Gotta Love Developers

Filed in National by on September 16, 2008

I am currently sitting at the New Castle County Council meeting.  They are currently discussing the LaGrange development.  This is Nancy Willing’s big interest and she has been fighting Pam Scott over it for years.

Here’s my favorite part, the developer is going to name the streets after Revolutionary War Generals.  I laughed at this because it is similar to cutting down all the trees and driving away all the deer and calling a development “Deer Forest.”  The best part is that all of the Revolutionary War generals names were taken, so they will be named after British Generals.  Tally-Ho!

I wonder how long after approval they will apply for Workforce Housing?  Under WFH, they would be able to just resubmit as a “minor change” and require almost no further review.

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  1. pandora says:

    Thanks, LG, for going to this. Talk about taking one for the team!

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Update, the development is approved 12-0 with Clark recusing himself.

  3. feces throwing monkey says:


  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    Any fireworks at this meeting? I look forward to driving on Benedict Arnold Drive!

  5. David says:

    Affordable housing is a public good.

  6. anon says:

    Developments are named for the thing they destroyed.

  7. La Grange is not part of the affordable housing movement …oh wait, it can be switched to affordable now that the record plan has been approved. More kids for Christiana School district!

  8. Anon-ski says:

    See the postman.
    He is lost…
    Where is 1776 Kosciusko Drive?

  9. RSmitty says:

    DavidA – no one here is saying that workforce housing is bad. What I don’t think you understand is the scope of why it’s an issue with many of us up here. It was the perversion of the UDC of NCCo that is allowing them to be tossed into virtually anywhere without the solidifying of surrounding infrastructure, public transportation, schools (and capacity), environmental impacts, open space issues, and so on. Honestly David, they have been rendered to second-, third-thought status and after-the-fact issues, instead of up-front or concurrent issues. It is a total sell-out of the UDC for the sake of revenue for the County and cronies.

  10. G Rex says:

    “Where is 1776 Kosciusko Drive?”

    Geez, I almost shot coffee out of my nose!

    I hate this La Grange development idea, and I take it personally that they’re tearing up my national heritage. (Hessian, that is.)