. Just encourage people to really listen to her answers and they will know we can’t have this person in the VP slot. Let’s get back to talking about Barack Obama and why we will vote for him.

  22. cassandra_m says:

    At this stage in the game, I know what I don’t want in those running the country and since John Cole summed it up pretty well yesterday

    No more wingnuts.
    No more religious nuts.
    No more anti-science.
    No more incuriousness.
    No more abuse of authority.
    No more I’m the decider bullshit.

    For all of their nationalistic rhetoric, the one thing that repubs refuse to do is take seriously the governing of this great country. Which, of course, is the BushCo stance. They are serious about making sure their friends get tax dollars and that is it.

    What they are good at is selling the bullshit and getting people to think that standing in line at the trough (only for their friends, mind you) really is somehow really good government.

  23. Chris says:

    “Actually, LG, I think most of them (except DA) are spinning. My conservative/Republican friends are not happy with the Palin choice.”

    Then you better check if your friends are really conservative. I have yet to run accross anyone with a conservative bent that is NOT excited by the choice. We were luke warm on McCain because he is more liberal than Hillary. But a solid conservative that embodies the pioneering American spirit…has pulled us all into the election. Talk about Hope and Change….Palin gave the conservatives hope and changed the race. She seems “real” to people…and guess what…you can’t learn that in Harvard or Yale. Bring on the attacks. The more Obama attacks the more people will realize that he is nothing more than elitist liberal who passed himself off as a caring man of the people. The cracks are showing now and people are beginning to see there is nothing there.

  24. cassandra_m says:

    Pandora is talking about traditional conservatives — not you wingnut types that Barry Goldwater would rise up from his grave to bitchslap if he could.

  25. pandora says:

    Exactly, Cassandra. Palin sews up the creationist, pro-life, rapture waiting wing of the party. This group can barely contain themselves… which I couldn’t be happier about since they are scary to moderates and Independents.

    Don’t believe me? Then ask yourself how conservatives, moderate Dems and Repubs, and Independents would react if Obama had picked Kucinich for VP.

  26. mike w. says:

    Pandora – You and I are obviously seeing support for Palin in two distinctly different places. I’m seeing a lot of support and enthusiasm from folks who are anything but pro-life creationists.

  27. Al Mascitti says:

    “The academies don’t have affirmative action, unless your daddy won the Medal of Honor.”

    And Obama never mentioned his race on his application to Harvard, so pound that one up your white-boy butt.

    The academies, by the way, take students not by administrators sorting through applications, but by Congresscritters nominating people for inclusion. McCain, of course, was a two-generation legacy, and performed like one.

    The five colleges, IMHO, is another item that shows this woman isn’t even a serious politician — she’s a borderline-personality type with delusions of grandeur and a mostly ginned-up resume and biography. Read stuff from Alaskans and you’ll find that, while they’re proud of her, they in no way think she’s prepared herself for this role.

    Actually, for a bunch of people touting her “common sense” (which you have absolutely no evidence of other than what your masters have told you), you GOPers are showing even less of it than usual yourselves. Christ, at least Democrats had the good sense to go gaga over someone with some credentials.

  28. Al Mascitti says:

    “The cracks are showing now and people are beginning to see there is nothing there.”

    Nice summation of your VP, Chris. And I’ve had several callers of impeccable conservative credentials — they were conservatives before your daddy forgot his protection — who are aghast at this pick.

  29. liberalgeek says:

    Those are the “old conservatives”, Al. The “new conservatives” are the lunatics that hate intelligence and love Jesus. I don’t blame Mike W. He has known no other conservative than what he is seeing in GWB. Chris is a bit older and should know better.

  30. Nancy Willing says:

    Has Sarah Palin been to more colleges than countries?


  31. Nancy Willing says:

    Has Sarah Palin been to more colleges than countries?


  32. mike w. says:

    “I don’t blame Mike W. He has known no other conservative than what he is seeing in GWB.”

    You know LG, comments like this prove without a doubt that you’ve never read my blog. I’m a LONG way from being a “Bush Conservative.”

  33. Rod G says:

    The good thing about blogs like this one is it is mostly visited by Ivy League graduates … unlike me (or should it be myself)? Not sure because I have been to more universities than Sarah Palin. Fortunately for me the reason was because I was serving my country.
    The good news is, most of the country are not elitists. They like people like themselves … not Ivy League graduates that are part of the system. They can sit back and see that Governor Palin is like them … a parent who has struggled and still has struggles and challenges. They see her as a “normal” person.
    The thing that blows me away is you are all so scared of her, she is who you keep talking about. The election is not between Senator Biden and Governor Palin. Why do you keep attacking her like she is the head of the ticket. The fact is, the HEAD of your ticket has as little experience as she does. I guess that doesn’t bother you … but it does me.

  34. Chris says:

    “And I’ve had several callers of impeccable conservative credentials — they were conservatives before your daddy forgot his protection — who are aghast at this pick.”

    Please. I heard your show once, and strongly doubt any “impeccable” conservatives could stand more than five minutes of that drivel.

    And you guys say right wing talk show hosts are angry.

  35. mike w. says:

    Yeah Chris it is funny. These folks rail about “conservative hate speech”…….and then we have Al’s show.

  36. liberalgeek says:

    You know LG, comments like this prove without a doubt that you’ve never read my blog. I’m a LONG way from being a “Bush Conservative.”

    Didn’t say that you were. Just pointing out that all that you have had experience with is this shitty presidency and what it has done to conservatism. I am sure that you would have been a Goldwater Conservative if there were any of them out there to align yourself with.