Go Rosie!

Filed in National by on September 13, 2008


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  1. suze says:

    Sarah Palin looking down her nose at Obama because he was a “community ooorganiiiiizer:, as she said, is a slam to everyone who does volunteer work in their communities. That means all you bible-thumping, church-going holier than thous who think you are being “Christian” and trying to do the right thing by your neighbors, too. It’s a shame you’re all too STUPID to realize you’ve been totally disrespected by Palin, Guiliani, McCain and their ilk!

  2. miscreant says:

    Admittedly, I didn’t watch the video, as Rosie has nothing relevant to say about anything (she’s an intellectual lightweight, and little more than a cross between Olbermann and Obama’s pig) so I’m only reacting to the total ignorance in Suze’s response.

    Perhaps you should face the reality of what a “community organizer” really is. In Chicago, at the time Obama was gracing the streets and masses with his presence, a community organizer was little more than a paid agitator.

    According to Obama’s political mentor, Saul Alinsky, an organizer’s job is to “rub raw the sores of discontent” and mount a socialist revolution.

    It’s still happening in every major city, but is covered by the cheap lipstick of black liberation theology. Obama’s 20 year association with the hate mongers, like his other mentor, Rev. Jeriamiah Wright, at Trinity United Church of Christ.

    Please carry on, and don’t be encumbered by reality, or facts. It’s quite amusing to watch you hit the wall.

  3. Miscreant,

    Maybe you should watch the video because it’s Rosie PEREZ and not Rosie O’DONNELL.

  4. suze says:

    You probably know best about not being encumbered by reality or facts as it sounds like you believe what McCain and Palin are shoveling out.

  5. miscreant says:

    Oh, fuck! Rosie Perez is hot.
    “Perdida Durango” (Dance With the Devil) with Javier Bardem and Screamin’ Jay Hawkins is one of my favorite movies.

    I still didn’t watch the video though.