Mike Castle will not get another free pass

Filed in National by on September 15, 2008

A total of 271 current members of Congress have received donations from Merrill and its employees, collecting $3 million since 1989, with 72 percent going to Democrats. But GOP Congressman Mike Castle, of the House Financial Services Committee, is the No. 1 recipient of the firm’s PAC, with $38,500 in donations since 1993.

Is Mike worried about his job? Read this quote below and you tell me:

Also, many incumbent
Republicans are facing tough re-election races. Rep. Michael Castle of Delaware, a Financial Services Committee member, said he is worried about how many might lose their seats.

“I am concerned just based on the numbers, before you get into the mood of the electorate,” he said. “There are a number of Republicans who retired or who have difficult seats both in the House and in the Senate, versus Democrats who are seen to favor gaining seats in the House and in the Senate.”

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hiding in the open

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  1. Dan Carlson says:

    Maybe if the Dems didn’t nominate a wack job against Castle, he might have something to worry about but I think he can rest easy once again.

  2. Al Mascitti says:

    “Is Mike worried about his job? Read this quote below and you tell me:”


  3. anon says:

    Al is right, of course. The election is a done deal, so obviously there is no need for the Delaware press to report on Castle’s #1 PAC status, or to remind Delaware about Castle’s HFSC membership. It would just be a waste of airtime, so why bother?

  4. Kilroy says:

    Castle isn’t going anywhere this go around! He may step down mid term to hand his seat over to Copeland.

  5. Mike Protack says:

    Al is correct. Mike Castle gets in trouble in the GOP for the same thing which helps him in Delaware.

    He is seen as an independent sort and a moderate in temperament. I take nothing from Karen but it will be a tough race for her this year.

  6. delawaredem says:

    No. Castle is not going to be defeated by KHN, just like he wasn’t going to be defeated by Jerry or Miller.

  7. Nancy Willing says:

    Mascitti, nice to see your addressing the fundamentals.
    Ditto that to DE DIM
    Vote the DEM and give Congress a fighting chance for a solid reform vote.

    KHN should release the polling results that showed Castle’s support slipping down below 40% even as his likeability remained high. People are willing to retire him this year and give Obama/Biden the tools they need.

  8. Nancy Willing says:

    Dan Carlson, sockpuppet of a sore loser perhaps?

    Castle’s on the House FINANCE committee people. His accepting money from those he failed to regulate should be reminding you of the fractured candidacy of Gene Reed.

    I agree with anony’s sarcastic take of Al and DEDIM. Nothing to see here, move along.

  9. Nancy Willing says:

    Great poll today, btw DL. It is making me think.

  10. Geezer says:

    “KHN should release the polling results that showed Castle’s support slipping down below 40% even as his likeability remained high.”

    Is that by the same pollster who had Gordon ahead by 15 points?

  11. Nancy Willing says:

    The same poller that had the DEM gubs and county execs neck and neck in June, yes.

    The point remains that people are interested in change and it ain’t gonna happen with Castle’s record of culpability in the market collapse. Or in his very high level of support for Bushco’s unilateral middle-east tampering.

  12. Tom S. says:

    The only thing that would threaten Mike Castle is a Republican primary.

  13. Geezer says:

    “The same poller that had the DEM gubs and county execs neck and neck in June, yes. ”

    The issue wasn’t that they were shown “neck and neck” but that the undecideds in Vince D’Anna’s poll for governor exceeded the undecideds from more reputable polls six months earlier. In other words, anyone who knows much about the subject knew those polls were garbage. The proof was the Gordon poll. When did the big turn in the county exec race supposedly come, then? After Gordon started to advertise his points?

    There are things that move polls, Nancy. The main thing within the candidate’s control is advertising. KHN has raised nothing on her own, and what the party will kick in has been reduced by the decision to spend on Carney. You saw how little they supported Spivak. It wasn’t because they liked KHN better and were disappointed, it was because they aren’t going to spend money on a likely loss.

    Castle will not get his customary 60% because of the anti-Republican mood. But he’ll win because KHN is an empty suit. She looked like an idiot when Castle handed out his voting record the other night, and it’s pretty easy to predict that won’t be the last time.