Has McCain gone too far with his sleazy ads?
Just ask Karl Rove.
“McCain has gone in his ads one step too far, and sort of attributing to Obama things that are, you know, beyond the 100-percent-truth test,” said Rove. “Both campaigns ought to be careful about… there ought to be an adult who says: ‘Do we really need to go that far in this ad? Don’t we make our point and get broader acceptance and deny the opposition an opportunity to attack us if we don’t include that one little last tweak in the ad?'”
Hmmm, and Obama just put out a commercial mocking McCain for not using a computer……yet the reason he doesn’t use one is because he has difficulty typing due to his war injuries.
Funny! If anybody knows sleaziness and lying in a campaign, it is Karl Rove, and getting him to say that is like the Good Housekeeping Seal for Sleaze and Lying.
Ummm, Mike, did you check your email? Today’s talking points have to be there to inform you that the POW thing doesn’t apply to the computer anymore.
ummm LG, I guess you’ll ignore the truth because you don’t like it?
If his war injuries prevent him from doing something then that’s the reality of things.
But they don’t prevent him, and that’s LG’s point.
Come on, if Stephen Hawking can use a computer…
Once mike gets abit of misinformation, there’s no dislodging it. But for the rest of you, there is this (with pictures!). He uses cell phones and blackberries and apparently surfs the net using other peoples blackberries. And using your cell phone or blackberry to surf the net requires way more dexterity than using a regular keyboard at a desk.
But why let facts get in the way of a new lie from the McCain camp.
And notice how he completely ignores what Rove said.
Well, to be fair, the Rove stuff isn’t on the talking point list.
Yeah, Mike. The POW thing as it relates to computers has been debunked already. No problem, though. McCain can continue using the line to defend every other sliver of bullshit his campaign puts out when challenged on it.
Cass – Doesn’t that article prove that Obama’s ad about McCain is a lie? Obama’s ad is saying McCain isn’t tech savvy, yet the Huffpo article and the accompanying pictures clearly show that he is.
The facts you posted just discredited your guys ad.
Only if you think that tech savvy = surfing for your video clips on You Tube.
Oh wait — you probably do!
That’s why Mike is “Tech Savvy.”
In which case, I may have been overly generous citing just You Tube.
isn’t mccain the one that admitted he isn’t good with a computer? how do you defend that?
And the video of that admission is here.
Viva Zapata, according to that interview is his favorite movie which isn’t helping that maverick cred one bit.
I gleefully throw feces at Mike W who ignores the original post and goes off responding to the dementia that clouds his little pea sized in head.
Here is some feces for you. Try ignoring this!!
That is quite some mental ju-jitsu for mike w. He can’t use the computer because he was a POW! Oh never mind, he’s totally tech saavy!
I hope that lying won’t work out for McCain. The Republicans really need to reinvent themselves. Coming to power running a racist, lying campaign probably won’t let that happen. I would love to get to the days of a real two party system, instead of the mostly truthful party and the mostly untruthful party.
“Coming to power running a racist, lying campaign probably won’t let that happen.”
Sorry, but the fact that you can call McCain’s campaign “racist” with a straight face precludes you from being taken seriously.
Not to mention you called one side “mostly truthful” and the other “mostly untruthful.” Are you able to look at anything with even a shred of objectivity?
Folks, there is hope that the electorate is catching on. We saw it last Tuesday. There will always be “mike w’s” among us, but even some of them are waking up. The entire R party is not comprised of idiots and some of them are having to face reality, hence so many switching parties.
Rebecca – I’m happy not to be aligned with someone as bigoted as yourself.
And yet again not dealing with the post. Karl Rove has said McCain has gone too far. By your silence I will assume you agree.
Why is everyone spending their time on this blog answering an idiot . yes i am talking about Mike W ( gun crazy guy) he adds nothing to the subject if anything no matter what the subject is it seems to escape him and he goes off into never never land.
As you can see by this post i have also fallen into his trap
“he adds nothing to the subject if anything no matter what the subject is it seems to escape him and he goes off into never never land.”
This “he adds nothing to the subject/discussion” BS seems to be the standard meme anytime I say something you folks don’t like. It’s getting old.
TT – I haven’t seen much in the way of subsantive replies on your part on this blog. Doesn’t reallly matter though. I think being deemed “disrespectful” by you folks is probably a good thing.
Rebecca – Facing reality? You mean McCain being neck & neck with Obama despite the Republican’s being unpopular right now, despite the media fawning over Obama, and despite McCain running a pretty crappy campaign. The reality is Obama SHOULD have this thing in the bag, but it turns out he’s not as invincible as you folks would like to think.
And no, I don’t think he’s gone to far.
Mike W, for someone who doesn’t “like” McCain, you sure do defend with the ferocity of a zealot. Just saying.
There was stupid crap for which I defended Obama (like the lapel pin BS) I consider stuff like the Ayers commercial to be fair game however.
Besides, you folks will point out McCain’s “sleazy ads” while Obama does the same thing. My pointing out when the other side engages in the same doesn’t equal support for McCain. Hell, I’ve been in the position of having to defend BUSH from unwarranted, idiotic attacks on this site. You think I like defending someone who’s more of an authoritarian than conservative?
Mike the difference between my statements and yours is that they contain the facts you just seem to ramble on no matter what the subject is . so from now on no matter how stupid your remarks are I’ll let other’s play your stupid game. so have fun and keep reminding us that we should all carry guns
If McCain steals the election you may all become gun supporters…just sayin!
If you knew what you were talking about, Mike, then you’d have to say the people at the Annenberg group are also terrorist sympathizers. You know, since they were the ones who offered Ayers an opportunity to sit on the board of the community org where Ayers and Obama met. And from what we know, their only interaction has come by way of these community planning groups.
So are you willing to include the Annenberg group along with Obama in your wont to label people by guilt through association?
Yeah! You should fucking look into it!
Heard over the weekend that not only is McCain speading absolute lies that are being fact checked, he hopes that his base who do not research, not computer literate, won’t discover his lies, and it was stated that 50% of his base think computers, and users are a tool of the devil! Evangelicals actually believe thats true.
“Mike the difference between my statements and yours is that they contain the facts you just seem to ramble on no matter what the subject is .”
OK TT, I guess it’s just easier to let you think you’re right.
Anon – Where the hell are you getting that 50% of McCain’s base think computers are the work of the devil? Some of the crap you guys say is, as Scalia would say, worthy of the mad hatter.
heh – guilt by association…blame it on ranting 😀
Either way, so is the Ayers issue fair? Or can we call McCain a pink0-commie lover because his profession/career caused him to associate with evil Stalinistas back in Nam?
I’m waiting for Mike’s answer with bated breath.