Delaware Liberal

A Glimpse of a Green Economy

Tesla signs a lease to build a factory in San Jose, CA.

Tesla Motors makes a high-performance electric sports car that not only goes fast, but can go for almost 250 miles on one charge. It is a boutique (but high demand) vehicle now, but Tesla ultimately wanted to build more affordable, more utilitarian cars. The Model S is supposed to be a 5-passenger sport sedan, all-electric and also able to go about 250 miles on a single charge. This car is currently reported to retail at $60K.

At that price point, it is clearly not a car for most consumers, but certainly represents a serious step towards all-electric cars that function and feel like the gas-powered ones. Almost as importantly, this company choose to build these cars in the US (they did get a couple of tax breaks tho) adding a little pressure to the need to focus on enabling to creation of greener industries and jobs.

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