The fundamentals are fine

Filed in National by on September 16, 2008

Did you know that Lehman brother’s paid out 8.7 billion in bonuses in 2006?

[The CEO] Fuld, 62, was paid $40 million last year when New York-based Lehman posted record earnings, and about 98 percent of his compensation was in a bonus.

Man, I really hope his family can make it through these tough times.

You see, everything is cool. The middle class people are hard workers and the CEO’s made billions…I think they called that synergy in the late 90’s and earlier this decade.

I blame Rangel and Clinton

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hiding in the open

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    How big is the Lehman CEO’s golden parachute?

  2. feces throwing monkey says:

    Richard Fuld must laugh his ass off when he thinks that the stupid moops who vote Republican because they hate abortion are supporting his lifestyle.

  3. DPN says:

    now that’s funny monkey boy

  4. Art Downs says:

    Just who did Fuld and his wife find worthy of political contributions? While there were some token contributions to McCain and the GOP Senate Campaign committee, their collective hearts belong to Obama and Chris Dodd.

    Most of the fast-buck money-changers seem to be of a like mind.

    I am certain that their platinim parachutes will open just fine.

    The Limousine Liberals and Sailboat Socialists always seem to land on their feet.

  5. Truth teller says:

    Speaking of Golden Parachute’s will the CEO’s of freddie and fanny get one at taxpayers expence? And if so how much????

  6. Art,

    next time you are at a marina, ask a few boat owners how they plan on voting

  7. Duffy says:

    Did you know that Fuld lost $500 million yesterday? That was his stock position in the company.

    Did you know that Clinton appointee Franklin Delano Raines pilfered $100 million from Fannie Mae before absconding. Janet Reno and Jamie Gorelick took a combined $75 million.

    There’s plenty of blame for everyone.

  8. mike w. says:

    Let’s not forget that Obama had Jim Johnson, who was Chairman & CEO of Fannie Mae from 91′ – 98′ on his campaign staff until recently.

    Not exactly someone you’d want on your staff if you’re trying to claim that you’re the right guy to fix the economy.

  9. anon says:

    Chairman & CEO of Fannie Mae from 91′ – 98′

    Otherwise known as “The Clinton Boom.”

  10. cassandra m says:

    And, of course, there is no evidence that Raines, Reno or Gorelick pilfered anything from Fannie Mae — except the fevered goings on from wingnut radio.