Oh, That’s a Relief. Wait…

Filed in National by on September 18, 2008

From the Huffington Post:

The McCain campaign insisted Thursday morning that the Senator meant what he said when, during an interview on Spanish radio, he refused to commit to a meeting with Spain’s prime minister, Jose Luis Zapatero.

This has got to be a cover.  A lie to coverup that McCain forgot where Spain was, or that Spain was an ally, etc.   But if we are to take the McCain campaign at its word (a very risky proposition, given their pathological penchant for lying), then the United States and Spain are no longer allies, and the Prime Minister of Spain is not welcome at the White House.

I don’t envy the position of the McCain campaign right now.  Their choice is between having their candidate presented as a forgetful idiot who doesn’t know where Spain is, or as a belligerent antagonist who would make Bush look like a pacifist. 


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  1. feces throwing monkey's evil twin says:

    If Spain is not with us, it is against us.

    By extension, the evil English dictator-ess Elizabeth “The Horrible” also better get her shit together or it is go time.

    USA #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. jason330 says:

    John McCain remembers the Maine!

  3. delawaredem says:

    Are you talking about the beloved Queen Elizabeth II?

  4. delawaredem says:

    How long was that Jason? 5 days?

  5. pandora says:

    Shorter, he spoke to me yesterday! Jealous? 😉

  6. delawaredem says:

    LOL. Jason will soon become a mythical being whose appearances in the comments will force all of us to drop to our knees to chant “Ooooommmmm”

  7. jason330 says:

    Just commenting is like a dry hump. As Long as I dont post, I’m still good.

    Having said that, Rick Jensen just tried to pull me back in by saying, “Barack Obama and Joe Biden are wrong, the economy is GOOD!” and “The Wall Street Journal is a Liberal newspaper.”

  8. Linoge says:

    Hey, it could be worse… he could have forgotten how many states there are in the Union, too.

    Oh, wait, that was your candidates schtick… sorry!

  9. pandora says:

    J, Jensen’s been blathering all week. He needs a good blog spanking!

  10. JohnnyX says:

    “Hey, it could be worse… he could have forgotten how many states there are in the Union, too.”

    Except that anyone who actually watched the “57 states” clip could tell that Obama was obviously making a joke about how frequently he had been traveling.

    Go back to cleaning your gun, jackass.

  11. delawaredem says:

    So Jensen is out of touch as McCain. Nothing new there.

  12. Linoge says:

    Oh, right, thanks for reminding me, Johnny. When a Democrat slips up, it is a joke. When a Republican slips up, it is, “ZOMG, THE SKY IS FALLING.”

    I forgot the whole “party first” mantra…

  13. feces throwing monkey's evil twin says:


    You got him cold. BUSTED Johnny !! Ha HA!! Don’t forget, Obama said check you tire pressure. Ha Ha!! Stupid DUMBO-crats!!!

    Also, McCain was a POW!!!!

    USD #1!!!!!

  14. JohnnyX says:

    >Oh, right, thanks for reminding me, Johnny. When a Democrat slips up, it is a joke. When a Republican slips up, it is, “ZOMG, THE SKY IS FALLING.”

    Is there not a fundamentally huge difference between a “slip up” that misrepresents the number of states in the U.S. versus one that potentially antagonizes a major European ally of ours?

    It’s not a question of party, it’s a question of magnitude and potential ramifications. You know, “Haha dumb American presidential candidate doesn’t know how many states there are” versus “What the fuck? Crazy American presidential candidate is trying to pick a fight with a fellow NATO member?”

  15. pandora says:

    The difference between a smoking gun and a mushroom cloud, perhaps?

  16. G Rex says:

    “John McCain remembers the Maine!”

    Now that’s funny, I don’t care who you are!

  17. I won’t drink beer, I’ll just have wine…..

    sound familiar jason?