Breaking: DOW Loses Another 500 points.

Filed in National by on September 17, 2008

And as I type this it rebounds to 454 points.   Still, the second worse trading day of the year.   Second worse trading day since 9/11.   The DOW is now at 10,609.66.     Which means during the whole Bush Presidency, over the last eight years, the DOW has actually lost 50 points.  

What…..what is that… alarm clock….the buzzing… is 8 am.  November 9, 2000.   Ah, the morning news.  

MATT LAUER: “Vice President Gore has been elected the Next President of the United States, after carrying all the contested battleground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida.  Indeed, we all knew how this election was going to turn out when Florida was called for the Vice President at 7:45 p.m. Eastern time.  ”

KATIE COURIC: “Gosh, one of these years we will have an election that is a nailbitter, a close, drawn out race where we all have to stay up to the early morning hours to find out who won.” 

MATT LAUER: “Maybe one day, but not this year.  The public clearly likes the Democrats now.  In three months, it is President Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.  


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  1. delawaredem says:

    It was all a dream.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    A nightmare, DD. When I wake up will there have been no 9/11 or Iraq War and the Dow won’t have lost 700 points this week?

  3. feces throwing monkey says:

    I feel dumb for not liking Gore much back then. But my monkey brain does not dwell on stuff like that.

  4. delawaredem says:

    LOL. Nader lover.

  5. feces throwing monkey says:

    If I had any money I’d blow most of it on bananas and smokes.

    If I had $100 left over and put it in a DJIA index fund just before Bush took office, it would be worth about $83 today in inflation adjusted dollars.

  6. pandora says:

    Welcome to my world, Monkey.

  7. A. Bundy says:

    I just recently bought a SHITLOAD of gold! Take a look at that shit. I’m rolling in it, bitches!

  8. mike w. says:

    I own a bit of gold stock Bundy. I now wish I’d bought more a few years ago.