McCain Wants War with Spain.

Filed in National by on September 18, 2008

Ok, not really.  But the elderly, out-of-touch, and ill tempered Republican seemed to forget that Spain was an ally, or who the current Prime Minister of Spain was, or what country Prime Minister Jose Zapatero represented.   Because there is no other explanation for this exchange, other than McCain really thinks our relationship with a trust NATO ally needs reexamining to determine whether it is a friend or a foe.

“Would you be willing to meet with the head of our government, Mr. Zapatero?” the questioner asked, in an exchange now being reported by several Spanish outlets.

McCain proceeded to launch into what appeared to be a boilerplate declaration about Mexico and Latin America — but not Spain — pressing the need to stand up to world leaders who want to harm America.

“I will meet with those leaders who are our friends and who want to work with us cooperatively,” according to one translation. The reporter repeated the question two more times, apparently trying to clarify, but McCain referred again to Latin America.

Finally, the questioner said, “Okay, but I’m talking about Europe – the president of Spain, would you meet with him?” The Senator offered only a slight variance to his initial comment. “I will reunite with any leader that has the same principles and philosophy that we do: human rights, democracy, and liberty. And I will confront those that don’t [have them].”

You know what I think happened?   McCain heard the Spanish language and assumed these were questions about Latin America.   Thus, he went into the standard hostile conservative stance towards the socialist governments in Bolivia, Veneuzla, and Cuba.   But the questioner referred specifically to the Prime Minister, even mentioning him by name.   So that means McCain, the supposed foreign policy juggernaut, who is all knowing and ready to lead, doesn’t know who the leader of Spain is.  

Josh Marshall is all over this, so go read him.

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  1. feces throwing monkey's evil twin says:

    McCain was a POW BIOTCH! For 5 and a half years he didn’t have an TV. Okay? Besides anybody named Jose Zapatero sounds like a taco eating wetback to me.

    USA #1 !!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. delawaredem says:

    wetback? I just love Republican Racism.

  3. mike w. says:

    DD – Man you really are nuts. You and feces. You folks will “find” racism anywhere you feel like it. Like in McCain’s “The One” commercials.

  4. anonone says:

    Mike W., your bigotry is like the nose on your face – you can’t see it but everybody else can. Please go away.

  5. mike w. says:

    Nothing McCain said here had anything to do with race.

    Anon – By “everyone else” you mean a handful of nutjobs here on DE liberal who quite clearly have never read my blog.

  6. delawaredem says:

    Mike…do you lack basic reading comprehension skills?

    My comment in #2 is in response to comment #1. The term “wetback” is a racist term of Hispanics. It is like the N word. My comments in the post did not refer to racism, just McCain’s ignorance and fading mental capacity due to his advanced age.

  7. anonone says:

    Why would any intelligent person want to read the rants of a racist moron who thinks that guns are the most important things in life? The only reason you post your poison here is because no one wants to read your inane blog. This blog is for liberals – not racist gun nut trolls like you. Go away, Mike W. You’re not wanted here.

  8. mike w. says:

    “My comment in #2 is in response to comment #1. The term “wetback” is a racist term of Hispanics. It is like the N word. My comments in the post did not refer to racism”

    Yes DD I know what “wetback” means. And I know you were commenting on Feces. You do realize however that there are racists of all political ideologies, even among your beloved liberals.

    Anonone – Who the hell are you? Nothing you post here is even worthy of discussion.

  9. feces throwing monkey's evil twin says:

    I hear you Mike W.

    My twin brother is always calling me racists just because I don’t like black people!!!

    USA #1 !!!!!!

  10. mike w. says:

    ^ That has GOT to be Don Viti / DTB……

  11. anonone says:

    “Who the hell are you?” Well, I am not a racist gun nut like you, Mike W. Go away.

  12. delawaredem says:

    It probably is, Mike.

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    Apparently in April McCain did seem to know who the prime minister of Spain was. So, is he losing it?

  14. Von Cracker says:

    McCain’s an embarrassment.

  15. anon says:

    Apparently in April McCain did seem to know who the prime minister of Spain was.

