Filed in National by on September 16, 2008

If Muslim men get 72 virgins when they blow themselves up, what do muslim women get?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Joanne Christian says:

    To be free of a Muslim man!!!!

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Same thing?

  3. anon says:

    It is a myth that muslims believe this garbage first of all and second it borders on tasteless hate speech.

  4. G Rex says:

    Well, if they were virgins when they blew themselves up, they get screwed by Muslim men, just as in life.

  5. Dana says:

    They get to be dead.

  6. Dana says:

    And the men don’t get quite what they expected. As I noted here, apparently their reward is just a bunch of grapes! 🙂

  7. X Stryker says:

    72 chocolate bars?

  8. gun dummy says:

    Pork bbqs