More Please

Filed in National by on September 15, 2008

Biden hits the nail on the head.   Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.  Here are some excerpts from his remarks in Michigan:

Eight years ago, a man ran for President who claimed he was different, not a typical Republican.  He called himself a reformer.  He admitted that his Party, the Republican Party, had been wrong about things from time to time.  He promised to work with Democrats and said he’d been doing that for a long time. 

That candidate was George W. Bush.  Remember that?  Remember the promise to reach across the aisle?  To change the tone?  To restore honor and dignity to the White House?

We saw how that story ends.  A record number of home foreclosures.  Home values, tumbling.  And the disturbing news that the crisis you’ve been facing on Main Street is now hitting Wall Street, taking down Lehman Brothers and threatening other financial institutions.

If we forget this history, we’re going to be doomed to repeat it — with four more just like the last eight, or worse.  If you’re ready for four more years of George Bush, John McCain is your man.

Just as George Herbert Walker Bush was nicknamed “Bush 41” and his son is known as “Bush 43,” John McCain could easily become known as “Bush 44.”

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  1. Tom S. says:

    “We saw how that story ends. A record number of home foreclosures. Home values, tumbling. And the disturbing news that the crisis you’ve been facing on Main Street is now hitting Wall Street, taking down Lehman Brothers and threatening other financial institutions.”

    How do you blame that one on George?

  2. anonone says:

    Failure to regulate the subprime mortgage industry and the prime mortgage industry and a politicized Justice Department run by Gonzo and his political cronies failing to enforce the law while massive fraudulent loans were being made.

  3. Tom S. says:

    “Failure to regulate the subprime mortgage industry and the prime mortgage industry”

    People and companies were aware of the risks they were taking. What more should a government do?

    “a politicized Justice Department run by Gonzo and his political cronies failing to enforce the law while massive fraudulent loans were being made.”

    Which laws?

  4. Von Cracker says:

    Show some initiative and look it up yourself!

    Or are you having trouble applying the Socratic Method?

  5. Tom S. says:

    “Show some initiative and look it up yourself!”

    I’m not the one that brought it up.

    Show me where the Gonzalez Justice Department failed to enforce market regulations.

  6. Von Cracker says:


  7. Tom S. says:

    Then in the absence of evidence there is no reason for me to take stock in the that accusation….

  8. anonone says:

    There is something called the FDIC and HUD that actually regulate these types of things. And government can do a lot like requiring that loan applications be verified, investigate false advertising claims, prosecute fraud, control financial instruments that are used to trade mortgages, and keep banks from becoming too leveraged. The fact is that this administration did nothing while the subprime mortgage fiasco was happening. Not to mention we have an SEC…

  9. Von Cracker says:

    Whenever did any of you trolls ‘take stock’ in evidence provided?

    It’s an exercise of polish handball, and you dunces are the wall.

  10. Disbelief says:

    Tom S.: federal bank regulators failed (or were suppressed) in reporting and enforcing lending and solvency guidelines regarding the mortgage market. Yes there are laws. Yes the laws were not enforced.

  11. Tom S. says:

    “Tom S.: federal bank regulators failed (or were suppressed) in reporting and enforcing lending and solvency guidelines regarding the mortgage market. Yes there are laws. Yes the laws were not enforced.”

    This isn’t my field. Show me a source and I’ll take your word for it.

    “The fact is that this administration did nothing while the subprime mortgage fiasco was happening.”

    What should they be doing right now?

    “Whenever did any of you trolls ‘take stock’ in evidence provided?”

    I take third-party sources.

  12. Chris says:

    Interesting article on how it was a Democrat in the Clinton Administration that might have actually been the root cause of all of this…

    of course..I am sure you will the dismiss the source, the Village Voice, as another right wing controlled paper.

    But then again, you guys are so far in the tank to the left…I wouldn’t be surprised.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    No, agreed. It was the Republican-lite DLC policies that helped with all this back in the 90s. But the application of unregulated invisible-hand bullshit started in the early 80s.

  14. pandora says:

    Phil Gramm, anyone?

  15. cassandra_m says:

    Phil Gramm is one of the key architects of the banking deregulation that has contributed to this mess.

    Bill Clinton signed this, the Third Way, I guess.

    Gramm’s employer — UBS — is now getting ready to add 5 billion more to their write down total which is more than 35 billion……

  16. DPN says:

    : crickets :

    Instead of arguing with trolls, we should be thinking of ways to talk to the undecided and those leaning toward McCian. The trolls are just a distraction.

  17. mike w. says:

    So DPN, anyone who disagrees with you is a troll?

    I just read the comments and saw some difference of opinion but no trolling

  18. I am not kidding when I say this, I truly believe you are mentally handicapped. In one form or another there is something wrong with you mentally.

  19. mike w. says:

    No doubt there DTB – You definitely have mental issues, as evidenced by comment # 20.

    I’m not kidding when I say this. You are a moron, incapable of rational thought. I’ve seen entire 100+ comment threads where you didn’t make a single intelligent comment. I truly stand in awe of your cognitive abilities.

  20. the 100+ threads are fucking because you are like 50 of them jack ass

  21. again like I said. I am fully aware you have CP but, I am not kidding when I say this I believe there is something wrong with you mentally.

  22. mike w. says:

    And that makes you not only an asshole (we all know that) but an ignorant moron as well.

    Also, the number of comments I made has no impact whatsoever on the fact that yourcomments lack any semblance of rational thought.

    I believe Sailorcurt put it best in this thread, saying

    “And you go out of your way to avoid any points that you can’t counter…which would be…um…all of them. You use sarcasm, hyperbole, insults and innuendo to avoid, avoid avoid. You don’t directly address anything…because you can’t.”

    I’ve never seen anyone obfuscate and avoid the way you did in that thread. Sorry DTB, but if ever there was an exhibition of willful ignorance and blatant stupidity you showed it throughout that thread. I kept waiting for an intelligent, logical response and it never came.

    I don’t know what it is with you. You have some weird aversion to normal substantive debate.

  23. mike w. says:

    So DPN, where was the “trolling” you were so pissed about?

  24. Tom S. says:

    “How about the FBI for starters?

    And where in there does it say the Justice Department slipped up