    Unfortunately, he also thought Manual Labor was the president of Mexico…

  16. cassandra_m says:

    Time Magazine wrings out the best headline from this:

    The Pain in Spain Falls Mainly on McCain

    And as for Zapatero?
    As for Zapatero himself, the prime minister is apparently taking this latest attack to his ego with characteristic equilibrium. McCain may not know who Spain’s leader is, but Zapatero promised to work with the new administration “whatever it is.”

  17. Von Cracker says:

    I can see it now…

    For 5 and half years John McCain didn’t even have the opportunity to publicly humiliate himself and Spain!

  18. anon says:

    John McCain remembers the Maine.

  19. mike w. says:

    Oh look, better give “Anonone” a warning letter and a timeout too, since he just told someone to leave this site.

    Hmm, I’d put money on DD not doing that anytime soon.

  20. anonone says:

    Why should a site called Delawareliberal be a soap box for a racist gun nut like you, Mike W.?

    Why do you like it here so much, Mike W. if we’re liberal “nutjobs” who call you out on your racism?

    Go away.

  21. mike w. says:

    Rules are rules. Telling a commenter to quit commenting is against DE Liberal rules (according to DD and Pandora at least)

  22. anonone says:

    I can’t find any “rules”, Mike W.

    You’re rants are unashamedly racist. Hurling your racist insults at Democrats is inappropriate for this site. It may be OK for yours, so why don’t you just post there? We don’t need to hear your disgusting troll bile.

  23. mike w. says:

    “Hurling your racist insults at Democrats is inappropriate for this site.”

    Are you the owner of this site? No you’re not, thus you don’t know what is/isn’t “appropriate.”

    By the way, point out the “racist insults” I’ve been using on this site please. Oh that’s right, I used the word “black” in reference to Obama.

    Show me the “racist insults” I’ve allegedly posted here, I’d love to see them.

  24. anonone says:

    To repeat:
    Writing crap like “Are you black, liberal and charismatic? If so you’re qualified, at least in the minds of the Democrats” shows you’re a racist punk. Go home and play with your guns.

  25. mike w. says:

    So I guess if I were to say that McCain choosing Palin was influenced at least partially by the fact that she’s a woman then I’d be sexist as well?

    Calling Obama “black” is racist. Good to know Anon, I’ll keep that in mind.

  26. Von Cracker says:

    You’re talking about the choice of one man, compared to the choice made by over 18 million Americans, ya douche.

  27. anonone says:

    No, but saying that being black is a qualification to the dems is flat-out racist. Try to keep that in your two brain cells.

    And, yes, Mcsame is sexist.

    Go back to fondling your guns.

  28. G Rex says:

    Jose Zapatero? Wasn’t he the coach at Chelsea or something?

  29. Linoge says:

    You’re talking about the choice of one man, compared to the choice made by over 18 million Americans, ya douche.

    So that many people making a “racist” (anonone’s words, not mine) choice is somehow better than one person making a “sexist” choice? “One is a tragedy, a thousand is a statistic,” eh?

    (Of course, for the record, I find neither choice to be neither sexist nor racist, or combinations of the two.)

  30. anonone says:


    Mike the Racist said that being black was considered a qualification by democrats. That is racist crap. Obama was nominated because he was the best candidate out of the 8 or 9 running. It had nothing to do with his color, in spite of what racists like Mike think.

    If you think Mcsame nominated Palin solely because she was the most qualified person he could find, then believe that. That either reflects on his poor judgement of the qualifications necessary to be President or the shallow depth of the rethug bench. Your choice.

  31. Linoge says:

    Actually, I believe none of your three options (assuming that your third, last option, that you no doubt believe, is that she was chosen because she is female). But that is why strawmen are so annoying, is it not?

    I do, however, find it interesting that you are so outraged by Mike’s supposed racism, but apparently have nothing against your own sexism. I guess one really is worse than the other, in the eyes of liberals…

  32. mike w. says:

    Anon – Are you seriously telling me that race wasn’t a factor in Obama’s nomination? That race didn’t influence ANYONE to vote for or against him?

