Palin Stonewalls

Filed in National by on September 16, 2008

You knew this was coming, right?

Back in July, Palin tells us:

“I’ve said all along, hold me accountable,” Palin told reporters in Juneau. “And I’m telling the truth when I say that there was never pressure put on Commissioner Monegan.”

Then we have the ex-Commissioner responding:

“She’s not telling the truth when she told ABC neither she nor her husband pressured me to fire Trooper Wooten,” said Walt Monegan, the Alaskan official whose dismissal by Sarah Palin is the focus of a state investigation known as “Troopergate”. “And she’s not telling the truth to the media about her reasons for firing me.”

And today:

Spokesman Ed O’Callaghan initially said Palin, the Republican nominee for vice president, would not testify as part of the probe “as long as it remains tainted.” He later clarified his statement to say Palin is “unlikely to cooperate” with the inquiry.

Tainted? Please.

And now she’s got Karl Rove-style email problems — using private accounts to do official business, and withholding emails regarding state business from investigators.

I’m revising the idea she wasn’t vetted — she most certainly was, and it was to make sure that she’s got the rules of GOP corruption down pat.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (25)

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  1. DPN says:

    Tainted? A Republican led legislature votes for the investigation and its now tainted?

    BTW, did you see that Biden’s CNN show out performed Palin’s. The shine on the Republican’s new star is beginning to fade.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Yup, Yup!

    That girl you pulled out of the Logan House at 1:25am isn’t looking so good in the morning.

    Is that sexist?

  3. delawaredem says:

    If she has nothing to hide, and if she did nothing wrong, she would have no problem talking to the joint commission investigating her.

    This proves she has something to hide.

    Further, the investigation is not tainted. It is bipartisan. The only reason it could be tainted is because Sarah Fucking Palin is running for Vice President, and thus she can no longer be held to account.

  4. Chris says:

    “If she has nothing to hide, and if she did nothing wrong, she would have no problem talking to the joint commission investigating her. ”

    Would this bee the same committee that has several of her politcal rivals on it? The same one that announced things would look bad for her…even before they actually started investigating? And the same committee that moved the timing of their report to make sure it came out just a few days BEFORE the election.

    Even if she is ENTIRELY INNOCENT this committee will still find something to derail the election. No doubt fully staffed by desperate Obama lawyers. And the timing is to ensure there is not enough time to debunk the falsehoods before election. Remeber…Dan Rather tried the same thing in 2004…but NY Times beat him to it….and the only thing tainted it turns out…was Dan.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Wasn’t this investigation moving forward weeks prior to Palin’s VP announcement?

    I guess that blows your teet-sucking response there, Chrissy-Poo….


  6. Chris says:

    Wasn’t this investigation moving forward weeks prior to Palin’s VP announcement?

    Ah..perhpas. But the investigation was due to wrap up and results released in early October…Now suddenly…they are holding off until 5 days before.

    If what they have is truly damning, they could release it now and STILL sink her…but as I imagine there is very little to what they found, they want to play politics with the timing.

    So go suck yourself moron!

  7. Von Cracker says:

    You’re jealous ’cause I can!


    Whhaaaaaaaa!!! wittle baby!!!

  8. Chris says:

    “You’re jealous ’cause I can! ”

    Considering how full of it you are, you may just want to check what it is you are really chewing on.

  9. Susan Regis Collins says:

    #6 So go suck yourself moron!

    This totally unacceptable taunt should be retracted immediately, an apology offered, and a promise not to interject such vebage on DL. We have no idea who reads this blog…children, maybe?

  10. cassandra_m says:

    If Palin wasn’t stonewalling — and she was as innocent as claimed — this committee may have met its deadline.

    But here we have the usual GOP tactics — obfuscate and lie and make pretend that somehow is open and good government.

  11. gun dummy says:

    Fuck off Susan !!

