Let’s Compare Obama and McCain’s New Economy Ads
First, let’s take a look at Obama’s ad.
Now let’s see what John McCain has to say.
Whoa, Rambo! That’s some pretty tough talk. Got any specifics to back it up?
What exactly is John McCain’s plan for the economy? Does he even have one?
Tags: 2008 Presidential, Barack Obama, John McCain
Perhaps McCain could learn to pronounce Washington. He’s been there long enough to know its Washington, not Warshington!
Obama has a 6 point plan for dealing with the economy, while McCain wants a Blue Ribbon Commission. In other words….where the hell is Mitt…I need help here, shut up Sarah!
Perhaps McCain can explain this latest flip flop? This is guy has been for the deregulation scheme that allowed all of this so-called greed to florish since Reagan.
He will convene a Commission? How very Ruth Ann Minner of him.
Perhaps Obama can start explaining why he took so much money from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (#3 behind Kerry and Dodd)
Now here’s an ad many GOPers will get…ahem…behind
While he is at it..maybe he can explain how, if he is the agent of change, former heads that made so much money at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are…uh..his financial advisors…
James A. Johnson, former Chief Executive Officer of the Federal National Mortgage Association
It would be better to ask the employees of Freddie and Fanny why they donated to Obama, Chrissy-Poo.
Since, you know…the donations came from individuals, not PACs.
Wait, sorry – 120k came from individuals; 6k from PACs.
That says something now…doesn’t it?
Especially since most other Pols received most of their donations from PACs…
Seriously, what is McCain’s plan for the economy?
McCain’s plan? I know about it as much as he does! And I’m serious….what’s he gonna do? Tell his lobby-filled campaign that they can’t have their spoils?
Is it me or are John McCain’s eyebrows going nuts in his commercial.
My mom came from Ohio and ALWAYS pronouced Washington, Warshington, Lizzy dear.
Really unflattering lighting of McCain’s face. Are his other photos photoshopped? I didn’t get much from McCain’s commercial other than he wants to fight someone.
I can just see McCain saying, “Put up your dukes, come on, put up your dukes.”