    I’m sorry, but you can’t seriously say race didn’t play a factor (unless you don’t live in reality) Plenty of folks vote based on Identity politics, thus things like race and gender do play a substantial role. Of course race wasn’t the main factor, but to deny that it had any role whatsoever is nuts. We all know how much of politics is identity driven rather than based where it should be (on issues & policy)

  33. anonone says:

    I never said Palin wasn’t qualified because she was a woman. Nor did I say Mcsame picked her because she was a woman. Personally, I just think she isn’t qualified regardless of her gender. There were other repub women and men that he could have picked that would have been much more qualified than Palin.

    So how do you have any clue to what I “no doubt believe” if I haven’t written it here? I offered you two perfectly believable choices of why Mcsame picked a self-described “pit bull” with “lipstick” for VP. I can’t tell which reason he did it for. Can you tell me?

  34. pandora says:

    A bunch of white people in Iowa launched Obama’s campaign. That is where it started. Hindsight: If Hillary had won Iowa, she’d be the Dem nominee.

  35. pandora says:

    Oh, and Palin was picked because she was a woman. Duh

  36. mike w. says:

    “Personally, I just think she isn’t qualified regardless of her gender.”

    Personally I think Obama is woefully unqualified regardless of his race.

  37. anonone says:

    Mike the Racist:

    Identity politics is a fact of life. But saying, as you did, that being black is viewed as a “qualification” by Democrats is racist and abhorrent. I can judge somebody by their political views and qualifications. I can judge somebody by their charisma or lack thereof. But I will never judge somebody by their race or gender or by who they love.

  38. anonone says:

    Mike the Racist:

    “Personally I think Obama is woefully unqualified regardless of his race.”

    Fortunately for the country 18 million Democrats disagree with you.

    By the way, how many votes did Mcsame receive in his primary? And how many voters total have ever pulled a lever for Palin? Or Biden? I bet Biden got more votes in the primary than Palin has ever gotten in her life, total.

  39. mike w. says:

    “I bet Biden got more votes in the primary than Palin has ever gotten in her life, total.”

    Quite possibly the stupidest statement ever!

    “But I will never judge somebody by their race or gender or by who they love.”

    Nor will I, however there are Americans who will vote for or against a candidate on the basis of race. My original comment merely acknowledges that his race played a role in his nomination. Acknowledging the impact of race on the race isn’t racist. If it were Obama himself would be racist.

  40. anonone says:

    Mike the Racist:

    What you wrote wasn’t “acknowledging the impact of race on the race”; what you said was that democrats use being black as a qualification for nomination. That was a detestable racist statement.

    I can understand why somebody who thinks that guns are the most important thing in life can’t understand this.

  41. Geezer says:

    You missed the salient point, Mike. The definition of a troll is someone who goes to a web site he disagrees with and posts his views just to disrupt the usual discussion. Don’t you have anything better to do than argue with people whom you don’t respect and who don’t respect you?

  42. Anon says:

    I think we should sue Spain for importing Peoples from Africa 1492 thru 1776.
    And Portugal, GB, France, …

  43. Anon says:

    If people vote for him because of his color
    is that ok?
    If people DO NOT vote for him because of his color
    is that ok?

  44. Anon says:

    It is not the guns that are important.
    In one person’s hands the gun is for self protection, and is defensive.
    In another’s hands, the gun is a tool for doing violence to another and many times to relieve that other person of their possessions, including their life.
    Problem with ‘anti-troll’ people here, is that they can not tell the difference.
    Not understanding what Responsibility is, or Respect for others is, they do not trust anyone with personal power.
    If a TROLL comes on site and challenges your train of thought, why is that so bad?

  45. pandora says:

    If people vote for Palin because she’s a woman
    is that okay?

    If people DON’T vote for Palin because she’s an idiot
    is that okay?

  46. Linoge says:

    Obama was nominated because he was the best candidate out of the 8 or 9 running.

    Must be my slow day – otherwise, this would have immediately jumped out as one of the larger turds dropped on this site (and considering the site, that is saying something).

    Face it – His own running mate is more qualified to be President, and has more experience, than he does. The difference is, Biden cannot say two words without royally frakking it up. Senator Barack Hussein Obama, on the other hand, is an oratorial master, and has successfully managed to promise the world without actually saying so. What else do you need to be the Democratic Party candidate?

