Oh Snap! RFK Jr. Opens a Can-o-Whoop-Ass on Palin

Filed in National by on September 15, 2008

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. attacks Sarah Palin on an author that she quoted in her acceptance speech. Apparently, the author, Westbrook Pegler, made a prediction about RFK Sr. being assassinated.  Ouch.

Hey Sarah, what else are you reading?

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  1. mike w. says:

    This is stupid. Are we going to jump all over someone because they read Mein Kampf or The Communist Manifesto too?

  2. pandora says:

    Gee, I don’t know, Mike. But keep trying to put lipstick on a pig.

  3. Rebecca says:

    She never read it — she just quoted it at the Republican Convention to a national audience. She probably was clueless about where it came from or what it meant.

  4. anonone says:

    Mike W. No, but we will when a repub bigot like Palin quotes them as representative of good values.

  5. anon says:

    Are we going to jump all over someone because they read Mein Kampf or The Communist Manifesto too?

    Already been done to Obama.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    If only Obama had quoted Lenin, Marx or Hitler in his speech, then you would have a good point, Mike. Thanks for playing, though.

    Actually Rebecca has the best defense on this issue. I just wonder how many of the Pat Buchanan Republicans perked their ears up when they heard the quote.

  7. pandora says:

    Oh, it was a dog whistle. You’re right, LG. McCain and Co. will play dumb if this grows into a story, but the point will have reached its intended audience. Mission accomplished.

  8. DPN says:

    Hey, Obama quoted Reagan when he spoke in Germany and got blasted by the right-wing.

  9. anon says:

    Palin reads? Perhaps she missed history, geography, math and science in school. Women all over Alaska are rallying against her! Waiting for McCain to throw her under the bus and appoint a real republican not a fake secessionist.

  10. Truth teller says:

    Good old westbrook a jew hater

  11. Truth teller says:

    Couple this with our gal Sarah sitting in church while a preacher stated that the Jews deserved terrorism because the didn’t follow Jesus. Gives you insight to the repuk approach to bringing folks together.
    mike w please don’t respond to my post. I just have had enough of your lying bullshit

  12. mike w. says:

    “Gives you insight to the repuk approach to bringing folks together.”

    Just to piss you off TT – How exactly has Obama “brought folks together?”