
Filed in National by on September 16, 2008


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hiding in the open

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  1. Chris says:

    Nice….and yet you failed to post the Obama ad with doctors talking about the odds McCain will die in office. That is real above board politics….or wait…what about the one that shows how McCain was dressed in the 70’s? Hard hitting and substanitive. Wonder how Obama dressed in the 70’s.

    Typical liberal BS. Run a totally sleazy campaign and then claim its the Republicans doing it. Ah…what wonderful change we are seeing from the Messiah…Obama…..

    Hope the man of the people enjoyed the $27,500 a plate dinner… it is simply amazing how in touch with the average American he is.

  2. DPN says:

    Chris . . . link if you please?

  3. cassandra_m says:

    As usual, Chris has nothing real to contribute other than his usual grievances. Which always are located in some idiocy he’s made up. For instance — the only person doing high stakes fundraising in this campaign is Obama. Yeah, right. Perhaps you can explain how 7 or 8 or 9 houses McCain and his private jet is more in line with the average American.


    DV, DD posted this video here on Monday.

  4. feces throwing monkey says:

    I concur. Chris’s comments are great…for me to throw feces at.


    Eat monkey feces idiotic GOP loser!

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    Speaking of honor, did you hear that McCain is “disappearing” Fiorina for a while? He’s reportedly furious at her remarks that he can’t run a company. Meanwhile, someone who actually runs a successful company, Warren Buffet, said that both Obama and Clinton could run a company.

  6. cas
    woops, I couldn’t remember…oh well 🙂

  7. DavidV says:

    Obviously Chris suffers from the GOP dementia effect and has forgotten about McCain’s $50,000 a plate fund raiser at the Beverly Hills Hilton.

  8. mike w. says:

    Cass – Where did Chris claim Obama was the only one doing high stakes fundraising?

    Simple, he didn’t and you apparently can’t read. He’s simply pointing out that your Annointed One isn’t “above the fray,” or above politics as usual. And of course the funny thing is that Obama consistently claims he is above all of the partisan politics, that he’s a “new kind of politician.” In reality he’s just full of it.

    Obama has engaged in nasty partisan politics this campaign, yet he’s running around acting like McCain is the only one engaging in mudslinging.

    On another note – Feces Throwing Monkey has to be DV / DTB. I actually like his new handle, it fits him well.

  9. DPN says:

    mike w, chris said obama wasn’t above the fray, but did not provide a link . . . consquently he’s a troll.

  10. mike w. says:

    You must be kidding Nemski? You guys fling all kinds of unsubstantiated crap around here without providing links to backup each and every assertion you make.

    I guess you’re all trolls then?

  11. Von Cracker says:


  12. mike w. says:

    Oh that’s right, only people with opinions you don’t like are “trolls.”……….

  13. DPN says:

    mike w, he mentioned an ad and did not provide a link. pretty darned simple thing to do.

  14. mike w. says:

    Backing up an argument with facts is pretty damn easy too, but several DL folks have a profound inability to do so. Are they trolls?

  15. MJ says:

    Shouldn’t Mike W be out somewhere playing with his guns? I hear Sarah Palin is looking for a hunting partner. Need to fend off them Ruskies from her front door step.

  16. mike w. says:

    I’m at lunch, and I don’t think work would like it very much if I was playing with my guns……..