  47. anon says:

    His own running mate is more qualified to be President, and has more experience, than he does. The difference is, Biden cannot say two words without royally frakking it up. Senator Barack Hussein Obama, on the other hand, is an oratorial master, and has successfully managed to promise the world without actually saying so.

    Mmmmm…. like peanut butter and jelly.

  48. liberalgeek says:

    Partly, because when a troll visits their sites they are outed and have all of their personal info dumped out on a wordpress site with comments threatening personal harm.

    I will say this about Mike, he is starting to make comments that don’t have 2nd amendment references. They are still shamefully out of touch with reality, but at least they aren’t ALL about guns now…

  49. mike w. says:

    “If people vote for Palin because she’s a woman
    is that okay?

    If people DON’T vote for Palin because she’s an idiot
    is that okay?”

    Pandora –

    If people vote for Obama because he’s black is that OK?

    If people DON’T vote for Obama because he’s a gun-grabbing socialist is that OK?

  50. pandora says:

    True, LG. Mike has backed off the gun comments. However, given the attempted outing of Jadegold and threatening comments within his community I will never visit his blog again… for my own privacy.

  51. mike w. says:

    LG – You know nothing of the whole JadeGold mess. What you don’t realize is he has a long history of “outing” anyone he disagrees with by posting any personal info he can find about them or their families all over the place. He’d made a habit of doing that, so someone came along and gave him a taste of his own medicine, posting HIS personal info.

    Now personally, I’d never dig up someones personal info like that and post it, for no reason other than it’d encourage someone else to do it to me.

    Piss people off by outing them and it’ll come back and bite you in the ass. That’s what happened in Jade’s case.

    I’ve never been “all guns all the time” even when Pandora accused me of it. Maybe you’re a little slow on the uptake LG.

  52. anonone says:


    Is there a Nobel Prize for gun obsession? Does being obsessed with and promoting guns advance our civilization? Does it feed the hungry, heal the sick, or contribute to peace in the world? Is that the best way a young person such as Mike can think of to make a contribution to the world?

    Just askin’

  53. liberalgeek says:

    Mike, I know a great deal of the JadeGold mess. Don’t kid yourself. There is a reason that Jade no longer visits this blog.

    You are unable to see the equivalency of the Palin/JadeGold situation, that is not my issue, it is yours.

  54. anonone says:


    In my opinion, no and no. And, yes, I know both happen.

  55. anonone says:

    Mike the Racist

    It seems that your party is the socialist party these days with all the gov’t handouts to big business.

    It really is OK if you leave.

  56. anonone says:


    Unlike other countries that you might find more to your liking, we try to use actual voters to determine who is qualified or not. Obama is qualified as determined by the actual primary voters! You personally may not feel he is qualified, but a majority of 18 million qualified voters did.

  57. mike w. says:

    Anonone – That means DEMS believe he’s qualified. I’m guessing Linoge isn’t a Democrat.

    Oh, and as far as leaving. You should heed your own advice.

  58. anonone says:

    Mike the Racist:

    I am a liberal living in Delaware. Tell me why I should leave?

    And, yes, the Dems voted him as the most qualified. Some even voted for Biden for President. If Biden had won the majority of votes, then he would have been chosen as the most qualified. That is the way it is supposed to work in America.

    How do you think we should choose who is qualified? With guns?

  59. Linoge says:

    What a cute little utopia you live in, anonone. Winning a popularity contest does not make you qualified to do a damned thing… or have you already forgotten high school?

    And, yup, that is the way America was designed to work, and it is the better for it. But do not, for a second, believe that being chosen for something means you can actually do it. Take our current President, for example.

    On a slightly-related note, you really are all about kicking people out of your little bubble… insecure much?

  60. mike w. says:

    Linoge – It’s no surprise. Plenty of folks have wanted to kick me out of this little bubble since I got here. In that regard “Anonone” fits right in.

  61. Von Cracker says:

    That’s a pretty insulting statement to make about your fellow Americans, Lin.

    Unless you’re ready to stipulate that all elections are popularity contests….

  62. Linoge says:

    I kind of figured that was implied in what I said.

    But, hey, do not blame me – blame the Founding Fathers. They hated “mob rule” almost as much as I do, which is why our system is constructed with the dynamic balances already installed.

