Delaware Liberal

Oh, That’s a Relief. Wait…

From the Huffington Post:

The McCain campaign insisted Thursday morning that the Senator meant what he said when, during an interview on Spanish radio, he refused to commit to a meeting with Spain’s prime minister, Jose Luis Zapatero.

This has got to be a cover.  A lie to coverup that McCain forgot where Spain was, or that Spain was an ally, etc.   But if we are to take the McCain campaign at its word (a very risky proposition, given their pathological penchant for lying), then the United States and Spain are no longer allies, and the Prime Minister of Spain is not welcome at the White House.

I don’t envy the position of the McCain campaign right now.  Their choice is between having their candidate presented as a forgetful idiot who doesn’t know where Spain is, or as a belligerent antagonist who would make Bush look like a pacifist. 

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