Delaware Liberal

No, Governor Minner Embarrassed Herself

Ron Williams writes in today’s NJ:

Minner’s comments came as Carney was calling on his supporters to rally around Markell for a unified Democratic victory in November. They came as state party chairman John Daniello called for party harmony. “Both sides [Markell and Carney] will need each other to win in November,” Daniello told the Delaware State News.

Does this sound like a party that is waiting for its current embarrassment of a Governor to do anything? DelDems would be pleased, certainly, to have the Governor display the kind of grace and enthusiasm that John Carney and his team have exhibited since his concession. But once Jack won, Ruth Ann could have chosen to preserve some semblance of self respect by happily endorsing and making herself part of the unity. But she decided to do what no other leadership Democrats did — stamp her feet and pout. No matter, Ruth Ann is officially a lame duck now and has officially ceded any leadership she may have had at the Party level. While she is off embarrassing herself (and damaging an already thin legacy even further), Dems are probably breathing a sign of relief — that she’s not going to be present to either embarrass or hurt Jack (or other Democrats) on the campaign trail for the next 2 months.

Even though we may have to remind folks that the crazy lady behind those closed doors we keep only because she has a claim on the space until January, she embarrasses no one but herself now.

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