  63. The Special One says:

    If you’ll allow me, I’ll go ahead and wrap this up. After all your childish insults about who is racist, etc. the point of the post is still valid. McCain is a twit who doesn’t understand foreign policy. I read the interview:

    The head of state in Spain in a king. The head of gov’t is the prime minister not the president. And considering they are a NATO ally his comments re: Spain are ill-informed and ill-advised.

    Now I know why the liar-talk express fibs so much. When they try the truth they get it wrong.

    G Rex – I loved the Mourinho reference by the way. Go Inter! Be Champions!

  64. anonone says:


    I don’t like racist trolls. I don’t go to their sites and troll them. Why do you come here?

    Voting may be a popularity contest to you, but I’d guess that most liberals on this site take it very seriously. The intensity of our primary show that.

    But with your viewpoints, it is not at all surprising that you view elections as nothing more than popularity contests. Of course, we don’t have a former beauty contestant on our ticket, either. The fact that you view elections as popularity contests shows just how shallow you really are. Are you still in high school?

    By the way, the current President still has the support of a majority of rethugs – you know, the 29% who still think he is great.

  65. feces throwing monkey's evil twin says:

    McCain is a twit who doesn’t understand foreign policy.

    SO!!! He didn’t have no foreign policy for 5 & 1/2 years in NAM!!!

    USA #1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  66. Linoge says:

    Sure, the ten folks who regularly post here take the voting process seriously. But are you honestly going to tell me, with a perfectly straight face, that all 18 million voters who selected Obama, and all of the however-many-millions of people who will participate in the upcoming national elections, will have taken the time to consider all of the options, weigh all of the issues, and 100% educate themselves? Or are they just going to vote for whomever they like the most? If you can do the former, you might have a future in politics, so good on you.

    Oh, and by the way, 29% is not a majority. Plurality, perhaps, but not a majority.

  67. anonone says:

    Sorry, I wasn’t clear. The majority of repubs still support Bush, not a majority of the public.

    Polls show Bush still gets the support of about 29% of the public. That 29% is mostly repubs, and represents a majority of the party members.

    I do think that the people who vote in party primaries tend to be more motivated, educated on the candidates, and issues than in general election voters.

    So, no, voters don’t consider all issues or 100% educate themselves. If they did, the Dems would win in a landslide. But it is more than a popularity contest.

  68. Chris says:

    “The definition of a troll is someone who goes to a web site he disagrees with and posts his views just to disrupt the usual discussion. ”

    Translation: Geezer is here looking only for an echo chamber.

    I am here because I DON’T want an echo chamber. You cannot educate yourself truly until you read both sides. Of course, thinking I would find any factual education on this site makes me naieve.

  69. pandora says:

    It’s only a “popularity contest” when your guy is losing. My condolences, Linoge.

    If McCain were ahead… well, you guys would be singing the praises of an “educated” populace.

  70. Chris says:

    “It’s only a “popularity contest” when your guy is losing.”

    Look, you guys on here may have thoughtfully chosen Obama (though I still can’t see why). But when I run into the average Obama supporter on the street and I ask them why they are supporting him I hear “Because he brings hope and change”. When I press them on what exactly that change will be…..they don’t know. My other favorite response has been “Because it is high time we have a black President”.

    So while you would like to believe that all 18 million primary voters selected him because of his abilities and policies….it think you need to spend more time talking with the average Obama supporter.

  71. Linoge says:

    But it is more than a popularity contest.

    I agree that it should be more than a popularity contest… but when has “should” ever been equivalent to “is”? Until such time as you can demonstrate that the majority of the voters have taken the time and effort to properly educate themselves on the issues and candidates, and vote accordingly… that is all it really boils down to.

    And, not really, Pandora. I have been of this opinion since my first election. Do not get me wrong – it is a Hobson’s Choice of a popularity contest, and has been every time (at least for me), but there it stands.

  72. pandora says:

    Chris, define “victory” in Iraq.

  73. mike w. says:

    Chris – I’ve noticed the same. The depth of their response on why they support Obama is “HOPE! CHANGE!….. Bush sucks!” Then they get mad if you try to push them on specifics and discuss issues.