  12. Truth teller says:

    She said she would co-operate then she was picked for VP and now she acts like a DICK who is also a VP

  13. A. Bundy says:

    This guy made totally contradictory statements to the Anchorage Daily News in which he said that he was not pressured by Palin or her husband. But, I’m sure around her that doesn’t matter. Only the damming things he said are true, right?

    This has about as much traction as the Rezko bullshit.

    I’m so glad to see the Messiah and the team of law dogs he sent to Alaska are transcending such dirty politics!…What a fucking joke!

    “We have no idea who reads this blog…children, maybe?”

    Susan Regis Collins, you obviously don’t spend much time here. This entire site is operated by middle schoolers! Don’t believe me? Just go back and search donviti’s posts and tell me a twelve year old child didn’t write them. I dare, you!

  14. DPN says:

    This entire site is operated by middle schoolers!

    I know you are, but what am I? I’m rubber your glue, what you say bounces off me and sticks on you. Na nee na nee, boo boo.

  15. anon2 says:

    Palin isn’t the story, she is a nightmare! We need to focus on Johnny the lobbyist lover and his record. Palin with lipstick was placed there to keep us talking about her…it ain’t about her she is his diversion.

  16. DPN says:

    anon2, you’re right. We need to focus on issues such as the economy, it is after all fundamentally sound.

  17. Stella Bluez says:

    Carly Fiorina has now stated that she doesn’t think McCAIN could run a big company…..

    Andrea Mitchell asked Fiorina about her earlier comment regarding Palin….& that is how she defended herself…..

    She does better when she lies….

  18. Stella Bluez says:

    ^^^oops…wrong thread….think I’ll move on up to the correct one….

  19. liz says:

    After taking office of Mayor in 96, Palin allowed the town police officer to begin “charging rape victims for their forensic work”. She signed off on the budget that detailed her new police policy. The directive instituted by her and delivered to her new hand picked police chief (she fired his predecessor).

    Palin as Mayor charged rape victims between $300 and $1200 to have the rapists DNA and other forensic evidence taken, tested, cataloged and investigated.

    That meant that women who came to the Police for help after being brutalized, beaten and raped were forced to be humilated one more time. Pay for your tests or you dont get them.

    Palins police chief says they did it to save taxpayer’s monies. Where possible insurance companies were billed, (but the women had to pay the deductible).

    Of course this is America, many women are uninsured, unprotected from their attackers and their big investigation bills.

    If any women regardless of party could not puke at this knowledge, there is something wrong with you.

    Who did this story. Mary Mapes (who wrote the book on Bush and his AWOL issues), former CBS producer.

    I have sent the story to Jason he can choose to post or not.

  20. Unstable Isotope says:

    Palin, she’s Bush and Cheney in one package! Way to go Republicans! So, I wonder assuming Obama wins the election, will Palin be the GOP’s presidential nominee in 2012?

  21. pandora says:

    Oh my! What a scary thought!

  22. Stella Bluez says:

    No, it won’t be her….she fills a niche right now.

    the Rove machine will wait & see exactly who they need to bring home the win….

    NOT who would best govern, NOT who could best move America forward, NOT who would be the best qualified….no not those things….

    they’ll put up the best person that can fool those in this country who refuse to pay attention or to think for themselves.

    you know, the usual…..

  23. pandora says:

    Lot of them out there, Stella. In fact I know quite a few…

  24. anon says:

    Am beginning to think republicans “glaze over” when facts are presented.

    Is there something in the water, is their blood red? Where is all this compassionate conservatism they speak about? Where can we find evidence of their compassion?

    Here is what I have discovered about some of my republican acquaintances. Some are just rascist. Some believe more in the republican party than in their country first or the Constitution. Some seem to use only one side of their brain, the right side. Some seem incapable of complex thought, opinion or solutions. Did I say some are just closet rascists.

  25. Von Cracker says:

    Yeah, let’s keep it clean for the kids!

    This place cracks me up.