Delaware Liberal

The Chairman is Not Amused.

In the aftermath of his surprise announcement last week that he was dropping out of the gubernatorial race, Mike Protack told the News Journal  in an article this morning that he would not be endorsing or campaigning for Bill Lee, but he would like to help out the aging liar, John McCain. 

Mike, you might as well help out Lee, since from the sound of things, you are no longer welcome in the Independent Party of Delaware.    Chairman Wolfgang von Baumgart still has not heard from Protack, five days after his surprise announcement, and he is not happy. 

“I had a gut instinct I shouldn’t be there [at the candidate’s forum at the JCC last Thursday],” von Baumgart said Monday. “And for [Protack] to publicly kiss up to the Republican chairman would have been unnecessary public humiliation. To be blindsided — to walk in there, expecting to see our gubernatorial candidate, hoping he would win the debate and all of a sudden he folds … we avoided public humiliation at that spectacle.”

Uh, no you didn’t Wolfgang.    Even if you weren’t there, my first thought after hearing the news was “hahahaha, the IPOD just got what they deserved.”     It serves you right for this to happen to you and your party.   

Von Baumgart said the move “reflects more on Mr. Protack than it does on the party. … The party is a very appropriate vehicle. We have free ballot access and we offer that to alternative candidates. Maybe it was the fact that we don’t have massive resources, if he expected 600 troops to man the barricades. But a campaign does not control a political party.”

No, it reflects on your party for underhandedly choosing Protack in the first place.   Third parties don’t have armies of supporters or money.  All they have is principles.   That is why third parties exist in the first place.   For those with purist principles cannot tolerate being a member of a major party because in doing so they feel they compromise their principles.   In choosing Protack, the IPOD abandoned their principles.   

Say what you will about Liz Allen, a former member of the IPOD, but at least she has the courage of her convictions, and she stood up to Wolfgang and the IPOD when the party screwed her and other party members over.  

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