  74. feces throwing monkey's evil twin says:

    TELL ‘EM MIKE W!!!!


    MIKE W RULZ!!!!

    USA #1!!!!!!!!!!

  75. mike w. says:

    Feces must be playing some weird game of rock paper scissors with himself…….

  76. anonone says:


    What is an “average Obama supporter”? Are you running into them “on the street” with your car?

    Why do you just make stuff up?

  77. Chris says:

    “Chris, define “victory” in Iraq.”

    The establishment of a self-supporting, Democracy-based, government, that has the ability to keep radical Islam in check.

    You may not like the answer, but at least I have a legitiment one.

  78. anonone says:

    Mike the Racist:

    What is wrong with “hope” and “change”?

    Personally, I hope you leave because that would be a good change.

  79. Chris says:

    “What is an “average Obama supporter”? Are you running into them “on the street” with your car?”

    They would be called “Co-workers”. My ideology is quite well known at work and many “Obama’ supporters approach me in an effort to tweak me. Lets just say…they leave tweaked…because they have no real reason why they are for him. Not to say there aren’t legitimate reasons to support Obama (though again I don’t see it), but many of those with huge Obama signs on the cubes at work, can’t answer those simple questions.

  80. Von Cracker says:

    if you think there hasn’t been any specifics offered around here, or through other channels, then you haven’t been paying attention.

    But keep saying that; and if you say it enough, you just might end up believing it yourself! Kinda like a self-inflicted jedi mind trick.

    BTW – What’s McCain gonna do besides meet with his advisors and create a commission?

  81. feces throwing monkey's evil twin says:

    anonone think he can play the “clever” card to show that he is “smart” and “funny” WELL LAA DEE FREAKING DAH!

    McCain didn’t have humorous banter for 5 & 1/2 years in NAM!!! THINK ABOUT THAT SMART GUY!!!!

    USA #1 !!!!

  82. anonone says:

    Oh, your co-workers. You do street work? And what makes them “average”?

    After Bush, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with hope and change. Hope and change is what America is all about, although repubs think more in terms of fear and loathing.

  83. cassandra m says:

    huge Obama signs on the cubes at work, can’t answer those simple questions.

    If you’ve been talking to your coworkers the way you speak to people here, I wouldn’t answer you, either.

  84. Dorian Gray says:

    Chris – So by your definition why are we allies with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan? The House of Saud is hardly democratic and neither can keep “radical” Islam in check. We just sort of make it up as we go. Cool, man. I dig you.

    Good story about how you reverse the tweak on your co-workers. It’s fascinating! You are such a shrewd debater, my word!

    Are you still using the “no substance” thing? That was so months ago.

  85. feces throwing monkey's evil twin says:

    Palin pulls out of big CA fundraisers.

    GOOD!!! Her JOB is to prop up McCain on the trail.

  86. Chris says:

    “Oh, your co-workers. You do street work? And what makes them “average”? ”

    Average in that they represent a cross-section of demographics. You will notice that I did not say all Obama supporters don’t have specifics. But the assertion was made that all 18 million made a thoughtful educated choice, and that is simply untrue. The “phenomenom” factor had a huge effect. And yes, the “phenomenom” factor is coming into play with Palin too. I freely admit it. A lot of the renergizing of the campaign is because of her “freshness”. But you can’t sit here and claim all 18 million Obama supporters made educated selections.

  87. Chris says:

    “If you’ve been talking to your coworkers the way you speak to people here, I wouldn’t answer you, either.”

    Hello…Pot calling the kettle…(redacted lest I be labeled racist)

  88. anonone says:







    Now you got me THINKING! You are the SMART GUY!


  89. Von Cracker says:

    It’s absurd that Chris wants us to prove (or disprove) his assumptions.

    It’s the last vestige of a defeated debater or one who’s tangled in his own pretzel logic.

  90. anonone says:



    GO SARAH!!!!!


  91. cassandra m says:

    the assertion was made that all 18 million made a thoughtful educated choice,

    Chris is an idiot. So 18 million Americans are not capable of making rational choices? You’ll be making the case for a Poll Tax or Reading Test for voting any minute now.

