Filed in National by on September 15, 2008

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hiding in the open

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  1. Joe C says:

    30-24 closing the second quarter. 6 letters, four quarters. Now what?

  2. mike w. says:

    man that was one crazy 1st half!

  3. Joe C says:

    You say Eagles! I say Choke!

  4. DPN says:

    Someone take the gun out of Donviti’s hand! 🙂

  5. mike w. says:

    Haha, DTB stole Pandora’s standard reply.

  6. Dorian Gray says:

    McNabb blew it again. A great 1st half but folded in cruch time. Second to last drive he “double pumps” a hand-off and fumbles. Then on the last drive he is sacked twice and throws two horrendous passes.

    Great stats, but not a winner.

  7. Nosy says:

    Stop blaming McNabb. You win as a team and lose as a team. That’s the Eagles (fans) problem. McNabb isn’t the only player out on the field when you win (Westbrook?) and he’s not the only one making mistakes when you lose. It’s a TEAM. If they started acting like a team maybe they would manage to be a little more consistant.

    It was an excellent game. Both teams made some horrific mistakes and screw ups. Both teams also had some magical moments. Best game I’ve seen in a long time!

    (And yes, I am a Dallas Cowboys fan . . . How ’bout them Cowboys!?!?!)

  8. G Rex says: