Bounce Over. Obama Takes the Lead, Part II.

Filed in National by on September 17, 2008

And now the state polls are showing signs of catching up to the new reality:  

Florida: Obama 48, McCain 48

Indiana: McCain 51, Obama 45

North Carolina: McCain 48, Obama 47

Ohio: Obama 49, McCain 47

Wisconsin: Obama 50, McCain 47

(Time/CNN Battleground polls)

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  1. pandora says:

    Could this be because McCain has NO PLAN FOR THE ECONOMY! Just sayin’.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    No. The American people are just starting to realize that if you put lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig.

  3. feces throwing monkey says:

    If I put lipstick on my monkey ass, I’ll bet Mike W would kiss it.

  4. feces throwing monkey says:

    bad news:

    A double car bomb attack on the US embassy in Yemen has killed at least 16 people, Yemeni officials say.

    Washington said bombers targeted the main security gate as staff were arriving for work, but they failed to breach the compound’s walls.

    The militants, who were reportedly dressed as policemen, also exchanged gunfire with guards during the assault.

    The US blamed al-Qaeda for the attack, and President George Bush said it was a reminder that the US is at war.

    Good News:

    None of the 16 blewd up people were ‘mericans, so it is like it never really happened.

  5. Chris says:

    By tonight Obama will have an ad out about how the McCain campaign and Karl Rove arranged the attack for political gain.

  6. Chris says:

    “Could this be because McCain has NO PLAN FOR THE ECONOMY! Just sayin’.”

    And what is Obama’s plan…today? Version 174?

  7. pandora says:

    Umm, Chris? Where’s BUSH? The economy is tanking and W is pulling a Katrina.

  8. katie says:

    To my fellow Buckeyes: How in the world could they even consider voting for this idiot? (McCain) The site of a fundraiser, hosted by Mr. Timken for Lipstick Sarah, was non other than the private country club, with invitiation only tickets going for the bargain basement price of $28,500. I suppose non of his laid off employees rec’d an invite.
    CANTON, Ohio — Timken is slashing a quarter of its employees in Canton, and as workers facing layoffs consider their future, the ripple effect is already beginning.

    “How can I afford to get married, afford a house payment, maybe kids, if I don’t have a job?” said Timken employee Shawn Higgins.

    Timken is Canton’s biggest employer, and it is reported that 1,300 jobs are to be cut. Former Mayor Richard Watkins, who led the city for 12 years, knows how enormous the impact of such a downsizing can be.

    “It isn’t just about Timken,” said Watkins. “Other jobs are affected. If (people) can’t spend money, the smaller entrepreneur won’t be able to stay in business.”

    Ironically, it was a little more than a year ago when President George W. Bush visited Timken’s world headquarters heralding his tax cut and job creation plan. Now this very company’s job cuts will be a major blow to the economy in Canton.

    As manufacturing jobs continue to disappear from the area, Canton Mayor Janet Weir Creighton believes all is not lost.

    “It’s not a question of whether this problem isn’t solvable, but if we can find the right answers,” Creighton said.

    The union said it is open to talks to try and keep as many jobs in Canton as possible

  9. mike w. says:

    “Umm, Chris? Where’s BUSH? The economy is tanking and W is pulling a Katrina.”

    Not everything can be fixed by government and the President. What the hell do you want Bush to do? Wave his hand and make all the bad debt go away?

  10. anon says:

    Wave his hand and make all the bad debt go away?

    Well, that’s how he got rid of the surplus…

  11. G Rex says:

    While we’re talking electoral votes, it’s funny how you skipped New York…which is slouching inexorably towards McCain. Hmm, lotsa hockey moms and snowmobile dads in upstate.

  12. G Rex says:

    …and Hillary voters too!

  13. pandora says:

    LOL, anon!

    Mike, how about if Bush, for once, just shows up during a crisis? How about if acknowledges something is going on? How about if he acts like a President? What a coward.

  14. Truth Teller says:

    Look the dummies have been voting against their interest for years so they deserve what they get lost jobs and high gas prices. I don’t feel sorry for them even the Union guys went repuk when they thought that the Blacks would get jobs under the Dem’s. look YOU ASSHOLES IF YOU THINK THE REPUKS WILL SAVE THE MIDDLE CLASS VOTE FOR MCSAME

  15. G Rex says:

    Yeah Pandora, didn’t GWB fly down to Texas or do some other meaningless photo op today?

  16. pandora says:

    G Rex, Guess Arizona is slouching towards Obama.

    NY — Obama 55% McCain 38%
    AZ — McCain 56% Obama 39%

  17. Truth Teller says:

    PANDORA Bush’s COUSIN IS THE HEAD OF LEAMANS BROTHERS AND JEB GOT A HIGH PAYING JOB THERE AFTER SCREWING UP FLORIDA . and lets not forget brother Neil with Silverado savings and loan and the Keating five who McSame was a part of.

  18. pandora says:

    Gee, Rex, can’t Bush talk about the economy from Texas?

  19. Katie,

    OSU SUCKS!!!


    Go Penn State!


  20. John Feroce says:

    A site already exists and is widely accepted as the source for managing polls

    I suggest we defer to that site for “ground truth” on the numbers

  21. liz says:

    In Florida the republicans were caught sending ugly messages to elderly jewish folk, telling them that Obama was supporting Palestinans!

    Folks getting those calls reported it to the Democratic Party, of course the sick repukes in Florida denied it. Wisconsin voters are being disenfranchised. If you are in foreclosure the republicans are taking your name off the voter list (saying your foreclosed you don’t live there anymore), democrats have filed a lawsuit.

    There are groups all around the country who are watching the voter fraud in many states. It occured during the primary elections and the main stream press refused to talk about it stating their reporting “could repress the vote creating apathy”. Nothing has been done to correct the voter fraud problems in both 2000 and 2004 elections. If we think that this election will not be stolen think again. Who is going to challenge them! Who challenges the Board of Elections in this State? I have been sending all the emails I get to the Dept of of Elections, hoping they will not permit these activities to occur here, but no one has bothered to respond from the election dept. All the experts say “hold on to the lever voting machines”, I don’t know if we even have any of those in Delaware?

  22. delawaredem says:

    Real Clear Politics is a right wing site. Pollster and Electoral Vote are the true sources.

  23. G Rex says:

    (sigh) Obama may not support the PLO, but Jimmy Carter does, and that’s who Obama is patterning himself after, so he’ll probably be laying a wreath at Arafat’s grave in the first week of his presidency.

    And screw Penn State, go Buckeyes! Sure, we got our asses handed to us by USC, but…oh crap, we’re gonna lose the championship again. (sigh) Isn’t Joe Paterno like, twenty years older than McCain?

  24. liz says:

    Mike W. Make Cheney open up the books on Halliburton and lets see where 9 billion went? Why doesnt Congress do to GW what they did to his granddaddy and “freeze their assets”. The Grand Ole Party made a killing on the backs of taxpayers under Bush/Cheney/McCain.

    I want to see the gangster/bankster’s gambling class going to jail. Where are the prosecutions of these CEO thugs? Republicans send no one to jail for their stealing our monies, and the democrats under the leadership of the bluedog’s don’t want to make waves? No impeachment, no hearings on some of the worst violations of the Consitution in history…and they are all still employed collecting pay checks paid for with our tax dollars.

  25. G Rex says:

    Come on Liz, we all know you’re “staying off the grid” to keep it real.

  26. mike w. says:

    “In Florida the republicans were caught sending ugly messages to elderly jewish folk, telling them that Obama was supporting Palestinans!”

    Man Liz, you keep on proving how nuts you are! Obama does support Palestinians, or at least he used to, maybe he’s flip-flopped by now? Earlier in the campaign he was anti Israel.

  27. A. Bundy says:

    No one fear! When the Messiah takes office he will fix all of the economy’s problems by raising both taxes and spending. I believe the total spending increase (on top of the existing $3 trillion) is an additional $500 billion. Problem solved.

    BTW, does anyone know which Senator benefited second most from Fanny and Freddie since 1989? I was just curious. Anyone?

  28. A. Bundy says:

    Liz, seriously, get some help! I mean it. You are scaring the children, you crazy moonbat!

  29. mike w. says:

    Bundy – He’s proposing the biggest expansion of the Federal Government since FDR AND tax cuts for 95% of America. Doesn’t exactly equal fiscal responsibility, but then again the current “Bush Conservatives” aren’t fiscal conservatives either.

  30. Unstable Isotope says:

    New national poll released by CBS shows Obama up by 5 with both LV and RV. Only time will tell whether this is an outlier. I think it’s a little too early to see the effect of the economic news in the polls yet. I think any momentum Obama’s way is a result of Palin’s fading popularity and the shameless lying by the McCain campaign. (I hope it’s not wishful thinking that McCain is paying a price for all his blatant lying.)

  31. Truth Teller says:

    the dem’s are finally learning that it’s the economy stupid. wasted a lot of time on the surge and drill baby drill