    Or are you just nostalgic for the Supreme Court bypassing voters to pick for themselves?


    VC is quite right. Chris is definitely flailing now. But that is how we ran him off the last time! 😉

  92. Chris says:

    “It’s absurd that Chris wants us to prove (or disprove) his assumptions.”

    I never asked for any such thing. The false assertion was made and I simply pointed out that it is short sighted to make such a claim, when anecdotal evidence seems to show otherwise.

    You needn’t prove or disprove anything. I know nothing can change your “open” mind.

  93. anonone says:

    “average” actually means something. What demographic are you talking about? Are you a professional pollster?

    Anyway, why don’t you just say your feelin’ smug ’cause you diss Obama supporters at your high school.

  94. Chris says:

    “Chris is an idiot. So 18 million Americans are not capable of making rational choices? You’ll be making the case for a Poll Tax or Reading Test for voting any minute now.”

    You are such a frigging hypocrite. Do you hear yourself? All we heard from you guys after the 2004 election was that Bush only won because so many stupid people were fooled into being afraid. So were you asserting that 62,040,610 americans were unable of making rational choices?

    And I never said all 18 million couldn’t do it. I was saying that it is patently absurd to say at ALL 18 million voted rationally.

  95. Chris says:

    “VC is quite right. Chris is definitely flailing now. But that is how we ran him off the last time! ;)”

    Yes. When you counter logical arguements with typical libbie talking points it does get tiresome.

  96. anonone says:



    I’M MCINSANE!!!!


  97. Chris says:

    “Anyway, why don’t you just say your feelin’ smug ’cause you diss Obama supporters at your high school.”

    Ouch…you got me… I am only in eighth grade and go to Newark High…man…how did you know.

    Here is a hint moron. I don’t hide behind some stupid handle. It would take you 5 minutes digging through the logs on this site to find out my real name….and you will see that Regan was still in office when I graduated high school. See…unlike your whiny little ass…I actually pay taxes…over half my damn salary even here in Delaware. It was over 60% when I was in Jersey.

    Biden would have been proud of my patriotism.

    And while it was fun playing with you little children, I need to go cook dinner for my two kids and get them to their evening activities.


  98. anonone says:






    I love YOU EVIL TWIN (only in the repulikin way -NO WHAT I MEAN?)

  99. Von Cracker says:

    Just making the statement “average Obama supporter” without statistically significant data to back it up makes it an assumption, an opinion. Plus, you’re saying that these “average supporters” can only regurgitate “hope and change” when questioned by you, and subsequently, you use this sample as some sort of fact that the average supporter has no idea of Obama’s policies.

    In effect, you are asking us to prove to you otherwise. Why else would you bring it up? You don’t have to bluntly state it; your words and tone lead us to conclude as much.

    With that said, we all know low-information voters cast ballots for both sides, but not usually in Primaries.

  100. cassandra_m says:

    over half my damn salary even here in Delaware. It was over 60% when I was in Jersey

    You really are an idiot. Get yourself an accountant, man.

  101. anonone says:


    After IRAQ – onto SPAIN!!! 100 years!

    We are ALL SPANYARDS!!!!



  102. I would like to go on record again:

    Mike W is mentally challenged in addition to being physically challenged. I am not sure why you all engage him. Look how wildly he has spun this thread.

    seriously people, grow the fuck up and stop engaging him.

  103. mike w. says:

    There have been 28 comments since I last commented in this thread.

    Good try though DTB.

    As usual though, you throw out the ad hominem’s when you’ve got nothing else to bring to the table, which just so happens to be most of the time.

  104. Chris says:

    “You really are an idiot. Get yourself an accountant, man.”

    Try adding it. Property taxes, fees, SS charges, State income, Federal income, unemployment, what ever else people can find to throw at you. It all adds up….and your check disappears.

    But have no fear, if Obama wins as you say…the accountants will be out of work. We can just direct deposit the whole thing to his account.

  105. Pandora says:

    Chris, if what you say is true… you really should see an accountant. I am not being snarky.

  106. Feces Throwing Isotope says:

    This entire thread has turned me into a feces throwing Isotope. According to my twin brother, I’m already the evil twin.